Hello, my devil!

Chapter 196 Confrontation

Chapter 196 Confrontation
Leng Yuyang listened to this frank and explicit answer.

Obviously everyone was caught off guard.

He frowned and rested his chin on the keys.Makes a deep piano sound.

"...Why do you like her?" he asked.

This question is actually somewhat unreasonable.

Gu Huai smiled even wider after hearing what he said, "Yu Yang, you are so... so unlike you."

"...I wasn't sure until just now. Now I have almost guessed that you also like Ye Xiaowei. Right?" Gu Huai stared at him, with stars in his smiling eyes.

"..." Leng Yuyang was speechless.

He looked at him silently.Gu Huai continued: "You don't want to admit it. I won't force you to admit it. But..."

"If you like Ye Xiaowei...then...you should be careful."

Gu Huai held his hands together and looked at Leng Yuyang.His eyes are also really sharp.

"What do you mean?" Leng Yuyang was confused.

"...I will confess my love to her in the near future." Gu Huai said this, undoubtedly breaking a bombshell.

Leng Yuyang's hand clenched suddenly.He didn't expect that he would say that.

"And I heard... Yu Yang, you will be engaged to Bai Xi'er recently, right?" Gu Huai continued.

"So... is it a bit... too much for you to pester Ye Xiaowei like this? If she knew that you were about to get engaged, she might..." Gu Huai deliberately did not finish his sentence.And his eyes were always observing Leng Yuyang's expressions and movements.

Leng Yuyang smiled, "How can you be so sure... that I will definitely get engaged to Bai Xi'er?"

Gu Huai smiled. : "...Haha, that would be interesting. Does the heir to the Leng Group want to resist the marriage without caring about the future of the family?"

Leng Yuyang responded calmly: "It may not be impossible." Gu Huai walked up to Leng Yuyang and patted his shoulder gently.He said with a half-smile: "It seems... Yuyang, you really like her."

Leng Yuyang didn't answer.He stood up and asked, "What about you? How sincere are you? Do you like her?"

"Ten points," he answered briefly and forcefully.

Leng Yuyang narrowed his eyes and looked at Gu Huai suspiciously, "No. As far as I know, Gu Huai doesn't seem to be such a passionate person."

"Then you...you can wait and see. Wait until she becomes my girlfriend and see how good I am to her."

"...You can't say that. Why do you think she will accept your confession?" Leng Yuyang asked.

But I have no foundation at all.

Ye Xiaowei seemed to... indeed have a lot of affection for Gu Huai.

And...she, this girl...is always a bit erratic.

"Haha, let's just wait and see." Gu Huai said calmly. "Anyway, I'm not in a hurry. If I can't confess, I can take my time. After all, the family business is small and I have an eldest son. In terms of marriage and love, my family doesn't force me to do anything. But Yuyang, can you...can you wait?"

These words were like sharp swords, penetrating Leng Yuyang's heart.

yes.Can he wait? ?

Gu Huai had enough time to impress Ye Xiaowei...but what about himself...?
He is the sole heir to the Leng Group and the only bloodline in his family.

The longer it takes, the less likely the family will let him go.

Do you really...have that much time to impress Ye Xiaowei?

(End of this chapter)

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