Hello, my devil!

Chapter 203 You Are Bad Too

Chapter 203 You Are Bad Too

But it took a long time————


Still quiet——————

But Ye Xiaowei didn't wait for this kiss for a long time.

Gu Huai looked at Ye Xiaowei like this————

I thought I was going to kiss her...so anxious, expectant, and nervous.

The grin on his lips opened wider.

"Pfft... Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha" Gu Huai couldn't help but leaned into her ear and laughed out loud.

"You!!! Senior Gu Huai!! You are bad too!!" Ye Xiaowei became angry and hit Gu Huai with her bag.

Gu Huai was beaten by Ye Xiaowei without resisting.He continued to whisper in her ear, saying meaningfully: "Next time, I will tell you my answer."

Ye Xiaowei quickly pushed him away with red ears. "Ignore you, senior! You keep teasing me."

Picking up her bag, she stopped looking at him and quickly got off the bus.

If she stayed with him, he would play with her to death.

I used to think that Senior Gu Huai was a very good person! !

Now it looks like a few of them! !Scheming again! !Another trick! !

I also learned from some of them!Play with yourself! !
It made my heart confused! ! !
bad bad bad! !

Senior Gu Huai is also bad! !

None of them are good! !

Especially the devil Gu Huai who wears a gentle mask! ! !

It’s so bad! !
Ye Xiaowei was walking on the way back, feeling angry as he walked! !

It was getting dark.Walking on the road was a bit messy.

The wind in October is also a bit cold.

Ye Xiaowei couldn't help but tremble, this area belongs to this

Ghetto.Some gangsters often fight here at night.smokes.There were also fights.Ye Xiaowei rarely comes here.But there is nothing I can do today, the bus has passed the stop.I have to go through here.

And after all, the lights are bright here.There are also a few pedestrians.

I shouldn't...have anything happen to me.

But Ye Xiaowei didn't know why, she felt something was wrong.I always feel bad in my heart.

It felt like something was about to happen.

Her pace was getting faster and faster, her eyelids were so tight that they happened to open at this time, and she jumped up.

God! ! !

Nothing is really going to happen! ! ! !

Ye Xiaowei held on to her bag and walked faster and faster, fearing that someone would tap her shoulder from behind.kidnap yourself,
Or a masked man might pop up and force his own bag.

Or maybe a wretched man comes out...

Ye Xiaowei's mind was filled with such bad thoughts.

At this moment, she just wanted to get out of this place quickly.

But she suddenly saw a group of people in front of her.Carrying various sticks.It looked like there was going to be a fight.

And... one of the people... is actually very familiar...

Ye Xiaowei stopped.

He frowned carefully and recalled the figure of that person.

Oh my goodness! !
That person is Ou Yinchen! ! ! !

Ye Xiaowei hurriedly hid in the corner and looked at the group of people on the roadside in front.

"Young Master Ou... what do you mean? No money?" A carefree man with a nose ring said to Ou Yinchen.

"Brothers are not freeloaders, and you are toying with them like this. You can't do this! What's the matter, today, you have to pay off the first installment. We really want to explain to Brother Zhao!" Said a yellow haired man.

How could Ou Yinchen, the young master, owe someone money? ?
And how could the target be like these gangsters? ?
Ye Xiaowei was full of questions.

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(End of this chapter)

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