Hello, my devil!

Chapter 659 He is lying to himself!

Chapter 659 He is lying to himself!
Leng Yuyang wiped the water from his face and hair with a handkerchief, and then walked out of the bathroom without saying a word.

He went upstairs to the bedroom door on the second floor and said, "Open the door."

There is no sound inside.

Leng Yuyang endured his temper and shouted again, "Open the door."

There was still no sound inside.

"If you don't open it, I'll ask the servant to get the key." Leng Yuyang said.This time the voice gradually became colder.

"Leng Yuyang, I don't want to deal with you today." Ye Xiaowei's voice finally came from the bedroom.

"Did you meet someone today and hear someone say something?" Leng Yuyang frowned and said.

"No. No." Ye Xiaowei covered her head under the quilt and said in a muffled voice: "Can you just let me go today? You are tired and I am tired too. Let's take a rest separately, huh?"

Leng Yuyang felt chilled by what she said, and she silently withdrew her hand that was going to knock on the door.

He turned around and went downstairs to rest.The back is very tired, very tired.

Originally, he thought that when he came back, he could relieve his fatigue, have dinner with her, and get tired of being with her.

I didn't expect this result.

But wasn't this result something he had expected before?

He had known for a long time that the rumors outside would only become more and more violent and would gradually reach her ears, no matter how much he blocked the news or how well he protected her.

She would hear it eventually.

But he really wasn't willing to let his sweet days with her end so soon.

He also made up his mind from the time she took the initiative to come back to him at Lan's house.He swore that no matter how difficult the future was or how much she wanted to leave him, he would not allow her.

Therefore, it was useless for her to ignore him now. If she had the ability to ignore him for the rest of her life, he would obey her.

Thinking of this, his tired figure clenched his fists.

Yes, even if she heard something or saw something.I want to ignore myself and leave myself.so what?He does not allow, absolutely, does not allow her to leave him!
With this perseverance and determination, Leng Yuyang went downstairs to rest on the first floor.

The two of them stayed silent all night.Each fell asleep with their thoughts in mind.

By the next day, the two of them were also in a cold war. No, to be precise, it was Ye Xiaowei who was unilaterally indifferent to Leng Yuyang, and Leng Yuyang's character was not the kind of person who puts a cold face on a hot butt. Man, he has a cold personality.Not good at taking the initiative to talk to others.So I stayed indifferent.

But he still looked after her silently during his actions, pushing milk to her as soon as she got up in the morning, and putting the clothes he prepared for her on the bedside for her.When the driver wanted to start the car, he also knew to wait for her.

But Ye Xiaowei, who had silently accepted everything in front of him, seemed to be unwilling to go to school with him.

I just said "I won't bother you, I'll go by myself." and went to school without looking back.

Leng Yuyang, who had been waiting in the car for a long time, was really angry.Only one person with a black face went to school.

When school was over in the afternoon, Ye Xiaowei packed up his schoolbag early and walked towards his home alone.

It seemed that she was afraid that Leng Yuyang would come to find her.

And just today, Yinchen also came to find her, and Gu Huai also tentatively sent her a message. Both of them seemed to be afraid that they would know something.

The more so.Ye Xiaowei felt that everything Xiang Yunjing said was true! ! !
Leng Yuyang is hiding it from him! ! !He is definitely lying to himself! !
(End of this chapter)

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