Grumpy boss, he's come to behave again

Chapter 383 urges him to fall in love.

Chapter 383 urges him to fall in love.

Ji Hongyuan kept looking at the laughter and was in a good mood today. He reached out and took out the bottle of wine and poured it for several people.

"I couldn't get a word in when you were chatting, but now there's something I can do."

Several people laughed when they heard this.

Fang Hui's cooking skills are good, and almost everyone here can eat spicy food, so she followed everyone's taste, stir-fried the meat with spicy oil and stir-fried it, chopped green and red peppers into shreds and mixed them with potatoes, which was full of aroma, and boiled The rich corn soup with fragrant bone soup was brought to the table, still bubbling gently.

Most of them are home-cooked dishes. We chat for a while from time to time, and the atmosphere is quite comfortable.

"Yu Yu, I remember you celebrated your birthday at the beginning of the year, so you should be [-] or [-] now. How about it? It's halfway through your freshman year. Have you brought back a girlfriend for your mother?"

Fang Hui asked with a smile, stood up and served a few spoons of soup for everyone. The thick white soup was pure, fragrant and sweet, and Mother Lin praised it several times.

Hearing this, he rolled his eyes at the boy sitting next to him.

"He's about 1 meters tall. You can have a good face if you want. After all, it's up to me. But I've been urging him to fall in love with this guy since high school, but he just won't. What can I do? I raise him at home. Became an ascetic."

"Oh? Seeing that our Yuyu is so handsome, I thought he had a girlfriend. Damn, I just asked casually, let's just ask about it. Don't be anxious. After all, the child is still young. It's okay if he doesn't meet someone he likes. This way, when you meet someone you like, you don’t have to tell me to take him home right away.”

"Tsk, don't tell me. Last year during the Chinese New Year, we asked him at home if he didn't like girls, and the boy finally said that he liked girls. He didn't talk until he was a freshman, so we didn't It’s not easy to rush.”

Father Cheng shook his head and smiled. Of course, he felt that they were a little too hasty.

It's all because Cheng Yu's mother keeps nagging her at home, which makes him sometimes forget that his son is only a little older and thinks that 20 is a lot.

"Lao Cheng, let's talk about this again. If you hadn't suddenly said such a thing at that time, I wouldn't have been forced to observe his brother for the next month or two."

Mother Lin complained, recalling the difficult process of covert observation at that time, her tone was somewhat complaining.

"I don't see how panicked you are. As you said, the toilet is only used to identify gender, not love. I'm not following your advanced ideas."

"Okay, okay, stop talking. Besides, our son will fall out."

Cheng Yu: "..."

I just need to silently pick up my rice bowl and eat.

But once the topic comes to the love between children, parents always have endless things to talk about.

Just as Ji Enen was about to get up and pour a glass of water, he was suddenly cueed.

"Well, our daughter is so good-looking. Does she have a boyfriend?"

As soon as Cheng's father said this joke, the atmosphere in the air became a little stiff.

The smile on Fang Hui's face paused for a moment, then returned to normal.

"It's harmful, yes, the little girl has a boyfriend by herself."

"Oh, I really have a boyfriend. Ji Hongyuan, have you ever gone to school to see him? Such a beautiful baby girl cannot be taken away by some bastard."

Ji Hongyuan smiled silently, took a sip of wine, and did not answer. The atmosphere inexplicably became colder.

After Cheng Yu suddenly heard that Ji Enen had a boyfriend, he felt inexplicably empty for a moment. He was also the most sensitive now, and he felt the change in the atmosphere in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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