Chapter 222 In Trouble
Xiao Zilan and others secretly breathed a sigh of relief. The two monsters had been dealt with, so there was no big problem.

As soon as this dark unicorn was killed, the illusion it had set up was broken.

Xiao Zilan and others breathed a sigh of relief, finally finding a way out of here. They were already a little exhausted at this time.He killed two opponents in a row, one was a demonic beast from ancient times and the other was a spiritual beast from ancient times.

Several of them walked out along the exit.However, not long after, there was a strong movement on the ground.Xiao Zilan and others were so shocked that they could hardly stand.They all felt very strange, and couldn't help but feel a little nervous. Aren't the two in front the most powerful?Are there more powerful monsters hiding under the ground?
Several people looked at each other and ran forward quickly.The shaking on the ground still didn't stop.

"What on earth is this? Why is it so powerful?" Ning Xianxue asked.

"I don't know either." Xiao Zilan replied, "It won't catch up, right?"

"That's not certain." Qiu Ming replied, "We'd better leave this place quickly. We have consumed too much energy! If we really encounter him, we may not have the power to fight back!"

"Stop talking so much, let's leave here first!" Feng Yu said.

Xiao Zilan and others were silent and stopped talking, but ran forward as hard as they could.

As she ran, she couldn't help but glance behind her with her peripheral vision, and found a long tentacle waving.

this... this is...

Xiao Zilan was frightened when she saw the tentacle.Isn't that the tentacle of the water pig that they just killed? did it come alive again?
Seeing Xiao Zilan's pace slowing down, Feng Yu ran to her side and pulled her forward.Said: "Don't stop, leave here first."

"I seem to know what that thing is behind me!" Xiao Zilan said, "It's a water pig. It was not completely eliminated by us!"

"Girl, stop talking nonsense, hasn't that water pig been killed by us? How can it still be alive?" Feng Yu said.

"I'm not talking nonsense, I saw its tentacles just now, and the reason why the place is shaking so hard now is because its tentacles are beating the ground crazily." Xiao Zilan said.

"Oh my god, can we still run away like this?" Ning Xianxue sighed.

Qiu Ming added, find a place to hide first.In this situation, I'm afraid I can't escape. The water pig's tentacles are so long that there is no way to escape. It's better to find a place to hide first and then completely eliminate it! "

"Let's find a narrow place to hide first. This water pig is huge and there is no way it can pass through that narrow passage. In this case, we can also rest for a while. Then we will find a way to deal with it." Feng Yu said.

At this time, Qiu Ming sharply saw a narrow gap on the side, which was only big enough for one person to pass through, and the space inside the gap was enough to accommodate the four of them.So he hurriedly said: "There is a small gap there. Shui Xun's body cannot get in at all, and the space inside is enough to accommodate a few of us."

"Okay, let's go to that place. You go in first, and I'll take the back seat!" Feng Yu said.

"Axue, hurry up, go in first." Xiao Zilan also said quickly.

Ning Xianxue did not shirk away, and quickly stepped into the gap, followed by Xiao Zilan, then Qiu Ming, and finally Feng Yu.

And just after they entered the crack, Shui Zhi also appeared in front of them.

Feng Yu and others were startled by the sudden big mouth.Then, no matter how hard he beat the stone wall, there was no way to catch them.

Feng Yu and others breathed a sigh of relief.

"What should we do now? We can't just wait forever, right? We don't know if this stone wall is strong or not. If it accidentally lets it in, we will really be wiped out!"

"Now we can only take turns to meditate, and be careful to prevent the tentacles of water from reaching in. Although it can't get in, its tentacles can easily pass through the crack. In this case, it will easily entangle us. So keep guard People on the side must pay attention and cut off the tentacles that come in if necessary." Feng Yu said.

The remaining people nodded, and then Feng Yu continued: "A few of us will be paired up, two of us will rest and the other will defend. In this case, if anything happens, we will have someone to take care of us." So the four of them were divided into two groups. There were two groups, Feng Yu and Xiao Zilan, and Ning Xianxue and Qiu Ming.In this way, the two groups took turns to watch. First, Qiu Ming and Ning Xianxue meditated to restore the spiritual energy in their bodies, while Feng Yu and Xiao Zilan stood guard.Not long after, the pig seemed to be tired of patting it, so it stopped patting it and seemed to have left.

