Chapter 306

If she, a stinky girl, doesn't answer well, he really won't care about her.

It's up to him whether his grandfather asks someone to throw her out.It would be better to call the police to take her away.He didn't care anymore.

Leng Yuyang thought like this, then he leaned on the railing and looked down lazily.

Freshly washed bangs rested on his smooth forehead.There were still traces of water on her fair skin, and she looked down at Ye Xiaowei with a very charming look.

Ye Xiaowei took Leng Shaoqing's arm and said with some regret: "Grandpa... you ask this... it's really... hard for me to answer..."

Leng Shaoqing was puzzled. "What's so hard to answer?"

Ye Xiaowei pretended to be affectionate and looked at Leng Shaoqing, "Grandpa, do you really not understand the heart of a girl?"

"How could I ever dare to compete with that god-like Senior Leng? He is so outstanding and dazzling." Ye Xiaowei began to fall into drama addiction again.The crazy lines started: "But... But I suppressed the throbbing and joy in my heart time and time again... But I still couldn't suppress the emotions spreading like weeds in my heart. Grandpa, do you know how hard it is for me? ?”

Leng Shaoqing was really convinced by this little girl's acting skills in the movie, "Oh? So you mean, you like him?"

"No, no, no," Ye Xiaowei approached Leng Shaoqing and analyzed her thoughts more affectionately: "I... I want to get close but can't, I want to like but can't. I want to love but must restrain it, because I know... ...It is impossible for me and him. I am so hard, so difficult, so contradictory...Grandpa Leng, why do you ask this question to expose the pain in my heart?"

After saying that, Ye Xiaowei started to fake cry.

Leng Shaoqing couldn't help but sigh when he saw that this little girl liked his grandson so much.

Not to mention, he also felt a sense of intimacy with this girl and didn't dislike her at all.

Although I know her words are exaggerated, I can't stand her flattery.

Hey, if she hadn't made an engagement with the Bai family, maybe this girl would really be suitable for their brat.

He sighed softly and touched her hair: "My child, don't be sad. It's not a mistake to like someone. Grandpa knows it. But... Grandpa asks you a question. Please listen."

"Huh?" Ye Xiaowei raised his head and blinked at Leng Shaoqing innocently: "You ask." "Did you know that Leng Yuyang had a woman outside!? Who is that woman?" Leng Shaoqing Qing asked seriously. "The two of them also had a relationship. They are from your school. Do you know?"

"Ah?" Isn't this... Isn't this what I'm talking about?
Ye Xiaowei broke into a cold sweat.My heart started to feel uneasy again.

"This brat, for this wild woman!! He actually ruined a wonderful engagement party!! After putting him in solitary confinement, he actually escaped to see that woman!! Do you know... who is this woman?"

There was a bang——Ye Xiaowei's heart suddenly collapsed.disintegrated.

He——broke the engagement for himself?And.........for himself.........imprisonment?
And he tried every possible means to escape... to see himself?

Could it be the day of Gu Huai's birthday party? !

He was so haggard and working so hard... She thought it was all an illusion...

Now think about it... how hard it was for him at that time, how... lonely and determined.

It turns out...he actually likes me so much.

Ye Xiaowei's heart suddenly had mixed feelings and he didn't know what to do.

It turns out that Leng Yuyang... gave up so much for himself and did so much for himself.But he never mentioned it to himself.

His love was much deeper than she imagined.

Ye Xiaowei's heart suddenly tightened and it throbbed terribly.My whole jaw was so surprised that I couldn't close it.

His whole body seemed to be frozen, and tears suddenly filled his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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