Chapter 212 Plan
After the two of them left the city, they walked directly towards the western suburbs.Here is a whole bamboo forest.Their mission today is the Moon Sleeve Beast here.This kind of monster is very strange. It can easily run away in the middle of a fight, and it runs away so fast that it doesn't give anyone a chance to react.So it's not easy to catch.

After Xiao Chen explained some of the habits of the Moon Sleeve Beast to Xiao Zilan, he told her: "What we need this time is the Moon Sleeve Beast's inner elixir. Don't be fooled by its cute appearance and kill it easily. Let go."

"I understand, brother." Xiao Zilan nodded, indicating that she had remembered it.

The two of them continued walking forward and entered the bamboo forest.

As soon as he entered the bamboo forest, Xiao Zilan found that the entire atmosphere here was different.

Xiao Chen said softly to Xiao Zilan: "This is already the activity range of the Moon-sleeved beasts. We have to move a little gently. Some Moon-sleeved beasts will start to run away when they hear the sound of people walking around. Therefore, some people come out. I didn’t come across one when I was looking for them.”

Xiao Zilan nodded and followed closely behind Xiao Chen, his pace also much lighter.Not long after, Xiao Zilan saw the Moon Sleeve Beast with fur as soft as moonlight.

Xiao Chen nodded towards her, and Xiao Zilan sent out a plant entanglement, wrapping the Moon Sleeve Beast tightly.The moon-sleeved beast seemed to be frightened by something and desperately wanted to escape, but the vines wrapped around its body became tighter and tighter.Then, Xiao Zilan built several more earth walls, trapping the Moon Sleeve Beast directly inside.

Xiao Chen gave Xiao Zilan a thumbs up, and then, a fire directly burned the monster's body, and the fine fur was burnt black.

The Moon Sleeve Beast was so frightened by the fire that it broke free from the vines and jumped out of the earth wall.Neither Xiao Zilan nor Xiao Chen expected such a change, and they quickly chased after him.Xiao Zilan picked up a water polo and wrapped the Moon Sleeve Beast completely in the water polo. Xiao Chen also quickly stepped forward and dealt with the Moon Sleeve Beast directly.Only then did the two of them obtain the demonic beast's inner elixir.

Xiao Chen took a long breath and said to Xiao Zilan: "I didn't expect this Moon Sleeve Beast to be so difficult to catch. I probably underestimated the difficulty of this task."

Xiao Zilan smiled and replied: "At least we have completed the task now. As for the process, what does it matter?"

"That's true." Xiao Chen said, "Since the mission has been completed, let's go back."

"Okay." Xiao Zilan responded.

They returned to the Xiao family again. After the two of them went to hand in the task, Xiao Chen took Xiao Zilan to the martial arts training ground.

"This martial arts training ground is where the children of the family compete. Different people compete here every day. Even if you don't go on stage to compete, it's not a bad thing to come here to have a look. By the way, have you been here?" Xiao Chen Asked.

"Grandpa took me here once before." Xiao Zilan said.

"Is there someone giving you a hard time?" Xiao Chen asked.

"No one made things difficult for me, but I did meet someone who was very obsessed with cultivation and asked me for advice." Xiao Zilan said with a smile.

Xiao Chen also smiled: "You don't need to tell me, I probably know who that is."

Xiao Zilan smiled slightly and said nothing.She thought, since that girl was so bellicose and wanted to fight with her even when she had already announced that she was a Yuanying Stage monk, in this case, she must be very famous for her bellicosity!
The two of them did not continue talking on this issue.

When he arrived at Xiao Zilan's room, Xiao Chen sat down directly at the table without looking polite at all.After Xiao Zilan set a restriction around the area, she also sat down.He opened the teacup on the table, poured a cup of tea for Xiao Chen, and then poured a cup for himself.

"Grandpa was here before, so I couldn't ask you much. What are you going to do when you come back this time?" Xiao Chen asked.

"I don't have a clear goal yet. As I told you before, returning to the Xiao family was something my father told me before I left. So I had no intention of doing anything in the Xiao family." Xiao Zilan said, " It’s just that I need to go to the Lingxi Secret Realm next.”

Xiao Chen was surprised and asked: "You want to enter the Lingxi Secret Realm! That secret realm will not be opened until three years later! And this secret realm is countless times more dangerous than other secret realms! But with you like this If you enter with a certain level of cultivation, aren’t you looking for death?”

Xiao Zilan said with a smile: "Isn't it still three years before the secret realm opens? These three years must be enough for me to improve my strength. And I must go to this secret realm, and I have a reason to go. Just don't stop me." Xiao Chen explained: "I'm not saying I want to stop you, I just hope you can protect yourself."

