Hello, my devil!

Chapter 161 Doing this kind of thing on Friday

Chapter 161 Do this kind of thing on Friday
Damn... I just wanted to tease this little girl...

Unexpectedly, I was getting angry.

This little woman is too lethal...

It makes me angry every minute.

Sure enough, he is a rabbit dog that should not be underestimated.

He pinched her chin, gritted his teeth and said, "You are so shameless and impatient... Just say what you want..."

Ye Xiaowei was very close to him. She blinked her big innocent eyes and said, "Yeah...what's wrong?"

"What a good pet for the master..." Leng Yuyang said meaningfully with hatred.

Does she know? ! !He is now seduced by her...

He really became a beast...

She spoke softly, her eyes a little blurry: "Don't...don't be here..."

"Then where can we..." Leng Yuyang looked at her, his breathing became rapid.

Ye Xiaowei said with a red face: "I promise you... Friday... okay..."

"Huh? Friday..." Leng Yuyang frowned, "...today is only Monday."

Ye Xiaowei blushed and whispered in his ear: "I... I promise you... Friday... that... that's okay..."

"Which one?" Leng Yuyang raised his eyebrows.Very interested.

"Kiss...touch..." Ye Xiaowei pouted.suggested quietly.It looks like the little daughter-in-law is unwilling to be raped by the old Wang next door.

Leng Yuyang had a dark look on his face...

...She actually said this! ! !
It's so...his...mom...is speechless!This Ye Xiaowei!

It’s really hard for her…………!
It seems that she is afraid that if she doesn't say these words, she feels that she won't let her go, right?
Hehehehe... Leng Yuyang's face twitched.

Really, the more I looked at her, the more I felt that she looked awkward.A look of reluctance.

He took her whole body out of his arms and placed her on the table, his handsome face regaining its ascetic look.

Seriously, earnestly, button her clothes and help her tidy up her clothes.He said coldly: "...I think I'd better take you to dinner."


What's wrong……

Didn't he like what she suggested? ? ?

what happened? ? ?

Don't you like it very much?he? ?The kiss she gave me just now was so passionate.

Why did he become a different person in the blink of an eye?

I can't figure it out...

But he was still pulled, and he allowed himself to be led by him, half-nudging him to the empty canteen.

Fortunately, they all finished eating...

There are not many students in the cafeteria...

But...Ye Xiaowei always feels...

It seems like something is wrong today...

(End of this chapter)

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