Hello, my devil!

Chapter 110 The Kiss of Punishment

Chapter 110 The Kiss of Punishment
the other side

"Yu Yang, Yin Chen," Bai Xi'er said, "Let's go."

"..." Leng Yuyang still stood where he was.Looking at Yin Chen with cold eyes,

But Ou Yinchen raised his eyebrows and stopped looking at him, "Then let's go in."

After saying that, he took Bai Xier's hand like a playboy and invited her in like a gentleman.

Leng Yuyang then went in, but felt really uncomfortable.I took two bites of rice.Just walk outside.

"Yu Yang, why don't you eat?" Bai Xi'er asked.

"I'm full." Leng Yuyang said coldly without looking back.

Huangfu said quietly to the side: "...there's another conflict."

Lu Li looked at them, said nothing, and ate quietly.

Ou Yinchen continued to eat as if nothing had happened.It was as if he couldn't see what was going on around him.

Leng Yuyang had already figured it out when he left the canteen. In fact, it was just Gu Huai who was simply helping Ye Xiaowei out of trouble.

There is no such thing as student information at all.

But he was still furious.

Why, that girl didn't believe she could solve the problem, and instead ran away with Gu Huai.

Now the two of them are talking and laughing again.However, it is also possible that she was hungry and did not dare to go to the cafeteria again.Like last time, I didn't eat anything all day.

An uneasy guy.

Leng Yuyang frowned and thought, then turned to the supermarket next to the canteen and bought bread and water.

then.Taking long and slender steps, his steps couldn't help but speed up.

To be honest, Ye Xiaowei felt palpitations at this moment, and her heartbeat was pounding.

After all, such a handsome and beautiful face was so close to her, and those strong and strong hands hugged her again.

The warm body temperature was right next to him.

Can I not be moved?It's suitable for girls, so you have to be tempted.

"Are you... okay?" Gu Huai asked softly from under her. Ye Xiaowei was completely immersed in male lust at this moment, still pressing down on Gu Huai, her eyes dull! : "No...it's okay."

"Yeah." Gu Huai smiled and used his long fingers to pin the strands of hair around Ye Xiaowei's face to her ears.

This made Ye Xiaowei even more excited! !
Senior Gu Huai! !He’s so good at flirting with girls! ! ! !
Moreover, he didn't look embarrassed at all.

On the contrary, he looked embarrassed and had never seen the world.

Ahhhhh... No... I can't fall.

Ye Xiaowei reacted and finally got off him as if she couldn't bear it. "I... I'm sorry, senior."

Gu Huai also stood up and dusted himself off. "It's fine."

Ye Xiaowei really couldn't stand this ambiguous atmosphere.I feel that I have no face to look at Senior Gu Huai anymore.

If he stayed any longer, he didn't know what embarrassment would happen.

So he lowered his head and kept bowing: "Senior, I think I'd better go back to the classroom."

"Hey, you haven't eaten yet..." Gu Huai resisted.

"It's okay, I still have something in the classroom." Ye Xiaowei lied and ran away quickly.

At this time... Ye Xiaowei didn't expect it at all.

Standing at the corner not far away... Leng Yuyang's eyes had already penetrated Ye Xiaowei.His eyes were cold.

Leng Yuyang's heart was full of mixed feelings, jealousy, uneasiness, and even some anger, all lingering in his chest.

Then, he finally saw Ye Xiaowei walking over.

Finally, throw away what you bought.A strong big hand pulled Ye Xiaowei.Pulled her into the men's room.

Lock the door aggressively.Clamping Ye Xiaowei's hand, he pressed it against the wall.A set of actions is completed in one go.

He threatened and said to the panicked little rabbit in front of him: "I think you should not make trouble now, lest people think you are a pervert."

The eyes were hot and cold.It was as if there were both demons and angels living inside.It's hard to figure out.And endlessly fascinating.

(End of this chapter)

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