The female supporting role wants to become an immortal

Chapter 214 The weirdness of the woods

Chapter 214 The weirdness of the woods

Xiao Zilan hugged her belly and said with a smile: "Why didn't I realize that you are such a treasure before!"

Ning Xianxue gave her a blank look and ignored her.

The two of them didn't wait a few days before Feng Yu and Qiu Ming arrived at Ning's house. At this time, Ning Xianxue shared some of the information she had collected with everyone.

"You mean, all the monks who practiced there are gone? None of them have gone back?" Feng Yu asked.

"That's right, and some people's natal lights dim and appear, which means they are in an extremely dangerous place. So we have enough reasons to think that they and those monsters have been sucked into another place. In a space." Ning Xianxue said.

"Your analysis is correct, but the key question now is how to find that place." Qiu Ming said, "If we can't even find the place, then what's the use of talking about it?"

"Of course we have to find a place, isn't this waiting for you to come!" Xiao Zilan said with a smile, "I think we can go to the place where the golden light appeared first. Since it happened after the golden light appeared, For these things after that, that golden light is the key!"

"Sister! Everyone knows this, okay. The point is, how do we find a breakthrough from the golden light. If we can think this way, then others will definitely think this way. If it is really as easy as you said , do you think it's possible that no news has come out until now!" Qiu Ming said, "Besides, we rashly went to find that place where there is no trace..."

"Stop..." Xiao Zilan, who could no longer listen to what Qiu Ming said, quickly stopped him, "Qiu Ming, why did you become so nagging after you went back? Don't worry, we will too. Didn't we just go there rashly? Didn't we do some investigations before that..."

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Ning Xianxue: "That's right! What? Don't you believe me?"

"Haha..." Qiu Ming said with a smile, "How could it be..."

"Okay, then are we going to take a look outside the city and investigate?" Feng Yu asked.

"We originally planned to go take a look, but I think it's still relatively unsafe for two people, so I want to wait until you come to discuss this issue." Xiao Zilan said, and then added, "But I personally I’m quite curious about this issue and still want to go there and have a look.”

Feng Yu nodded.At this time, Ning Xianxue also spoke: "There is me and I, and I want to go too. I proposed this place. I also asked people to find so much information, so I have to figure it out no matter what. .”

Feng Yu glanced at Ning Xianxue and nodded silently.He also knew that she must have been annoyed by some things at home recently and wanted to go out for a walk to relax.Finally, he looked at Qiu Ming, and Qiu Ming could only say: "Okay, okay, you are all going, then I will go too."

Feng Yu nodded and concluded: "Since everyone agrees to go and investigate, let's make preparations and set off to take a look outside the city. But even though we are just going to take a look, we still have to sit down and be prepared in case just in case."

"Okay." The three of them said in unison.

After leaving the living room, Feng Yu followed Xiao Zilan and said to her: "Girl, Qiu Ming has encountered something during this time. Maybe the tone of what he said just now was a bit harsh, so don't take it to heart."

"What's wrong with him? It's like he's eaten a firecracker." Xiao Zilan was very confused. If he raised any questions in the past, Qiu Ming usually just raised his own questions, and would not be so aggressive like today.

"This... I can't say it." Feng Yu said, he couldn't tell Xiao Zilan, maybe it was a emotional injury.

Xiao Zilan shrugged and said: "I have nothing to do, but you can also advise him. If there is any problem, just solve it directly. What's the use of being so angry in your heart!"

"I will persuade him." Feng Yu said, "It's just that this kind of thing cannot be solved by others' persuasion. The key is to rely on himself. We should be more tolerant of this kind of thing. Okay, You go first, and I'll go see him later."

"Yes." Xiao Zilan nodded, and then prepared her own.

Feng Yu turned around to find Qiu Ming.

"I know what you are going to say. Don't try to persuade me. Let me calm down." Qiu Ming noticed Feng Yu's arrival and spoke before he could speak.

"That's just a man. If you really can't stand it, just attack him directly and teach him a lesson. Why bother? Besides, isn't it a big deal for you that Axue canceled her engagement with that man? Is it a good thing? Why do you have to do this? "

"I just..." Qiu Zhenzhen wanted to say something, but couldn't explain why.

