Chapter 303

Leng Yuyang went downstairs, where Mrs. Lin and the servants had already started serving food.

Leng Yuyang looked at Leng Shaoqing, who was sitting upright at the dining table.Nodding to him respectfully: "Hello, grandpa."

"Okay? What a fart!" Leng Shaoqing said as he pounded his cane. "You bastard!!! You're so old and you won't let grandpa worry."

Leng Yuyang was silent, walked to Leng Shaoqing's side, and also pulled out a chair and sat down.

Leng Shaoqing cast a sidelong glance at his grandson: "That brat is very capable."

Leng Yuyang smiled slightly and replied calmly: "I don't know what grandpa is talking about."

"We don't need to tell you all about your business. Grandpa knows that you are very capable now. But be careful with your uncle." Leng Shaoqing handed the crutch to Butler Shang and picked up Mrs. Lin. He handed him a wet tissue to wipe his hands with.

"Grandpa said yes." Leng Yuyang agreed obediently.

I also wiped my hands with a wet tissue.Ready to start eating.

"You'd better think it over for me about the Bai family matter! As for the marriage, I haven't withdrawn yet. It's impossible to withdraw." Leng Shaoqing said while picking up the dishes.

The chopsticks Leng Yuyang just picked up stiffened again, and he said coldly: "Grandpa, you know your grandson's character."

Leng Shaoqing put down his chopsticks.Frowning: "You bastard, I don't love you enough for your grandfather! You said, such a good thing to do with your son! What good will it do to your career if you quit!"

Leng Yuyang also frowned, "Grandma back then... wasn't she from a poor family with no money?

Leng Shaoqing shouted at him: "Us!!!?? What era are we in?! What era are you in?! Can they be the same!"

Leng Yuyang was silent and stopped talking.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

It was Mrs. Lin who broke the awkward atmosphere between the grandfather and grandson. She smiled and served a casserole of chicken soup.

"I haven't had dinner with the young master for a long time. Why didn't I eat? I was talking instead. Didn't I say that I wanted to eat chicken soup with my grandson the most in the hospital? No, I specially stewed chicken for the master and the young master today." Mrs. Lin smiled as she placed the casserole in front of the grandfather and grandson.

Both of them thought about it, so they both took a step back.He began to tacitly stop talking.

After all... Grandpa is one of the few people in this family who cares about him.

After all... He, Leng Yuyang, is also his grandson from the third generation of Leng Shaoqing.'s been a long time since the grandfather and grandson sat down to have a good meal.

So both of them began to eat vegetables vigorously.They also tacitly served each other food.

Leng Shaoqing also asked Mrs. Lin and Butler Shang to sit down and eat together.

In the meantime, thanks to Mrs. Lin, a woman was responsible for enlivening the atmosphere among these gentlemen.

Therefore, the four of them finished the meal in harmony.

After dinner, Leng Shaoqing looked at the weather too late, and it had been too cold recently.So I turned on the TV in the living room and started watching.

It looks seems like he plans to spend the night here.

This made Leng Yuyang a little embarrassed.I am too embarrassed to ask his grandfather to leave.

Grandpa didn't find Ye Xiaowei, but...if he stayed any longer, he might not be able to figure it out.

After hesitation, Leng Yuyang finally said to his grandfather: "Grandpa, where are you sleeping tonight?"

"On the first have floor heating here, right?" Leng Shaoqing yawned, and slowly said with half-open eyelids: "Call Qiao and ask him to pick me up tomorrow morning."

Fortunately, it was on the first floor. Leng Yuyang finally breathed a sigh of relief...

But————After a few hours, Master Leng no longer thought so.

 If there are many messages, there may be an update at 9 o'clock

(End of this chapter)

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