Hello, my devil!

Chapter 649 Ye Xiaowei’s life experience

Chapter 649 Ye Xiaowei’s life experience
"Oh, you are such a good student of mine. If the teacher doesn't teach your class, you still have to find a teacher." Xiang Yunjing was spinning his pen on the office chair in the office, looking at Ye Xiao who came to see him through gold-rimmed glasses. only.

Ye Xiaowei has been looking for him for two days. Due to some factors, Xiang Yunjing has actually entered a semi-resigned state. Today he is here to hand over the remaining class work.

It was also because of this that Ye Xiaowei found him.

In fact, Xiang Yunjing's current situation is not easy. He is being held back by two hands. On the one hand, Gu Huai is back now. All the shares of the former principal Gu Chengen who were imprisoned have been transferred to Gu Huai's hands. The principal is actually a young man.What's even more frightening is that all of this was done in a calm environment, and ordinary teachers and students had no idea.Everything was arranged in an orderly manner, without any disturbance, and all the changes were carried out quietly.

All equity changes and personnel changes were carried out under this calm and deep lake. In just a few months, Gu Huai integrated all the property of the school and the Gu family. This young man's means and the city government All terribly deep.

Since Gu Huai came back, he has been particularly wary of himself. The school board has gradually marginalized him, and he can no longer continue to be a teacher. And this is not over yet. Leng Yuyang's people are still there on the other side. Secretly monitoring himself, he and the old fox also put pressure on him as the executive director of Shenggu.

He is now surrounded by enemies from both sides, and every step is restricted.

These two boys, who were nearly ten years younger than him, were already enough to suppress him. Then, Xiang Yunjing did not dare to think about their future in detail.

If it takes another ten years, I am afraid that with my current means and resourcefulness, I will definitely not be able to defeat them.

At that time, they would not be able to kill Buddha if they stood in the way of Buddha, and they would kill gods if they stood in the way of gods. No one would be able to defeat them?
The more Xiang Yunjing thought about it, the more irritated he became. The key was that he didn't have a good teammate yet. His father was a rough man who only had a cruel heart but no hard means. He didn't understand the benefits and urged him to serve as the executive director of Shenggu Real Estate as soon as possible.

It was clear that this was a drama to invite you to the urn, and it was clearly a "praising and killing" drama in which he wanted to elevate himself to a high position and then fall down hard. His father did not have any discernment about this, but instead sneered at his analysis of worries.

Very annoying, he has been really annoyed recently, so annoyed that he can't even care about other people.Of course, Ye Xiaowei was forgotten.

"Teacher, no, Xiang Yunjing, I have something to ask you." Ye Xiaowei mustered up the courage, clenched his fists, looked up at Xiang Yunjing and said.

"Are you brave?" Xiang Yunjing raised the corners of his mouth sarcastically. "Yes, there is a knight and a prince by your side. What are you afraid of?"

In fact, Ye Xiaowei was still very hesitant, very timid and scared. She was afraid to face the facts, the truth of the rumors, and she was afraid to see this man who looked well-dressed but was actually a polite scum.

But she came anyway.On the eve of Yu Yang's return to China after the meeting, she came to him to find out the truth of the matter.

"Did you and your father spread rumors about my life experience?" Ye Xiaowei took a deep breath and mustered up the courage to look directly at Xiang Yunjing boldly.

"Uh-huh, it's just for this matter. Why do you have the courage and leisure to come to me?" Xiang Yunjing took out a cigarette and lit it. He took a puff and admitted frankly: "We are spreading rumors. I’ve heard some, do you want to hear it?”

(End of this chapter)

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