Feng Yu patted his shoulder and said: "I know, you are just not willing to accept that Axue's engagement was broken off by such a person? But you also have to think about it from another angle. If Axue does not terminate the engagement with that person, Are you going to let her sink deeper and deeper into this quagmire? You don’t even think about it, how could that person be nice to her? "

Qiu Ming took a deep breath, and then heard Feng Yu say again: "Okay, we are going to practice next. Can you still be with us in a state like yours?"

"ok, ok, I got it."

"You, when you come back, you can resolve this matter and marry Ashue back home. You can cherish her as much as you want. Wouldn't it be better this way?"


"Don't worry, I will help you!" Feng Yu patted Qiu Ming's shoulder and said.

Qiu Ming's eyes lit up and she said, "This is what you said!"

"I said it." The two of them reached some kind of agreement in private, and Qiu Ming's mood improved a lot.

The next day, they left the city.

Sure enough, they didn't encounter even a single monster along the way.

Qiu Ming said: "Sure enough, there is something strange. Why don't I even see one?"

"I've said it all before, but you didn't listen carefully yesterday." Ning Xianxue complained, "The monsters outside the city have disappeared for a long time, but now it seems that they may have been swept away by a certain secret realm!"

"I have never seen such a secret realm before." Qiu Ming said.

"Aren't we going to see it? We'll know when the time comes." Ning Xianxue said.

Several people continued to walk deeper.As a result, we still didn't see any monsters.

At this time, Xiao Zilan asked: "Axue, do you know where the golden color appears?"

"I made inquiries before, and the golden color appeared in the woods to the east. But the specific direction is not known." Ning Xianxue answered.

"That's it. Let's go to that forest and have a look. Maybe we will gain something." Xiao Zilan said.

Then the four of them changed direction and headed towards the woods to the east.

Along the way, Xiao Zilan always felt that something was not quite right, but she couldn't say what.So she could only conclude that the reason for the disappearance of those monsters must be hidden in this forest.

As they walked, Xiao Zilan suddenly hesitated. Feng Yu turned around and asked, "What's wrong? Did you feel something?"

"It's hard to say, it's just a very vague feeling." Xiao Zilan said, "I always feel that this forest is weird, but I can't figure out where it is."

Ning Xianxue looked around and said to Xiao Zilan: "Is it weird? Why don't you feel anything?"

"I don't know, but the deeper we go into the woods, the stronger this feeling becomes." Xiao Zilan said.

"Okay, don't think too much. Maybe if you go further in, you will be able to find out what is wrong." Feng Yu said, "It's okay to stand here like this now. Let's continue going down." Let’s go.”

Xiao Zilan nodded and continued walking deeper.Pay attention to your surroundings as you walk.She couldn't help but wonder what was wrong, causing her to ignore it.

While walking, Xiao Zilan suddenly stopped. She knew what was wrong!
"What's going on?" Qiu Ming asked.

"I know! I know what exactly makes me feel wrong!" Xiao Zilan shouted.

"What's wrong? What's wrong?" Feng Yu said.

"The deeper these trees go, the richer their spiritual energy becomes."

"Is there anything wrong with this? Not many people come in and out here, so it's not surprising that the spiritual energy on their bodies is strong!" Qiu Ming said.

"No, look at them again. If the spiritual energy is strong, they should grow more luxuriantly. But look at them." Xiao Zilan pointed to the surrounding trees and said: "Can you see any difference between these trees? ?”

Qiu Ming looked at the surrounding trees carefully. Sure enough, there was no difference at all. So what was the use of the rich spiritual energy on them?
Everyone was silent at this time, thinking about where the rich spiritual energy had gone.

After a while, everyone looked into the depths of the woods silently.

"It seems that we must take a trip to this deep place." Feng Yu said with a smile.

"It doesn't matter, anyway, isn't this trip just to find out what is the reason for all this?" Qiu Ming said.

Several people continued walking deeper into the woods.

When we reached the depths of the woods, there was nothing but trees.

"There is nothing here. Could it be that we are looking in the wrong place?" Ning Xianxue said.

"No, I think we are not looking in the wrong place. There must be something weird on these trees." Xiao Zilan said this and looked around again.Then he walked around one of the trees, three times to the left and three times to the right, but still couldn't figure out why.

(End of this chapter)

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