Hello, my devil!

Chapter 625 Untitled Chapter Chapter

Chapter 625 Untitled Chapters

"Want to ski?" He turned to ask her while holding her hand.

His eyes are full of pampering and love.

Ye Xiaowei nestled in her scarf and shook her head slightly. She said, "I want to play with you. You hold me and I sit on the skis, and then someone pushes us from behind, and we sneeze from the hillside." ——The ground hit the ground and slid down the mountain."

"How old are you for playing this?" Leng Yuyang complained unceremoniously, but then he added, "Do you think the hillside in front is suitable?"

Ye Xiaowei smiled sweetly, knowing that Yuyang would definitely satisfy her little request.

Ye Xiaowei nodded heavily to Leng Yuyang, "Yes! Okay!"

Leng Yuyang touched her hair, and as if there was nothing he could do to her, he came to the hillside with her and ordered the accompanying servants to prepare skis and protective equipment.

[-], carefully put on the protective gear for her, sat down and hugged her tightly from behind, and then let the servant push her gently.

He held her in his arms and slid down the snow-covered hillside.

Ye Xiaowei only felt the cold ice-like wind next to her ears, which was refreshingly cold.

Even though half of her face was buried in the scarf, the speed of her descent was still very fast, and large waves of cold wind poured into her neck.

Threads wrapped around her neck coolly.

But despite this, she still didn't feel cold because she had a solid and warm chest behind her.So close to myself.

She didn't have to worry about falling down at such a fast speed, because the man behind her would definitely protect her very well.

Even if you fall, you will protect yourself.

She's just so confident.So happy at the same time.

The two of them reached the bottom of the hillside smoothly. Ye Xiaowei turned his head, looked at the man behind him with bright eyes, and said happily, "It was so fun, I want to do it again!"

Leng Yuyang looked at her face that was blown red by the wind, and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to rub her face. He really felt that this girl was like a very cute child.

You must know that his ideal type before was an intellectual, enchanting, and beautiful royal sister.

But I found a movie about such a confused and careless little girl.

But I just like it more and more.

The more I look at her, the more cute I find her.The more I watch, the more I like it.

"If you like it, I'll play with you again." He said while rubbing it.

"No. I want three more times." Ye Xiaowei said coquettishly.He tilted his head back and turned 180 degrees to look at Leng Yuyang who was lying upside down.


"Three times." Ye Xiaowei flapping his feet and continued the negotiation.

"Give me a kiss, three times." Leng Yuyang took the opportunity to say.

Ye Xiaowei thought about it and seemed to think the deal was good, so he turned his head and kissed Leng Yuyang's cold lips.

"Is that okay?" she said.

"Yeah." Leng Yuyang kept her word, pulled her up, and played with her three more times.

The two of them were having fun in the ice and snow, as if they were in this huge world.

Only the presence of each other.

It seems that each other is the most beautiful scenery in this snowy field.


"Master, I have your phone number." The servant was ordered to take Leng Yuyang's phone. When he saw that there was an incoming call on the phone, he handed it to Leng Yuyang immediately.

Leng Yuyang frowned slightly, "Who is it?"

"...Miss Lan." The servant glanced at Ye Xiaowei's face hesitantly and finally said truthfully.

Leng Yuyang hesitated for a moment and said in a deep voice: "Give it to me."

He took his mobile phone and glanced at Ye Xiaowei. He seemed to want to say something, but he still didn't speak. He walked gently to a distance, avoiding Ye Xiaowei and picked it up.

Ye Xiaowei felt uncomfortable as if there was a fishbone stuck in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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