Hello, my devil!

Chapter 652 Could it be?

Chapter 652 Could it be?
"So do you think you are the child of your mother and your father or the child of your mother and Leng Qingfeng?" Xiang Yunjing asked meaningfully.

Ye Xiaowei suddenly felt dizzy. She looked at Xiang Yunjing in disbelief, seeming to refuse to accept the truth.

But the last time I went to grandma’s house, what grandma said flashed through my mind over and over again————

["What did she do to you in the past? What responsibilities did Xiao Wei fulfill during those years when she was a child? She traveled abroad all day long due to work. Why are you not hearing the gossip outside!? You still do this? Missing her so much!"]

I didn’t understand it before, but now I look back and think carefully about why my grandma always dislikes my mother so much. All of this seems to point to one answer.

Mom was indeed having an affair with Leng Qingfeng before!
"But!! But this doesn't mean that I am their child!!" Ye Xiaowei bit the bullet and retorted.

Xiang Yunjing was calm and unhurried, as if he had expected her to retort. He continued, "Come on, let's try to recreate the scene. Your mother was pregnant with the child. If it was your father's seed, , How could an arrogant nobleman like Leng Qingfeng still get together with her after knowing it?" He continued with a sneer, "It is the most normal reality that a goddess has a spare tire and the spare tire wants to be a father. "

"No! You're talking nonsense!! It can't be like this!! Impossible!!! I can't be Leng Qingfeng's daughter!! Ye Xiaowei denied it fiercely, her voice trembling with excitement.

The hand holding the newspaper became tighter and tighter, as if he wanted to crush the newspaper in his hand.

No no no no! !Absolutely impossible! ! !

What a big joke! !No, no, no!This must be fake! !It must be fake! !
"What? My dear student, I'm only halfway through my story, and you already don't dare to listen anymore?" The smile on Xiang Yunjing's lips became deeper and deeper, as if a devil was trying to destroy her soul. Swallow it in too.

He stood up and steadied her shoulders with his hands, "Relax and don't be so excited. You should learn to imitate your boyfriend's calm temperament."

"He knows?! Does he know all these things?!" Ye Xiaowei asked with his eyes widened.

"I know everything. How could my cousin, who is smart and suspicious and wants to check everything, not know?" Xiang Yunjing pulled Ye Xiaowei, who was still trembling, to sit down and handed her a glass. water. "You are so happy being raised by him." "No, I don't believe it. I still don't believe it." Ye Xiaowei's heart suddenly twisted. She shook her head and gritted her teeth to deny, "I I am not Leng Qingfeng’s daughter, I am Ye Dawei’s daughter Ye Xiaowei!”

"Okay, even if that's the case." Xiang Yunjing pushed up his glasses, "I can't bear to see my beloved student suffer a bolt from the blue. That's all for my story. I won't tell the rest. . If you want to hear it, you can go back and ask your [Brother Yuyang] yourself."

This brother Yuyang seems unusually abrupt and ironic here.

"He won't come back until tomorrow." Ye Xiaowei grabbed Xiang Yunjing's hand, stared at him and said, "You continue talking, I want to hear it all!!"

"nonono~~~" Xiang Yunjing glanced at her meaningfully, "He will be back tonight, but he is going to Lan's house."

"??!!!" Ye Xiaowei's pupils were shocked again.

"Don't you think that your brother Yuyang seems to be secretly with you lately, intentionally or unintentionally? It's like having a fiancée and still raising a lover outside?"

"He keeps a lover? Who??!!" Ye Xiaowei felt that she could hardly bear the huge amount of information and truth in this short period of time.

She was feeling dizzy.My whole body was shaking.

"My dear, you asked the wrong question. You should ask who his fiancée is." Xiang Yunjing patted her shoulder and said sarcastically: "You are the little lover he secretly keeps!"

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(End of this chapter)

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