Hello, my devil!

Chapter 136 Chapter 140 Women disguised as women

Chapter 136 Chapter 140 Women disguised as women
"...Me? Change clothes?" Ye Xiaowei looked confused.

"Just follow me and you'll find out." Gu Huai winked at her.

So Ye Xiaowei was dragged along by Gu Huai in a daze, and he didn't know where he ended up.

After all, she was a bit road-crazy, and it was dark.She couldn't tell where was which.

I was taken to a room and found something beautiful!A beige long evening dress that could really be described as beautiful was displayed in front of Ye Xiaowei.

Under the light of the light, the golden light shines.Beautiful as a rare treasure.

"...Would you like to wear it for me?" Ye Xiaowei was so surprised that she couldn't even close her mouth.I couldn't take my eyes away from that dress.

"Yeah. Do you like it?" Gu Huai asked her.

"It's very expensive..." Ye Xiaowei blurted out.Yes, her first thought was that it was expensive.

Second thoughts.The Gu Huai family runs a school, so they are so rich! Hohohoho! !

"You don't have to worry about this. You can change your clothes first, and I'll go out first. The student union has some logistical matters, and I'll see you later." Gu Huai looked at his watch.As if counting time.

"Oh. Okay." Ye Xiaowei nodded obediently.

"Wait." Ye Xiaowei called Gu Huai again.

"What's wrong?" Gu Huai looked back at her.

Ye Xiaowei hesitated and pulled Gu Huai's sleeve.Then he raised his shining eyes and said softly to Gu Huai: "Senior Gu Huai, can I dance with you if I put on this dress?"

Gu Huai rubbed her short wig and said to her: "Of course, otherwise, why would I prepare clothes for you."

"Oh..." Ye Xiaowei was thoughtful.

"But...you have to recognize me when I wear a mask." Gu Huai said with a smile. "Otherwise, I will be so disappointed."

"Of course! Of course!!" Ye Xiaowei nodded, "Even if senior wears a mask, I will definitely recognize him." "That's good." Gu Huai smiled. "You change clothes. I'm going out."

Watching Senior Gu Huai go out, Ye Xiaowei was about to change clothes, but suddenly her cell phone rang.

"Hey, where are you? Send me your location." Leng Yuyang's voice came through the receiver.

"Oh. What's wrong?" Ye Xiaowei asked.

"I'm looking for you, you little bunny dog. Be good and don't run away from me." A brief conversation.Leng Yuyang hung up the phone.

Ye Xiaowei put down the phone.I was a little dissatisfied, thinking about why I didn't come just now, and now I think of her.snort.

Just take off your wig and change clothes.Suddenly there was a sound from the next room.

"Hey, go away! Are you going to do it?"

"Master, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. The button was fine just now, but I don't know why it fell off."

"Tsk!! How did you do this?! Do you still want to stay at my house!!!"

"I'm sorry, Master, let me go to the next door. I should have just seen some needlework there. I should be able to make up for it."

This.........what's the young master's voice...

...Why does it sound so familiar!Ye Xiaowei couldn't help but start to reminisce.

what! ! !
It's Huangfu's voice! !
Something wrong with his dress?Ye Xiaowei guessed, so out of curiosity, she stepped out of the room.Arrived next door.

Watch carefully at the door.

"Eh-?!" Huangfu suddenly spotted Ye Xiaowei at the door, and his eyes lit up: "Hey! Waiter! What are you doing sneaking around at the door?! If you want to come in, come in!"

(End of this chapter)

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