Hello, my devil!

Chapter 554 No one can separate us two

Chapter 554 No one can separate us two

"Do you also know...something about my mother?" Ye Xiaowei paused, hesitated, stared at him, and asked.

"Don't ask anymore." Leng Yuyang took her hand and squeezed it tightly unconsciously, causing Ye Xiaowei some pain: "Let's go eat."

Seeing his indifferent answer and cold face, Ye Xiaowei's heart suddenly became cold.

He is...

What are you lying to yourself about?

"I won't eat it unless you tell me clearly!" Ye Xiaowei was also serious and didn't look like he was joking at all.

"I have nothing to hide from you, and I have nothing to explain to you clearly!" Leng Yuyang's domineering character was revealed again.

Becoming a little impatient.

He also speaks a little recklessly.

"Yu Yang!! I'm serious!! I'm not joking with you." Ye Xiaowei looked at his secretive look and became even more anxious. "What are you hiding from me? Why do you even know something about my mother? Even my daughter doesn't know."

Leng Yuyang looked at Ye Xiaowei's very anxious look, as if he was about to burst into tears, and his heart softened a lot.

I have also become more rational.

He rolled his eyes, changed his tone, and spoke slowly: "It's nothing, it was just when you approached me before. I did an investigation on you, and also on your family."

"Then what? What's the result?" Ye Xiaowei asked anxiously.

"Nothing special, your family is normal." Leng Yuyang said lightly.

His eyes deliberately avoided her.

"……………………" Ye Xiaowei lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Looks down.

"Come on, be good, let's go eat." Leng Yuyang looked at her and felt a little distressed.He touched Ye Xiaowei's head and persuaded in a gentle voice.

"Everything I do is for your own good. It's all for our future." Leng Yuyang closed his eyes and rested her head on his chest.Press with your hand.

"Be good, just be obedient. Just be my obedient rabbit and dog." Leng Yuyang said solemnly.

"The fewer things you know, the easier it is for people to be happy." Leng Yuyang kissed her hair.sigh meaningfully.

"..." Ye Xiaowei gradually sank into his hypnotic voice, and her heart was gradually soothed. "I know...I just won't ask."

She is the kind of person who avoids pain.

The truth may be unbearable pain for her.

Then she will definitely choose not to understand.

Stay simple forever.

"Yu Yang——" Ye Xiaowei said dullly in his arms: "You said.........we will always be together, right?"

"Of course. No one can separate us two. And I don't allow anyone to separate us." Leng Yuyang pondered.

The voice is calm and very safe.

Ye Xiaowei felt temporarily relieved.

"But..." Leng Yuyang suddenly changed the topic. He looked into Ye Xiaowei's watery eyes and said, "Except for you. Except for you who want to separate."

"I...I said it all! I will always like you. As long as you slowly change your temper, I will always be with you. I will never leave you." Ye Xiaowei raised his eyebrows Explain carefully.

"It's best this way." Leng Yuyang's voice was calm, "otherwise, even if you want to separate, I will definitely catch you back."

(End of this chapter)

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