Chapter 203 Moonlight Zombie Group

After listening to Yaoyao's words, Xiao Zilan still couldn't believe that they were going to make a deal with the Moonlight Zombies!

But she soon calmed down. The world is so big and full of wonders, so what’s wrong with making deals with zombies? So what if you haven’t seen them before. Isn’t it going to happen now?
Xiao Zilan tidied up her appearance and walked towards the moonlight zombie with Feng Yu.

As soon as he saw the moonlight zombie, Feng Yu first said hello to him, and Xiao Zilan also said hello to him with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

Then the moonlight zombie first made a strange sound to Xiao Zilan and others. Seeing that Xiao Zilan and others looked puzzled, then they seemed to suddenly understand something. After hesitating for a long time, they finally said a human word. : "I heard that you want to make a deal with me?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, we need this Star Stone and would like to make a deal with you." Feng Yu said.

"Then tell me first, what are you going to use to trade with me?" Moonlight Zombie said.

Xiao Zilan and Feng Yu looked at each other in confusion, because they didn't know what the Moonlight Zombies needed, and what they wanted to take away was something that the Moonlight Zombies depended on for their survival. It would be a bit awkward to ask them to come up with something of equal value. Disaster.

Xiao Zilan was silent here, but the Moonlight Zombie spoke: "Since you can't come up with something that satisfies me, please leave here. I don't want to embarrass you."

"This, Moonlight, uh... Young Master Zombie..." Xiao Zilan said, making herself a little embarrassed, "We really need this Star Stone. I wonder what you are willing to exchange with us for this Stone? It can also make us feel happy." Countless."

Moonlight Zombie smiled: "First of all, I want to clarify one thing. Although I am now a zombie, my gender is female. Another point is that you are making deals with me now, not that I insist on making deals with you. Deal. You are so insincere, why are you talking to me? You don’t need to talk nonsense, leave here quickly. Although I don’t want to fight with you, but there are many people here who want to eat you. people!"

Xiao Zilan froze and ate their people... But she panicked for a moment, and soon she thought of a way. Since the moonlight zombies improve themselves by sucking the essence of moonlight, and they need the star stone mainly, don't they? For this moonlight essence?But the Moonlight Essence is not only produced by the Star Stone, it just needs to find something that can replace the Star Stone.Xiao Zilan thought like this and began to think about what could get the moonlight essence.

Xiao Zilan couldn't help but look at Yaoyao and asked softly: "Is there anything else that can naturally produce moonlight essence?"

Yaoyao thought for a while and said: "Can you produce moonlight essence by yourself? Moonlight Cold Jade will do!"

"Moonlight Cold Jade? What is that?" Xiao Zilan asked.

"Legend has it that this Moonlight Cold Jade comes from the far north, the place closest to the moon. Since it is constantly absorbing moonlight essence during its growth, it will naturally emit moonlight essence. However, once this Once the moonlight essence in the cold jade is exhausted, it will become just an ordinary jade."

"Then how can we find this Moonlight Cold Jade? I thought, since we want to take someone else's Star Stone, we can replace it with a Moonlight Cold Jade that can also get the moonlight essence. This can be regarded as an equal exchange. .”

"I don't know, this Moonlight Cold Jade is extremely difficult to find, but it is much more valuable than the Star Stone!" Yaoyao said.

Feng Yu said at this time: "Why don't we leave here first? It's not too late to think about how to find Yueguang Hanyu and then come back to exchange with him."

Xiao Zilan nodded.

Feng Yu then said to the moonlight zombie: "We will leave here first, and we will come back after we find items suitable for exchange with you."

He said this and left this place.

After they all left, a large wave of zombies surrounded the place.

"Sister Yue, what are those people here for?" asked a little zombie next to her.

The moonlight zombie said: "These people are here to find the Star Stone. They want to exchange the Star Stone from me."

"Ah! Sister Yue, you must not let them exchange the Star Stone! Otherwise, what will we eat?" The child touched his belly and said.

"Don't worry, the Star Stone is the guarantee for our advancement. I won't let them replace it! If they come again next time, you must hide. Your strength is too weak and it is not theirs. Opponent." The moonlight zombie said.

"Yeah, we will all hide!" the child said.

