Hello, my devil!

Chapter 515 Reunion

Chapter 515 Reunion

Leng Yuyang was so dizzy that he didn't pay much attention to the car parked in front of the club.

It was also iris recognition directly, so I entered.

As soon as I got in, I wanted to go straight to the bed and lie down. I didn't want to turn on the light, and I didn't pay attention to my feet, so I bumped into something.

There was some noise.

Ye Xiaowei, who was upstairs, heard the sound and was startled because her nerves were extremely sensitive.

who?Is there anyone down there?
Is it a guard?

Ye Xiaowei went to the window and looked down. No, the guard's car was down there.There's someone in the car.

Could it be...that it was someone else?
Ye Xiaowei stopped crying, held the necklace tightly, crept downstairs, and watched on the stairs.

It was dark downstairs.

Can't see people clearly.

All I saw was a dark shadow flashing past and entering the bedroom on the first floor.

There can't be... there's a ghost, right?

The four of them had never slept here so late at night.

And don't even turn on the lights.

Ye Xiaowei's whole body trembled with fear and fear.

I don't know whether I should go down or not.

Or... is there a thief down there?
Ye Xiaowei became more and more anxious.do not know what to do.

If the thief sees her, will he do anything to her while the moon is dark and the wind is high?

It would be better to kill yourself.

At night.........if you don't kill...that's the scariest thing.


It would be great if Yu Yang was here at this time.

Ye Xiaowei's eyes turned red again.Yes, he always appears when he is scared.

Every time.

He saved her in time.

But it was impossible now. She, the executioner, had killed her knight with her own hands.He will never come back.

Thinking of this, Ye Xiaowei slumped down at the foot of the stairs a little weakly.

As soon as Leng Yuyang entered the bedroom, he unbuttoned his shirt and prepared to fall asleep.

But in a daze, he seemed to hear some noises outside.


A woman's sobs.

He frowned slightly. He hadn't been here for so long. Could it be that this place was desolate and that a female ghost who died unjustly had entered it?
He is not afraid of any ghosts or gods.I don't believe in any ghosts or gods either.

He is a ruthless master who kills people when others stand in his way and kills Buddha when he stands in the way of Buddha.

Then, he wanted to see who was still causing trouble outside.Disturbed his elegance.

Leng Yuyang stood up irritably, rubbed his hair, and then opened the door wearing only an open shirt.

As soon as the door was opened, the lights outside were turned on.

Ye Xiaowei was frightened.

Trembling all over.

She was afraid of light and spent many days in a room with the curtains closed.

It's been a long time since I've seen a lot of bright light.

Almost subconsciously, he buried his head in his knees.

Leng Yuyang looked at the man on the stairs with long hair hanging down to his waist and bare feet.A thin, thin woman.

My heart was inexplicably shocked!

My throat felt like it was blocked by a stone, and I couldn't speak.

He stood still, motionless, as if struck by lightning, looking straight at the man on the stairs.

Inside his eyes were rolling waves.

His heart! ! !It's beating violently again!

Thump thump, as if it was about to jump out.

"You... raise your head." He spoke with a hoarse throat and struggled to spit out these words.

It seemed that all his strength had been exhausted.

Ye Xiaowei seemed to be stunned after hearing these words————

She slowly raised her head and looked at the person under the stairs.


Same as that person.

Her eyes were fixed, looking straight at him.Silent tears were shed.

There are infinite words and endless stories in the eyes of both people.

They stared at each other in silence.

This look lasts for thousands of years.It’s the flowers flying into the mist, and the bright moon condensing frost.

Forgot the time, forgot the place.

This look is eternal.

(End of this chapter)

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