Chapter 341

Just when he was thinking a lot, he arrived at his villa.

Gu Huai quickly moved Ye Xiaowei, who had almost taken off his clothes, to the bathroom.

Then threw her inside.

"Don't...don't..." Ye Xiaowei didn't want to leave him for a moment...

How can this be done...

Ye Xiaowei reluctantly wanted to stand up and hug Gu Huai.

But Gu Huaihe seemed to be a different person in the car just now.He said coldly: "Don't let me look down on you. Ye Xiaowei."

Ye Xiaowei was so frightened by the cold expression and words that he suddenly regained his senses.

Without saying anything, Gu Huai picked up the faucet, turned on the cold water and rinsed Ye Xiaowei's head.

Ice cold water.All at once without any warning, from beginning to end! !
all of a sudden……!Ye Xiaowei's sanity returned to a certain point...

"Why..." Ye Xiaowei asked her in confusion and pain.She asked him as she stood in front of him, soaked and trembling. "Are you humiliating... me?"

"What do you think?" Gu Huai sneered. "You don't really think I'm interested in you, do you?"

Ye Xiaowei's tears instantly fell to the ground. She couldn't believe that one second he and she were fighting each other, and the next second he was looking at her so passionately...

The next second, he became a different person.

"You don't want to deliberately seduce me while you're being drugged, do you?" Gu Huai sarcastically sarcastic, while increasing the water flow to wash her.

Cold…………deeply cold…………

Ye Xiaowei felt that the fire in her heart, along with all her love for him,... were all extinguished in an instant! ! ! !

"But..." Ye Xiaowei still didn't want to believe it.
"Don't be stupid." Gu Huai sneered: "What man doesn't react at all to the woman who comes to his door? Besides, you didn't take the initiative to seduce me?"

Ye Xiaowei felt that all the foundations in his heart collapsed...

She originally thought that he was just a man with two legs, but he still had a crush on her.But now……………………

But he was humiliated, ridiculed, and ridiculed like this.In his eyes... she might just be a seductress...

Ye Xiaowei's whole body was shaking violently.She was pale and disheveled.Incessant dissoluteness.

And he, well-dressed, was still elegant and decent.

Comparing the two, Ye Xiaowei's heart felt even colder.It turned out that, really, he was just playing with her.

She abandoned her pride and begged him.He played with himself when he thought it was fun, and in the end he hated himself.Disgusting myself.Refuse to touch her.

Yes, it turns out that he has been playing with himself just now, just for this moment, to focus on humiliating himself.

He crushed her love into worthless waste paper.

Ye Xiaowei made her look even more pitiful now than when she was tied into the car.

She slowly squatted down with her wet body and cried quietly alone. "I...hate you. Gu Huai."

Seeing this, Gu Huai couldn't help but stretched out his hand...

But...when he heard her say this, his hands froze.

Finally...when he was heartbroken and wanted to give up everything to hug her and kiss her, his doorbell rang.

Yes, someone loves her for him.Someone protects her for herself.

He is more qualified than he is.

He is unworthy.

Xiao Wei, it’s me who doesn’t deserve to be with you.Not worthy of your liking.

He was extremely sad.His eyelashes were stained with a light mist. He opened the door and let the cold man at the door come in.

Without speaking or looking at the man, he went out feeling extremely disappointed.

Like a hollow puppet without a heart.

(End of this chapter)

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