Hello, my devil!

Chapter 526 New Chairman

Chapter 526 New Chairman

Four upper-class men in suits and ties came out of the prison and strangely sat in the same stretched black car.

The atmosphere was a little depressing.

"Why haven't you seen those noisy media like sparrows?" Leng Shaoqing was the first to speak.

We have to figure things out, and we can't expose our face directly first.Don't poke people's pain before mentioning it.It's better to start another topic first.

This is the business giant’s years of experience in shopping malls.

Furthermore, he is the oldest person.He should speak first.

"The media doesn't know yet. I have people block the news." Xiang Yunjing said methodically.

"Oh, listen to those who can do it." Leng Shaoqing nodded.Thinking about something.

There was another silence in the carriage.

Several people were not talking either.

The upper floors of the Empire State Building in 10 minutes
These powerful, strategic, and aura-laden men got on the elevator and entered a room where no one could intervene or take secret photos.

Naturally, Leng Shaoqing sat down on the leather, milky white, European-style Da Vinci sofa without any ceremony.

Of course the rest were standing.

"Tell me, how much money have you been greedy for?" There were no outsiders here, and Leng Shaoqing was certainly full of aura.

His mannerisms are old-fashioned and refined.There was an overwhelming aura.

He is worthy of being the chairman of the Leng Group who has been in the shopping mall for so many years.

Xiang Tian was a little embarrassed by the question, but he paused and answered: "Actually...I..."

Leng Shaoqing waved his hand in disbelief: "I don't want to hear the prefix, just give a rough idea." "...15 billion." Xiangtian gritted his teeth and decided to talk about it at noon.

This old man is so shrewd that he would not fail to investigate himself first. There is no point in telling lies.

It's better to spread it out.

Xiangtian thought.

"15 billion..." Leng Shaoqing nodded thoughtfully, "What about the money you lost to the company?"

"I have not caused any loss to the company...the transactions with Tianyou Company...Shengshi Huating and other companies are all in accordance with..."

"Okay!!! Stop talking!!!" Leng Shaoqing held onto his crutches angrily, "You really think that this old man like me has no brains, don't you?! Is it true that I turned a blind eye? Do you think I’m old, deaf or blind?!!”

When Leng Yuyang heard this, he threw a pile of information directly to Xiang Yunjing.

Seeing this, Xiang Tian expected that the information must be his own black material that even the police had never seen.

He lowered his head and remained silent, gritting his teeth and clenching his fists.

Xiang Yunjing pushed up his myopia glasses and returned slowly on behalf of his father: "Then... Now that you know about my father, what do you mean now."

Leng Yuyang spoke on behalf of his grandfather, and he said in a cold tone: "Xiang Tian joined the company through the relationship of my mother's brother, and the Leng's Real Estate Branch was originally run by my father and my mother. The big one, later my mother passed away and my father went to Europe. Only then did Xiang Tian take over the power. Now that he has damaged the company’s reputation so far, of course we can’t keep him.”

"I won't take any of your assets, whether they are on the surface or on the side, just hand over all the shares in the company." Leng Yuyang continued in an orderly manner.

Xiang Yunjing narrowed his eyes and said, "The old man has a mouth. When did you allow you to speak for the old man?"

"I promised! Why!" Leng Shaoqing said sonorously.His gaze was as sharp as a weapon: "In two weeks, I will officially appoint him as the new chairman of the Leng Group! All the shares in my name will be transferred to him! What do you want!"

(End of this chapter)

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