Hello, my devil!

Chapter 673: Growing old together and having no descendants

Chapter 673: Growing old together and having no descendants

Leng Yuyang watched helplessly as she cut a complete scarf into pieces.

The heart is broken into pieces bit by bit.

His eyes turned bloodthirsty scarlet, and he trembled slightly as he asked Ye Xiaowei, "Why? Ye Xiaowei, why did you do this?"

"Oh, you asked me why, and now you ask me why?" Ye Xiaowei chuckled, "Thank you for having the nerve to ask."

Leng Yuyang took a deep breath, suppressed his emotions and squeezed her hand tightly, "Follow me, I have something to tell you!"

Ye Xiaowei shook off his hand, raised his chin and looked proudly: "If you have something to say, you can't say it here!"

Leng Yuyang's whole body was already exuding a dark aura from the King of Hell. Without saying a word, he took her hand again. This time, the force was so frightening that she couldn't break away.

"Yu Yang, what are you doing?" Yin Chen put his hand on Ye Xiaowei's arm and narrowed his eyes slightly: "She is no longer a little toy that you can summon and wave away. She is now It's my person."

Leng Yuyang's eyes showed a cold edge, "Then I want to borrow it too!"

After that, he took her hand and walked towards the unoccupied balcony outside the hall regardless of her struggle.

"Yin Chen! If I don't come back within 10 minutes, come find me!! Or call the police!" Ye Xiaowei shouted with a struggling voice.

Leng Yuyang felt a chill in his heart, glared at Ye Xiaowei again, and then dragged her to the balcony.

"Did you come to Yinchen today to purposely make me angry? Very good! Very good. Your goal has been achieved. Should you be satisfied? It's time to stop?!" He came close to her and pinched her chin. pressing.

Now his whole internal organs are trembling, and the nerves in his temples are about to explode because of her anger. He is still acting so rude in front of Lan Chunqing. She should be satisfied! ? "Not satisfied!" Ye Xiaowei sneered, looking at the purple mark on his wrist and saying, "Why don't you faint from anger? It's really not fun."

"Ye Xiaowei!! Just stop it!!!" Leng Yuyang clenched her coat tightly and forced out each word, pinching her chin harder. "Do you think I really asked you to be Leng Shaoqing's granddaughter because I wanted to retaliate against you? I am."

"That's enough!!!" Before Leng Yuyang could finish his words, he was mercilessly interrupted by Ye Xiaowei, "I'm not in the mood to listen to you. I don't want to hear a word. Sorry, you can make your own plans. Realize, don’t drag me in! I’m not your pawn!”

Is he really stupid enough to think that she has no idea that he has a move to make or a plan to figure out?

Is she that stupid?It’s hard to tell that he is playing a big game of chess in order to hold on to the power of the Leng Group.

He still doesn't know why she is angry! ! !
She was so angry because of his self-righteousness!What makes him so angry is his arrogance in thinking that everything is under his control! !
She was so angry that he refused to reveal any of the facts to her. He had promised to be honest and trust each other openly and sincerely, but he decided to lie to her!Treating her like a dog!
"Ye Xiaowei, listen to me!! I have reached this point and there is no room to look back!" He squeezed her wrist tightly, trying to hold her tight to prevent her from leaving.

"Then keep going! I wish you two to grow old together and have no children or grandchildren!" Ye Xiaowei sneered, "I also hope you wish Yinchen and I to live happily abroad. We can be a pair of handsome mandarin ducks."

"Stop irritating me!" His hand tightened tighter and tighter, making her whole wrist numb due to lack of blood circulation: "I will take it seriously!!"

"Who stimulated you? Haha, you still thought it was a lie?" She took out two tickets with her other hand and looked at him: "Did you see it? The afternoon flight is to Milan."

Leng Yuyang's heart instantly hurt as if he had been hit by a huge stone!

She was really ready to leave him! !

(End of this chapter)

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