The moonlight zombie touched his head and said to him: "Okay, you should go practice quickly."

"Well, okay." The kid said and jumped away.

The moonlight zombie looked at the child's retreating back, and her thoughts were suddenly pulled away. She thought of the time when she was still a human, her parents, relatives and friends.This moonlight zombie is named Mu Xiaoyue, and she is actually an ordinary girl.

She lives with her parents in a remote village, and the family lives a very happy life.The folk customs in this village are simple and honest, and everyone is like a family together. As long as any one of them has something to do, other people will help one after another.

Mu Xiaoyue originally thought that she would live a simple and happy life until her death.I just didn't expect the change to happen so quickly.

Mu Xiaoyue lived in the ancient period of cultivation. At that time, everyone practiced cultivation, and cultivation was not something special for people.And their village is also quite special. Some people from the cultivation world live here in seclusion. Everyone wants to live an ordinary life.

Even so, you still need to communicate with the outside world, such as exchanging some things with people from the outside world.

Every month, people take turns leaving this small village and going to the outside world.And this month it happened to be Mu Xiaoyue's parents' turn.As usual, they left here through the formation in the small bamboo forest outside the village, and the rest of the people also went about their own things.

However, what they didn't expect was that not long after Mu Xiaoyue's parents left, the formation in the small bamboo forest outside the village was suddenly destroyed.

Everyone in the village immediately gathered at this place, and no one knew what happened.Why was this teleportation array suddenly destroyed by someone?This is the only way out of here, and the only way for the outside world to enter here.

When everyone saw this scene, they immediately began to think about what had happened.

However, they did not expect that not long after this incident, they found that everything around them had changed!Although the small bamboo forest is still a small bamboo forest, the surrounding atmosphere and everything are different!

In the next few days, everyone gradually discovered that some inexplicable people began to appear in this area where they were originally a small village. First, many monks entered this place one after another, and then they discovered A little bit of magic.

They didn't know what was going on, so they could only restrain their families so that they couldn't run around.

Mu Xiaoyue looked very depressed because her parents had left the small village and her whereabouts were unknown now.He has been locked up in his own home.

Until one day, the dark night they expected never came again, and the entire sky turned dark purple.Mu Xiaoyue heard her neighbor's screams in her home and ran out quickly to see her neighbor's Aunt Hu Hui lying on the ground rolling.

Mu Xiaoyue quickly helped her up and said to her: "Aunt Hu, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere? How about you bear with me for a while and I'll take you to Uncle Liu?"

Uncle Liu in Mu Xiaoyue's mouth is a miracle doctor and the exclusive doctor in their village. Everyone will go to him if they feel uncomfortable.

Hu Hui kept moaning at this time. Mu Xiaoyue had no way of hearing what she said, so he had to lead her towards Uncle Liu's house. But not far away, she saw Uncle Mu Feng's house again. Small stones also lay on the ground, and many people fell not far away.

Mu Xiaoyue murmured: "What on earth happened?"

At this time, she saw the village chief who was holding on to the wall. She quickly put down Hu Hui and ran to his side and said, "Uncle Qianlong, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with everyone?"

"Xiaoyue..." the village chief said with difficulty, "Go quickly, go quickly! If you don't go, it will be too late!"

"Uncle Qianlong, what's going on?" Mu Xiaoyue thought about how her parents had not been heard from some time ago because of the teleportation array, and the people she regarded as relatives have now become like this. appearance.But there was nothing he could do, and the tears in his eyes were about to fall.

"Hurry up, they are going to destroy us! This place may become Shura's battlefield! Your uncle and I can't hold on for much longer. Come to think of it, there aren't many people alive in this village anymore, so hurry up and leave. ! Don’t let them see you!” As he spoke, his breath gradually became weaker.

"Uncle Qianlong, Uncle Qianlong!" Mu Xiaoyue shook him gently a few times, finally recognizing the fact that she had left.

The voice of Hu Hui on the side gradually became weaker and weaker, and finally could not be heard.

Mu Xiaoyue searched the whole village and found that everyone except her had turned into a cold corpse.

Mu Xiaoyue fell to the ground and really didn't understand why everything was fine before but now everything has changed?

However, time did not allow her to think so much. She felt a strong malice not far away coming towards their village...

(End of this chapter)

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