Chapter 501
When Ye Xiaowei heard this, he felt that he was too cruel! ! !
Gu Huai is really an angel! ! ! !
Why should I hurt him? !
What did he do wrong? !He did nothing wrong!

Why should you risk your own life for your own selfish choice? !

He is so kind, so gentle, so... lovable.

He still has his own life, a family he cares about, and a bright future.

How could I bear to ruthlessly deprive myself of these beautiful futures? !
She can't do it! !
The most distressing thing is that he likes me so much that he even accepts it happily even if he wants him to die! !

What a deep love this is.She, Ye Xiaowei, is so virtuous and capable! !

Ye Xiaowei touched Gu Huai's pale face again and again with trembling hands, and asked with a trembling voice: "Gu Huai, why are you so stupid!!"

"For·you.thousand.times.over." Gu Huai's smile was bleak.However, it is as gorgeous as an epiphyllum.

For you, thousands of times.

This is a classic line from "The Kite Runner".

Of course Ye Xiaowei understood, and her heart throbbed again.It's like a meat grinder grinding your heart.

It hurt so much that I felt like I was going to faint.

She couldn't help but move closer to his cheek, crying with red eyes and asked: "Why?! Why?! I'm going to kill you! I'm going to bury you with you!!! Why are you still so stupid?" promise!"

"Because, I like you, fool." He was still looking at him as warmly as the morning sun, just like before.

Except that her face was too pale, it was still so perfect.

Perfect like an angel.

Seeing him like this, Ye Xiaowei felt in a daze, as if he was in a state of emptiness.

She was stunned for a moment, then suddenly smiled.

She knows what to do.

Yes, this is the best way to do it.

She took Gu Huai's hand and suddenly said very firmly: "Pull me onto my shoulder." Gu Huai was a little surprised, but he still pulled her onto his shoulder.

Ye Xiaowei's hand touched the cabin hole again. This time, his hand was still trembling.

She gritted her teeth and screamed loudly in the direction of the announcer, "Xiao Yu'er! I choose me and Gu Huai to let Leng Yuyang die! If the hatch is opened, the water here will not stop, I Even if I become a ghost, I won’t let you go! I’ll turn into a fierce ghost and tear your bones apart!”

Leng Yuyang was in the broadcasting room, watching what she said.I felt like the world was spinning, and my whole heart felt like it had been thrown into an icy abyss.

It was too cold.

It was as if he was the one being soaked in the water.

She wants him dead.

Tadaping, she wants him to die! ! ! !
Leng Yuyang's body instantly began to tremble.The fists clenched the ground as if to crush something.

"Look, brother Yu Yang, these two people are going to kill you in order to survive!!!" Xiao Yu'er said harshly.

When Leng Yuyang heard this, he turned around and looked at Xiao Yu'er fiercely, as if he wanted to skin her and cramp her, he easily lifted her whole body.

Let her whole body be pinched and suspended in the air.

"Do you believe it or not, I will kill you right away?" His eyes were dark, filled with ink that was constantly stirring.

The whole person is like King Yama.

The sinister aura exuding from his whole body is enough to kill a person!


For the first time, Xiao Yuer felt a sense of oppression from someone who was not human.

Just like lower creatures, when they encounter higher civilized creatures, they will naturally and involuntarily show the same surrender and despair and fear.

(End of this chapter)

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