Chapter 134
dressing room

"Lu Lu Lu Lu Lu... Senior Lu Li!" Ye Xiaowei stammered and pressed against the door, looking at Lu Li who was holding a cat in the dressing room and squinting at her.

"...Coming?" It was still a lazy voice.Seeing her come in, Lu Li just raised his eyelids slightly.

"Well..." Ye Xiaowei agreed on the surface, but his hand quietly turned the handle, trying to open the door.

Lu Li saw through her thoughts at a glance, glanced at her, and threatened her with disdain: "How dare you go out and give it a try."

"Hey, it's nothing! Tell me, how could I escape..."

Ye Xiaowei forced a smile.Put down his restless hand.

"That's fine. Come here. Change clothes." Lu Li put down the cat in his hand.Sneered at her.

Ye Xiaowei's steps seemed to be as heavy as a thousand pounds, as if she was stuck in a quagmire, walking very hard step by step.

Seeing her like this, Lu Li's mocking smile deepened.I looked at the rows of clothes.Most of them are exaggerated comedy costumes.

Then, he picked out a very exaggerated medieval gothic dress similar to that worn by Cinderella's stepmother.

Passed it to Ye Xiaowei.

"Yinchen and I picked this one for you together. Put it on, sissy." Lu Li raised his eyebrows proudly.

Look at the tube top style and exaggerated skirt width.Ye Xiaowei swallowed again.

"What are you waiting for! Take off your clothes quickly!" Ye Xiaowei looked at him in shock.Lu Li urged.


"We are all men, why should we be afraid of taking off our clothes!" Lu Li looked at her coy posture.Said impatiently.

After Ye Xiaowei heard this, he couldn't help gritting his teeth and could only unbutton his coat with difficulty.

It only took 2 minutes to take off just one coat.

"...Do you want me to help you?" Lu Li raised his eyebrows.

"No, no, no." Ye Xiaowei waved her hand.

How to do how to do! ! ! !Ye Xiaowei rolled his eyes and thought quickly.

You can't let him know your daughter's identity! !
It's not like Gu Huai, who would hide it from you.According to Ye Xiaowei's observation for so long, with Senior Lu Li's personality, he would definitely be too lazy to help her.

and.Senior Lu Li doesn't like himself very much lately.

Ye Xiaowei felt it.

what!Got it!

Ye Xiaowei suddenly remembered the scene when he saw Leng Yuyang for the first time.How did she escape?

He covered Leng Yuyang's face with the quilt, and then punched his eyes.Leng Yuyang fainted.

very good.There is no quilt here, but there are clothes!

Use this huge dress to cover his whole body from behind, then use your fists to escape.


This plan works!

"Senior Lu Li, look out the window quickly!" Ye Xiaowei made up her mind and suddenly pointed to the window with her hand and said to Lu Li.

"What's wrong?" Senior Lu Li asked, unconsciously looking out the window behind him.

The body also turned around.

What an opportunity!This is the opportunity!You have to catch it yourself! !

Seeing him turn around, Ye Xiaowei immediately picked up the big, damn clothes and prepared to cover Lu Li's head. unexpected surprise came! !

Lu Li turned around at exactly this moment.

So————Ye Xiaowei raised his clothes high, and the hands that were about to cover his head suddenly froze in the air.

"What are you doing?" Lu Li said to her in a cold voice.

Ye Xiaowei's eyes froze!

(End of this chapter)

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