Hello, my devil!

Chapter 521 Are you my wife?

Chapter 521 Are you my wife?
After Leng Yuyang saw him leaving, he locked the entire club door.

Then he took Ye Xiaowei's entire body.

Wrapped in a blanket, he picked her up and threw her into the bedroom.

"Do you want to escape?" He narrowed his eyes and asked the person on the bed.

Even hallucinations, even dreams!
Do you want to let her go?


He will never allow it! !
He would not let her go even if he imprisoned her for life! ! !

Ye Xiaowei shook her head, knelt down on the bed softly and said: "I won't leave, I will always be by your side, and I won't leave even if you ask me to leave!!!"

After hearing her words, he approached her, pinched her chin, and asked hastily: "Is this the truth?"

"It's absolutely true." She replied affectionately, "Yu Yang. I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. I don't want to leave you! I don't want you to hate me!"

Leng Yuyang's heart moved again when he heard this. He couldn't care about anything anymore.
The night is long.

Ye Xiaowei opened his eyes with soreness, and then found himself lying naked in Leng Yuyang's arms.

And a part of him is still buried in his body.She was so surprised that she was speechless.

Is this, this, this, etc. correct? ! !
Aren't you... dreaming? ? ! !
Ye Xiaowei stammered and pushed the man with a perfect sleeping face in front of him, "Wake up. Wake up quickly."

Leng Yuyang was pushed by her and opened her eyelids sleepily, "Baby...sleep a little longer..."

After saying that, he buried his head in her chest and fell asleep again.

Ye Xiaowei's mood at this time......

oh my god!

Leng Yuyang opened his eyelids and said in a lazy and charming voice: "What's wrong?"

"Let's... have something to talk about. Ye Xiaowei said in a low voice with a shy face.

Leng Yuyang seemed to suddenly realize something. He woke up all of a sudden, and then said excitedly with bright beautiful eyes: "This... this is not a dream!"

Wait until Ye Xiaowei wakes up again.

"Where is this...?" Ye Xiaowei woke up and found that her pain had eased a little. "

Her body seemed to have been massaged and felt a little more relaxed. "There are only maid costumes in the club." Leng Yuyang smiled slightly, held her in his arms and said wearily: "Little rascal, you were so carefree that you almost slept through the day. But you left me I'm so busy. I gave you a bath, called a doctor, gave you nutritional fluid, and then massaged your whole body. Now, let's go home."

"..." Ye Xiaowei blushed, "You massaged my whole body... and gave me a bath?"

"What are you afraid of," Leng Yuyang teased, biting her earlobe.Grind gently.

She blushed and protested: "Hey! What are you doing..."

"...I have to take it off anyway." Leng Yuyang said boldly and teased with a slight smile.

"You!!!" Ye Xiaowei blushed and yelled: "Let me go!!! Rogue!


"What did you call me?" he asked, looking at her lazily.


"You gave it all to me. You still call me a gangster?" He was slightly unhappy. "Call my husband!"

"Should you scream?" he teased with a half-smile.

"...No." Ye Xiaowei gritted her teeth and turned red, flatly refusing.

"If you don't scream, you'll be here immediately!" Leng Yuyang's domineering and bewitching voice reached her ears again. "And... in front of... the driver."

It made Ye Xiaowei tense up all over.The base of the ears is red.

"Husband!" Ye Xiaowei called quickly.Heart
Seeing her like this, the more he liked to tease her.

"Now...since you call me husband...does that count as admitting to being my girlfriend?" He continued to take advantage of the situation.Pressed.

"Yeah. Dangdang. I'm just your girlfriend." Ye Xiaowei pulled Leng Yuyang's collar and replied softly.

It seemed that Leng Yuyang was not satisfied after hearing her words under his coercion and inducement.He planned to continue.

"Wife...you said last night that you love me, right? I am your air and your life. You can't live without me, right?" He looked at her with his dark eyes and asked leisurely road.

"I never said that!" Ye Xiaowei blushed and shook his head.

Leng Yuyang asked her to work hard again.

Ye Xiaowei almost cried! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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