Hello, my devil!

Chapter 130 Then do you like me?

Chapter 130 Then do you like me?


Ye Xiaowei glared at Leng Yuyang, but still bit his lips and became determined.

"Master, no more." Ye Xiaowei still stood on tiptoes in shame and whispered into Leng Yuyang's ear.

"Okay. No more clothes. I'll buy you another pair of shoes." After Leng Yuyang heard this, he pulled her into another store with satisfaction.

I quickly bought a pair of exquisite brown leather shoes.Then I took a look at the beauty store next to it.

He pulled her inside again.

Ye Xiaowei followed Leng Yuyang, carrying clothes and shoes.Suddenly I started thinking.

Leng Yuyang was too kind to her today...

Could it be...that this was because she slept with herself last night, and then she felt that she was not his girlfriend in a bad name.And I am still so aggrieved.Just buy her something.

To put it simply, it is just a pretense of buying things for pets under the guise of a master-servant game.
Is it actually just to make up for her physical loss?
Thinking of this, Leng Yuyang listened to the waiter's suggestion and bought her a tube of YSL's popular Zhannan lip gloss.

Ye Xiaowei was really embarrassed to accept it.

How can a boy be nice to a girl for no reason?
There are only two possibilities.

Either he likes that girl.

Ye Xiaowei looked at Leng Yuyang, could it be...

She took Leng Yuyang's hand and pulled him aside.Asked him seriously: "How about we pause for a moment? Seriously, you..."

Leng Yuyang looked at her and said, "What?!"

Ye Xiaowei felt it was too difficult to say it, so she tried to be more tactful and said it another way: "Aren't you afraid that Bai Xi'er will see us like this?"

"Why are you afraid?" Leng Yuyang's tone became a little cold.

Ouch, you are so brave! ! !This young master.

"Why, aren't you afraid that she will be jealous and she will ignore you?"

"...No! Afraid!" Leng Yuyang spat out two words.It seemed that she really didn't want to hear the word Bai Xi'er.

He gave Ye Xiaoyi a cold look.He was indicating that he was already very unhappy.Our Ye Xiaowei's heart skipped a beat.She was so frightened by his appearance that she shrank her neck.

But turn your head.He thought carefully about what Leng Yuyang meant! ! !

No way……

Ye Xiaowei tried her best not to think about that, but she couldn't help but think about it.

He hesitated for a while.

at last.

"...You don't like her anymore?" Ye Xiaowei asked her last question without giving up.

"Yeah." Leng Yuyang nodded.This girl, today, finally knows.

But the next question made Leng Yuyang's whole body freeze.

"Do you like me?"

Listening to Ye Xiaowei's unashamed tone, he looked at her innocent look.

Leng Yuyang didn't know what else to say.

To be honest, this straight ball caught Leng Yuyang off guard.

Ye Xiaowei, this woman with a magical brain circuit!Why can you ask this question so confidently?
How could she ask about such a confession?

He should take the initiative to do this kind of thing.

Find a suitable, romantic, scene venue.Confess to her and ask her to be his girlfriend.

However, now Ye Xiaowei asked without any shyness.

He hesitated again.He thought again of Bai Bai who didn't show off last time.What he almost said before the two quarreled...

For a moment, he hesitated.

(End of this chapter)

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