Chapter 258

It turned out that Leng Yuyang was drunk.I felt dizzy, so I found a driver to drive home.

Thinking that no one was at home anymore, Ye Xiaowei must have left, so he walked upstairs and pushed the door open.

Without saying a word or even turning on the light, he untied his tie, pulled back the quilt, closed his eyes, and lay down.

Ye Xiaowei was really frightened when he saw this movement. In the dark night, his quilt was pulled away, and a man smelling of alcohol was lying next to him!

Everyone should be shocked!

Could it be that Leng Yuyang was drunk and came back? !

Ye Xiaowei quickly turned her head to look at him.

Under the illumination of the moonlight outside the window, Ye Xiaowei saw clearly that this person was indeed Leng Yuyang.

The reddish face, the messy but shiny black short hair,...and the closed eyes and the slightly trembling eyelashes like black butterflies.

Under the white moonlight, it looks very heart-stopping.

Ye Xiaowei couldn't help but touch his hot face with one hand: "Drunk? Your face is so hot?"

Leng Yuyang opened his eyelids slightly and asked in a mumble: "Who are you..."

"I am Ye Xiaowei......"

"No...impossible..." Leng Yuyang chuckled, that smile was like a blooming rose.So beautiful, so breathtaking.

Seeing him like this, Ye Xiaowei couldn't help but feel extremely soft-hearted.She caressed his face gently. "Don't sleep yet, wake up from the wine first. I'll get you a glass of water."

Leng Yuyang grabbed her hand and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't move."

Ye Xiaowei's whole body trembled slightly.Stopped moving.

"Don't leave. If this is my dream, then don't leave. Stay by my side..." Leng Yuyang's husky voice was like a little kitten, so endearing.

"I won't leave..." Ye Xiaowei replied subconsciously.Hearing this, Leng Yuyang smiled with satisfaction.Imagine a boy who is satisfied with the candy.

He gently wrapped his hands around Ye Xiaowei's waist from behind and rubbed lightly on Ye Xiaowei's back.It's like being coquettish, like inviting favors.The smell of alcohol mixed with his unique fragrance enveloped Ye Xiaowei, making Ye Xiaowei feel dizzy.

"Xiao Wei, Xiao Wei..." Leng Yuyang murmured softly behind her.So light, so gentle.

Every cry made Ye Xiaowei's heart melt.

Leng Yuyang in the moonlight gently allowed her to lose herself.

Leng Yuyang in the moonlight was so fragile and heart-wrenching.

It seemed that... my heart ached slightly.

That throbbing pain.

Ye Xiaowei gently covered his palm and comforted him softly: "I'm here... I'm here..."

After hearing this, Leng Yuyang lay down a little more.
She didn't know just made her think more and more.

They are alone and alone in the same room.

Not only sharing a room...but also sharing a bed...

Not only that... the man also drank alcohol...

Thinking like this... Ye Xiaowei became even more flustered.

The deer bumped around wildly, its heart beating very fast for no reason.Thump thump thump thump————

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(End of this chapter)

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