Hello, my devil!

Chapter 151 Leak

Chapter 151 Leak


Deadly silence————

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at Ou Yinchen who was hit by the sanitary napkin.

The brave one couldn't hold it in any longer and started laughing.

The timid one still tried his best to hold it back, not daring to laugh out loud.

Everyone around looked at Ye Xiaowei.

Waiting for Ye Xiaowei's fate.Waiting to see what happens to her.

Ou Yinchen paused for a while.

Finally, he looked at Ye Xiaowei with a smile on his face, took a breath and said, "Special enrollment...?"

After saying that, he picked it up arrogantly and waved it in front of her in a nonchalant manner.

Ye Xiaowei's face instantly turned red...with blood dripping from it.

The people around him couldn't help but started laughing "hahahahahahahahaha".

This damn bastard! ! !jerk! !The devil incarnate! ! ! !
Ye Xiaowei gritted his teeth and thought.Endure the ridicule of those around you.

I really must not step on this person and trample on his hateful face! ! !
Just when I can’t get off the table————

Here, Gu Huai quietly walked out from the crowd. He walked up to Ye Xiaowei and looked at Ye Xiaowei quietly. Then, regardless of the eyes of others, he gently held her hand and said, "Didn't we agree Are you going to dance with me today? Where did you go? "

Ye Xiao only had a moment to stare at Gu Huai in astonishment: "Senior Gu Huai... why... why did you show up at this time..."

Gu Huai smiled: "Why... shouldn't I show up now?"

After saying that, he glanced at Yin Chen and said, "I'm sorry, Yin Chen, she is my... dance partner tonight."

Yin Chen suddenly smiled brightly and said playfully: "Really? Special admissions, you are really amazing." Ye Xiaowei was about to say something, but Gu Huai stopped him and shook his head at her.

Seeing Gu Huai's dissuasion, Ye Xiaowei had no choice but to bear it.

The music started playing again at exactly the right moment.The boys and girls returned to the dance floor one after another and began to continue dancing.

But now there are still eyes cast towards them from time to time.

We can meet Ye Xiaowei. Tomorrow's campus headlines - it's me again! !

It could be - awesome! !The first-year special effects student Xiaosan takes over and joins Mr. Ou and Mr. Gu at the same time!
It could also be that the vice-president of the student union has a new love affair - his girlfriend actually had an affair with Ou Shao of the WD Group! !

It could also be————surprise! !The bold poor man is willing to hit people with sanitary napkins in order to gain attention! !


In short...I have become the center of a conversation again!
"What are you thinking about..." Gu Huai pulled Ye Xiaowei onto the dance floor and said to her softly. "Yinchen has left. Don't stay..."

"Ah...he's gone?" Ye Xiaowei came back to his senses.It was discovered that Ou Yinchen could no longer see anyone.

"Yes...Do you still want him to stay here..."

he's gone……

he's gone…………

he's gone! ! ! ! ! ! !
its not right! ! !He still has his clothes in his hand! !

If he leaves, who will he find to go to?

Ye Xiaowei lowered his head and looked...

At this time, the lights are dim...

(End of this chapter)

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