Hello, my devil!

Chapter 618 Untitled Chapter Chapter

Chapter 618 Untitled Chapters

She was so ashamed that she buried herself under the quilt, hugged her into a small ball, and didn't look at him.

But the man pulled her over.

Wow, oh, oh, how could a man be so sexy and so tempting to me.

She felt it was so touching and wanted to touch it.

The man seemed to know what the woman was thinking. He raised the corners of his lips, propped his head and asked, "What?

Ye Xiaowei was finally defeated and nodded honestly.

The man laughed, laughing from the bottom of his heart, "My self-control is really low."

He hasn't even used his ultimate move yet.

"Did you come back to look for me because you couldn't bear to leave me?" Leng Yuyang showed his true nature as a demon master. After catching a prey, he slowly began to reel in the line.

"Yes Ang." She replied softly.Sure enough, you can't escape from his trap.

"You're so good. Master knows it." Leng Yuyang was satisfied and finally showed a knowing smile and touched her soft face.

Well, this strategy was a big success.

Leng Yuyang was extremely satisfied, tied up his bath towel again, got out of bed, and seemed to be preparing to go out.

But Ye Xiaowei didn't want him to go out. She hugged him from behind and said, "Why are you leaving?"

A hint of cunning flashed in Leng Yuyang's eyes, "You have a good rest, I won't sleep here today."

"No!!" Ye Xiaowei was so anxious that tears immediately flowed out. Why did he have to leave again! ! !

Why are you teasing her again?
Besides, her fever hadn't completely subsided yet, so he left with such peace of mind?
Also, I bowed my head first and told him that I was looking for him.She has admitted that she is the one who "teases first and is cheap".

How could he leave?

"Then what do you want?" He deliberately teased her without looking back.

"I want you to accompany me." Ye Xiaowei said in a coquettish voice.

Leng Yuyang turned around and asked deliberately, "Why do you want me to accompany you? Can't you sleep without me?"

"Yes." Ye Xiaowei hugged his waist and rubbed her little head against his waist, "I need Yu Yang to accompany me before I can fall asleep."

Leng Yuyang's heart turned into a pool of spring water.

Not to mention how beautiful I feel.

This girl is really, really hard for me to get back together with her.finally.
Stop being awkward.

This long-lost feeling of two people being in love with each other, liking each other, and being inseparable from the other made Leng Yuyang feel extremely comfortable.

He turned his head slightly, touched her little head and replied, "Little fool, I'm just going out to get something. I'm not leaving." "Oh."

Leng Yuyang went out for a while, about three minutes, and then he came back with a box in his hand.

"What?" Ye Xiaowei asked sitting on the bed.

Leng Yuyang smiled slightly, "Open it and see for yourself."

Ye Xiaowei looked at him suspiciously, then opened the box. It turned out that it contained the latest iPhone.

"Give it to me? Why did you give me a mobile phone?" Ye Xiaowei said.While clicking on the phone, I found that the only contact in it was him, and the nickname "Husband" was also noted.

"Childish." Ye Xiaowei sneered on the surface, but for some reason, he was in a good mood.

Leng Yuyang came up and lifted her whole body again, put her on his lap and sat down, and whispered in her ear: "This can be our reunion gift, okay?"

"No," Ye Xiaowei said arrogantly, "This is a little gift. I won't get back together."

Leng Yuyang smiled lightly: "Then whatever you want, I'll give it to you."

"I don't know, you think about it yourself. I haven't calmed down yet." Ye Xiaowei leaned against him and said with her whole body feeling soft.

Like leaning on a human flesh cushion.

"This phone has real-time positioning enabled and is tied to my phone. This way, if you are in danger, I will know it. I won't have to ask someone to follow you all the time in the future. That old phone you dropped, Just give it to me." Leng Yuyang continued to explain to her about the mobile phone.

"Why do you want an old mobile phone?" Ye Xiaowei was puzzled.

"I want to keep all your things." Leng Yuyang said softly, "However, you don't seem to have given me anything."

Ye Xiaowei felt guilty, it seemed like it was true. He gave her so many things, from bags, cosmetics, clothes, skirts, necklaces and mobile phones.
I didn't even give him anything.

But she still retorted arrogantly: "I gave you my whole body, aren't you satisfied? Huh."

Leng Yuyang kissed her face and said, "Satisfied. So let's get back together."

"." Ye Xiaowei was silent for a while, changed her position in his arms, and said, "Okay, but you have to admit that you did something wrong."

"Yes, I was wrong. I shouldn't have monitored you all the time. I shouldn't have distrusted you. I shouldn't have made you sad and angry, against your will." Leng Yuyang said one by one in an orderly manner.

Such a proud, conceited and indifferent man in front of outsiders, now admits his mistake to her like a little daughter-in-law.

I have to say that it made Ye Xiaowei feel extremely confident.

"Then how to change it?" She still insisted on asking with a straight face.

"First, I use my mobile phone instead of a person, and I will never monitor you again. Second, I swear I will never imprison you again. Third, if I encounter you again and make me jealous, I will choose to trust you. Listen to your explanation. In the end, honey, I will never do anything against your wishes in the future."

"You stinky scoundrel!" Ye Xiaowei originally listened well to each one, but she didn't expect him to say that at the end, and her heartbeat accelerated a lot.

(End of this chapter)

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