"Brother, I understand, I am no longer a child." Xiao Zilan said.

"Yes, you are no longer a child, and you can make your own decisions on many things." Xiao Chen sighed, "What are your plans for the next three years?"

"I think I will stay at the Xiao family for a while first, and then I may go back to the academy, or go out with friends to practice. It's possible. Let's take it step by step. I don't have any fixed plans yet." Xiao Zilan said that suddenly she thought of the place where Xiao Chen stayed before. She was very curious about it and asked, "Brother, what was the place where you stayed before?"

"You mean the Divine Tower?" Xiao Chen said, "That is a very mysterious place, and it is said to be related to the lifeblood of the entire Tiangan Continent. But I seem to have never seen anyone enter the Divine Tower. However, everyone However, the family will regularly send personnel to guard around the tower."

"God Tower?" Xiao Zilan murmured, becoming very curious about this mysterious place. She asked Xiao Chen, "Cousin, you haven't been in it either?"

"No one ever goes in."

This is strange, Xiao Zilan thought, how could an unimportant place be guarded by so many people?If it's important, I haven't seen it have any effect.But she didn't pay too much attention to these things. The more important something was, the more ordinary it seemed on the surface.

The two sat there without speaking for a long time, only taking a sip or two of tea from time to time.

After a long while, Xiao Zilan said to Xiao Chen again: "Brother, do you want to go again this time?"

Xiao Chen naturally knew what Xiao Zilan was talking about. He said with a smile: "Of course I will go again. I'm afraid I will have to leave again soon."

"That's it..." Xiao Zilan thought that she didn't know many people at home, so she might as well call a few friends and go out to practice together!Now that the Black Clothes Hall has been eliminated, the sword hanging above their heads has also been lowered.When they go out, they don't need to be so cautious.Perhaps, in this case, there may not be any different opportunities.

As if she had made a decision, she said to Xiao Chen: "When you leave soon, I will go and practice. With my current cultivation level, I can't improve much if I continue to practice at home. I might as well Go out and have some experience, and maybe you’ll encounter some opportunities to improve yourself!”

"That's okay, but remember, don't go out alone." Xiao Chen paused, and finally said the matter, "There was an incident of 'god creation' in Zhongzhou before. Although it was suppressed, in the divine tower Many people over there know about it. Another thing is that the powerful ones have now suppressed the news..."

"What is it?"

"It is said that on the day when the 'Creation of Gods' plan was implemented, the Jiuli Pot that appeared in the hands of Taoyuan Xianyao never appeared again. From the news I got, it seems to be - lost... "

"Lost!" Xiao Zilan was surprised. She didn't expect that even her eldest brother knew about it.Also, how could something like the Jiuli Pot, which was related to the fate of the entire continent, not attract everyone's attention?
Wasn't the war between the divine beasts and the ferocious beasts thousands of years ago an extension of the desire brought about by the Jiuli Pot?In the end, this nightmare ended when several great beasts died together.Now, the whereabouts of the Jiuli Pot are unknown. If it falls into the hands of someone who can make good use of it, that's it. If it falls into the hands of those with evil intentions, it will probably be another bloody storm!
Xiao Zilan let out a long sigh. She already knew whose hands this Jiuli Pot fell into, and this person had a grudge against her. She also knew that the road ahead would be very uneventful, but she didn't expect this storm. The prelude to the coming is so fast.

If those in higher positions tried their best to track down the whereabouts of the Jiuli Pot, they would most likely have found it on Mu Jinxi's head. In that case, she might be forced to break the pot.The turmoil caused by the speed of the artifact is not something such a plane can bear.However, if no one stops Mu Jinxi, when her strength increases, I am afraid that no one will be able to stop her.This is neither advancing nor retreating, Xiao Zilan's entire face looks bad!

"I'm telling you this. Ye Zhishi hopes that you will pay attention when you go out. Don't take it lightly just because the Black Clothes Palace has been destroyed. The next fierce battle will leave people without a clue. There’s no way to start. I don’t want you to have it happen!”

"Brother! You and I have just met, so you have some confidence in me. I will pay attention." Xiao Zilan calmed down and said.

"Okay, that's all I have to say." Xiao Chen stood up, "You also have a good rest, I'll leave first."

Xiao Zilan responded: "Yeah. Okay." She smoothly removed the soundproofing ban she had just set.

After Xiao Chen left, Xiao Zilan stopped doing it again and let out a long sigh.Originally, she planned to stay in the Xiao family for a while, but now it seems that she may not be able to stay for long!She felt that she should start doing something... At the same time, Xiao Zilan became more interested in the tower...

(End of this chapter)

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