Hello, my devil!

Chapter 550 The cooked duck flew again

Chapter 550 The cooked duck flew again
Ye Xiaowei watched Ye Dawei go out, then quickly got out of bed and quickly locked the door.

After it was locked, I let out a long sigh of relief.

But the man on the bed made a small noise.This made Ye Xiaowei couldn't help but move his eyes to the person on the bed.

"You're still laughing?!" Ye Xiaowei said angrily: "I almost got killed by you just now!! You're still laughing!"

"Hahahaha! Why are you so funny!" Leng Yuyang squinted his eyes and looked at Ye Xiaowei with a broad smile.

"You're still laughing!!! Still laughing!! I should have just suffocated you under the quilt and suffocated you to death!" Ye Xiaowei pointed at the man on the bed and said bitterly.

Leng Yuyang stood up lovingly, hugged Ye Xiaowei, and whispered in her ear: "Okay, my dear, I won't laugh. But your singing is really ugly."

"!!!!!!" This person is so rubbish!She saved him, and he still laughed at herself? !

An arrogant guy who doesn't know how to be grateful.

"I am the worst, and you are the best. Humph." Ye Xiaowei turned away and said awkwardly.

"I like hearing it even if it sounds bad." Leng Yuyang curled his lips and said with a smile.He pecked her little cheek again.

"That's pretty much it." Ye Xiaowei was so flattered by his sweet words.

His tone was also much softer.

"Hey, but you should go back quickly. Dad is coming in soon. If he finds out that I don't have a fever, he will definitely call me to grandma's house." Ye Xiaowei thought of business and said seriously.

"..." Leng Yuyang was unhappy now and stopped talking.

He just held her body and didn't let go.

Like a sulking child, he is cute and willful and has little emotions.

"Yu Yang, seriously, don't be willful today." Ye Xiaowei began to coax Leng Yuyang, as patiently as coaxing a child, "I said, we will still have a lot of time together in the future, and we will not lack this It’s only for a while. Just go back first.”

"..." Leng Yuyang's face softened slightly, but he was still a little cold.

"Yuyang~~" Ye Xiaowei acted coquettishly in his arms, twisting and turning, "Huh? Okay? Okay?" "No. I just want to sleep with you." He said in a calm voice, hanging his long said the eyelashes.

Ye Xiaowei was moved by these words.

She didn't know why, but she felt the love from Leng Yuyang from these words.

Leng Yuyang's love is the kind of love that is very clinging, even a little suffocating.

This stemmed from his childhood insecurities, which she knew. He was cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

Only to those closest to you will you show that kind of attachment that can burn people.

It may have been revealed to his mother before.

Now, he was showing her the closest and most intimate dependence on her.

She felt flattered and extremely happy.

There is also some fear.

"I know..." Ye Xiaowei hugged him back with both hands, rested her head on his chest, and said softly: "I don't want you to leave either...but there is no way...we Always think about other things.”

"Thump thump thump! Thump thump thump!! Girl, open the door quickly!! Your dad is here to take your temperature!! Hurry!" Ye Dawei shouted to Ye Xiaowei through the door.

"Huh? Yuyang! Let's go!" Ye Xiaowei became anxious.

"......Then you'd better remember to pay back the debt I owe today!" Leng Yuyang let go of Ye Xiaowei, bit down hard on the root of her neck, and ordered: "Wait a minute I’ll eat you well next time!”

He was very angry and reluctant to give up.

After all, the cooked duck flew away again!
 Thank you [Xi Jue Huang Zero] [Lonely King] for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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