Xiao Zilan felt very strange, could it just leave like this?It seems unlikely!
As she expected, not long after, the water pig suddenly appeared in front of the crack again. This time, it seemed to have learned some experience, and no longer stood in front of the stone crack and slapped hard, trying to remove the obstruction. Its stones were shattered.Instead, the entire body was stuck to the gap, and then each tentacle kept groping on the stone wall, as if trying something.

Xiao Zilan stared at the water pig carefully, wondering what it would do next.

I saw its tentacles constantly groping, then found a breakthrough, and stretched the tentacles through the crack.As soon as the tentacle stretched out, it was immediately cut off by Feng Yu's sword.

The water pig let out a trombone sound in pain, as if it had found some secret, waving its long tentacles crazily, and constantly reaching in through the crack.At first there was only one tentacle, then two, then three.

The severed tentacles grew back on their own after a while. Therefore, the tentacles of the water pig kept extending in, which did not give Xiao Zilan and Feng Yu a breathing space.

It was fine at first, and the two of them were able to do it with ease, but not long after, the two of them began to fail.After all, they had consumed too much spiritual energy before, but now their spiritual energy was no longer enough to support them!
Xiao Zilan struggled to cut off the tentacles that the water pig stretched out in front of her.When he turned around, he found that Feng Yu had been entangled in him.She was shocked, and just wanted to turn around and cut off the tentacles wrapped around him, but she didn't expect that the tentacles that were stretched out in front of her were also entangled by her carelessness.

Xiao Zilan couldn't struggle, and her breath gradually became weaker.

The tentacles of the water pig were getting tighter and tighter, and at this moment, Qiu Ming and Ning Xianxue also reacted from their meditation, and immediately stepped forward to cut off the tentacles wrapped around Xiao Zilan and Feng Yu.

At this time, the water pig also stretched out more tentacles.

Qiu Ming said while cutting off the tentacles of the water pig: "None of us can support this situation, so we must find a way quickly."

Feng Yu adjusted his breath and said to Qiu Ming: "What else can we do now? We already have two wounded here, and we are completely unable to use our strength. What else can we do in this situation?"

After listening to Feng Yu's words, everyone fell silent.Xiao Zilan spoke at this time: "Is it possible that we can only wait here to die?"

"Not necessarily. If there is a thunderstorm like the one you had last time, just throwing it into the big mouth of the water pig might solve the dilemma this time." Ning Xianxue said.

"This is not feasible." Xiao Zilan said, "The water pig's ability to repair itself is too high. There is no way that kind of thunder can completely solve it. Even if it is blown into pieces, I'm afraid It also has the ability to repair itself!"

"How could we meet such a perverted monster?" Ning Xianxue said speechlessly, looking at the remaining people with a confused expression, "Isn't there something that is its nemesis?"

"This..." Xiao Zilan thought for a while and said, "There should be some. You must know that there are millions of things in the world, and they are all mutually reinforcing. Since there is a perverted monster like the water pig, there must be something to restrain it. Something. Otherwise, as early as ancient times, this water pig has dominated the entire continent, how could it allow us humans to lead it!"

"The key now is that we don't know what is the thing that restrains it. I think people at the time didn't know what restrained it. Otherwise, a monster like this that can endanger the entire continent would have been around for a long time. Just be wiped out!" Feng Yu said.

As he said this, he saw the water pig suddenly sucking in its big mouth, dragging Xiao Zilan and others closer to the crack, so that they had to insert their swords into the ground to stop themselves from moving forward. go.

"Oh my god, if this continues, there's no need to wait, we can just go in!" Qiu Ming said.

Xiao Zilan looked at the shrinking mouth and couldn't help but feel a little nauseous.This damn monster, how can we get rid of it?I really want to burn it directly with a fire!
Wait, a fire?

Xiao Zilan suddenly thought that although the fire of stars is not very lethal, it is still a strange fire from ancient times. It shouldn't be a big problem to burn such a monster, right?Or maybe the monster was directly taken into the Shennong Cauldron and refined?

Thinking like this, Xiao Zilan quickly used her spiritual consciousness to communicate with Yaoyao to see if the Shennong Cauldron and Star Fire could deal with this monster.

Soon, Yaoyao told Xiao Zilan directly that it was theoretically possible.But after all, no one has tried it, and I don’t know whether it can succeed.The reason why the water pig was not eliminated back then was because there was not enough water to keep it moving.Even if there are, they have never been seen leaving the swamp.Regarding the water pig, it was because a demon cultivator brought it out of the swamp.But in the end he suffered the consequences.

(End of this chapter)

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