Hello, my devil!

Chapter 349 Too Empathetic

Chapter 349 Too Empathetic
Leng Yuyang did not answer her in a hurry, but carried her into the house and threw her directly on the sofa. He looked at her with an evil smile: "...Then do you think I dare..."

"Ge Wu En...I! Want! Eat!!" Ye Xiaowei pushed away his beautiful face without any mercy, and his veins popped out with anger.

This guy! ! !Could it be Teddy who was released! ! !

Where did you get so many dirty thoughts so early in the morning? !
Leng Yuyang originally planned to just talk to her, but didn't intend to actually bully her.

So he let her go and shouted towards the kitchen: "Sister-in-law Lin, breakfast is on the coffee table."

"Okay, Master." Mrs. Lin replied from a distance in the kitchen.

Ye Xiaowei suddenly felt strange, and she asked seriously: "Except for Mrs. Lin, the housekeeper, and a few servants, why is there no one in your house? Where are your parents?"

Leng Yuyang's eyes were a little disappointed when she asked him this question, but he still answered her seriously, with a slightly lower voice: "My mother passed away, and my father has been in Europe for many years."

"Oh...I'm sorry..." Ye Xiaowei suddenly felt a little sorry, "I didn't know your mother..."

She looked at Leng Yuyang and suddenly felt distressed. After all, she knew how lonely a child without a mother would be.

Because...she herself is.

When I was only a few years old, my mother passed away. After so many years, I always think of my mother in my dreams.

When I see children from other families reunited and acting coquettishly with their parents during the Chinese New Year and holidays, but my own family always has only my father and me.

How envious she was.

"It's okay." Leng Yuyang said, "My grandparents come back to visit me sometimes. However, they are not used to living in this house, and I don't want to go back to my hometown, so most of the time, I am the only one in this house... …”

Ye Xiaowei inadvertently glanced at several photo frames beside the window sill, and then immediately noticed that these photos had the same thing - there was a very beautiful woman in each photo frame.

Ye Xiaowei suddenly understood.Why did Leng Yuyang insist on living in this deserted villa?

They must have had a very happy time here as a family of three.

Therefore, even now, that happy time has long disappeared, and he is unwilling to leave.

He also wanted to keep himself warm on so many cold nights by remembering the past.

Ye Xiaowei suddenly felt a little pain in his heart.

Leng Yuyang's problems, including sensitivity, suspicion, insecurity, uncertainty, and fear of others, may be due to the lack of mother or father's care, and the lack of love since childhood.

I suddenly felt that I understood him.

So, is it because he wants to tie himself to him now because he is too lonely?

Do you just want a little more life at home?

Yes, for a person who has lacked love since childhood and has no parental love, it is very understandable to want to hold the person you like tightly in your arms and never let go.

He might not just want to take advantage of himself...

Maybe... He wants to find a sense of security and love from himself...

Ye Xiaowei's heart suddenly softened a lot, because she felt it too much and understood this loneliness and loneliness too well.She even had a sore nose.

She suddenly said to Leng Yuyang in a hoarse voice: "Come here, I will tell you something."

(End of this chapter)

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