Hello, my devil!

Chapter 321 Crossing the surging crowd

Chapter 321 Crossing the surging crowd

Leng Yuyang's heart was suddenly raised again. He didn't have time to think of words and asked directly: "Are you and Gu Huai together?"

In fact, his words were not malicious, or even literal, but Ye Xiaowei felt quite irritated after hearing these words.

First, she hates whoever mentions this name in front of her at this time.

Second, what does he mean?Check household registration?It doesn't matter who she is with, is she under his surveillance at all times?If you leave him, do you have to make crazy phone calls?

His love is too suffocating.If she is with her, will she have no freedom?
"...None of your business," Ye Xiaowei said angrily.

"Where are you now?" Leng Yuyang asked forcefully. "Why didn't you answer the phone just now?!"

"...It was too noisy on the street just now. I didn't hear it." Ye Xiaowei tried her best to hold back her anger and said in a normal voice. She would not say that she had just crossed the third street and ignored the street. The Master looked at me as I cried my third tear.

At this time, the entire eye was swollen.The voices are all hoarse.

"Stay where you are and wait for me for five minutes. I'll be there soon." Leng Yuyang said without hesitation.

"No, I'm going home." She, Ye Xiaowei, doesn't want to see him or anyone now.

"No way!! Ye Xiaowei, you'd better wait for me." Leng Yuyang said anxiously.

"What are you doing..." Ye Xiaowei really didn't know what to say to him, "I wasn't with him. I went back by myself happily. Please don't worry, young master." "?" Ye Xiaowei said using her last patience and strength.

Leng Yuyang listened, but he pointedly exposed her words: "I told you not to lie to me, your voice is obviously the voice of someone who has been hoarse from crying. Wait until I come to you."

Finished.Regardless of what Ye Xiaowei said, he hung up the phone decisively.Keep driving and reach your goal.

Ye Xiaowei hung up the phone and walked slowly and leisurely on the street not far from the Central Square. Watching the people coming and going on the street, he couldn't help but feel sad.She gradually stopped, walked to a public seat outside a shop, and sat down.

A man stared blankly at the crowd in a daze.

People on the street were in a hurry, but they glanced at each other's faces. No one knew what kind of sad past lived in someone's heart.Yes, no one knows, and no one can put themselves in someone’s shoes and truly understand a person’s inner thoughts.

How could Leng Yuyang know?

How could he find himself?

She didn't even tell him the location.

Ye Xiaowei laughed at herself, don't you really want to wait for him?

It would be strange if he came, and I would be stupid to actually sit here and wait for him for a few minutes.

Thinking.A few minutes after she sat down, she finally stood up again, ready to pat her butt and leave.


She stood up and walked a few dozen steps, but her whole body froze.

Her eyes were fixed on the square not far away.

Ye Xiaowei saw Leng Yuyang being "squeezed" by the crowd in the central square with anxious eyes.

He was very panicked, and his usually cold eyes were now very impatient and mixed with panic.

It was obvious that he was looking for him.He was so urgent, so anxious.


Ye Xiaowei frowned and suddenly realized that things were not that simple!
(End of this chapter)

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