Hello, my devil!

Chapter 654 Hate You

Chapter 654 Hate You
Leng Yuyang hesitated for a moment and replied, "Not necessarily."

Ye Xiaowei's heart suddenly started to rise again, and she quickly typed: "Why?"

In fact, Leng Yuyang was asked by Leng Shaoqing to go to the Lan family today, but he really didn't want to go. On the one hand, he went to the Lan family at this time, which made the Lan family feel that he was too attentive, so it was better to be cold.

On the other hand, he missed her.

He wants to see her right away.

The two were passionately in love and were inseparable. He couldn't wait to have her by his side during the few days he was abroad.

Only a few days had passed, and he felt like he was going crazy missing her.

The first person I wanted to see when I came back was naturally Ye Xiaowei.

After that night, he was asked by the company to go abroad as the chairman of the Leng Group to hold appointment meetings for various companies.Of course, this is the work that I must do to become the new chairman, and I have no choice but to do it. But this time, I can't even touch the dregs of my newly-devoured body.

He was too embarrassed to ask for more from her that night, fearing that her body wouldn't be able to bear it anymore, so he thought he could eat it every day anyway, so there was no rush.

Little did he know that he would fly abroad the next day, and then he could only spend these few nights in regret.

I haven't touched the little girl for a few days, and I miss her so much that I naturally want to buy a plane and come back to see her.Kiss her little mouth, pinch her little face, touch her little butt~~
"I miss you, so I want to come back soon." Leng Yuyang raised the corners of his lips slightly and sent it with a smile.

Ye Xiaowei's heart finally gradually relaxed. It seemed that what Xiang Yunjing said was not true. If Yu Yang came back to see him tonight, it would be impossible for him to go to Lan's house!

Ye Xiaowei finally felt at ease.

From this point of view, what Xiang Yunjing said to her today should be all lies. Since Yu Yang has no plans to go to Lan's house, he will definitely not be with other women behind his back. As for him and The fact that they are brother and sister is even more ridiculous.

The more Ye Xiaowei thought about it, the more he felt that he was so stupid for being deceived by Xiang Yunjing so easily. He was Yu Yang's enemy!It's normal to slander Yu Yang. Why did you believe everything he said so easily?
How could I not trust Yu Yang so much?
Yes, he promised himself that he would not have other women.Why did you forget it?

Ye Xiaowei dispelled her doubts bit by bit because of Leng Yuyang's information.

My heart became clear again.Everyone felt more relaxed.

Returning to Yuyang's villa, she let the servant rest and cooked herself. In order to welcome him back, she prepared a table of delicious meals.

Then he was satisfied and sat at the dining table like a child, waiting for him to come back.

But it was 9 o'clock and Leng Yuyang didn't come back.

It was 10 o'clock and the food was cold. Ye Xiaowei was lying on the edge of the table, still waiting for him.But I couldn't tell what it felt like.

It was 11 o'clock and he still hadn't come back. The doubts that had been dismissed gradually resurfaced in my heart.

She became more and more irritable and restless, thinking that she had cooked a table of delicious food in vain and waited for him for several hours in vain, doing nothing and just waiting for him stupidly.

Could it be that what Yunjing said was true?I am having a nice meal and drink with Miss Lan right now! ! !How can I look down on these poor home-cooked dishes of my own! ! !
Ye Xiaowei looked at the table full of cold dishes. Waiting until 11:[-], he finally made up his mind and smashed the whole table of dishes.There was the sound of clinking and breaking porcelain everywhere, making the house a mess.

She had never been so grumpy.

At this moment, she really hated Leng Yuyang.

(End of this chapter)

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