Hello, my devil!

Chapter 676 Untitled Chapter Chapter

Chapter 676 Untitled Chapters

Leng Yuyang pulled Gu Huai's hand away and tried his best to straighten his collar with smooth movements. He pulled his lips and sneered: "What? She didn't tell you that she ran away with Yin Chen? It seems that you, her first love, are in her heart The position is not that high."

Now he is in an extremely bad mood. If he hadn't endured the ring exchange, he would have wanted to leave!This time it was good, Gu Huai came to the door again.

He really hates seeing this face now.

One of Leng Yuyang's life creeds is that if you don't live well, you don't want others to live well.

The money and the baht must be compared, and the hatred must be repaid.His second favorite idiom.

After hearing this, Gu Huai's face turned a little pale and he was speechless for a moment, "She and Yin Chen went abroad?"

"It seems you really don't know anything." Leng Yuyang smiled sarcastically. "Tsk, tsk."

Gu Huai ignored his sarcasm, "Where did they go?!"

"No comment." Leng Yuyang turned around and seemed not to want to pay attention to him.

"It's okay if you don't tell me, I'll know on my own." Gu Huai also smiled, "Master Leng, I really misjudged you!"

"Thank you for your wrong love, Chairman Gu." Leng Yuyang picked up a glass of red wine, "You are qualified to preach in front of me, but it is just because you are now the leader of the Gu family. When you used all your power to seize the family property, Do you still remember how you deceived Ye Xiaowei?"

Gu Huai's amber eyes suddenly shook.

"We are all the same kind of people, you have no right to criticize me." Leng Yuyang narrowed his eyes and mocked.

"I was wrong at the beginning. So now I want to make up for it. Since she has gone abroad," Gu Huai said coldly, "Then I will go abroad too!"

These words were like a bomb, exploding in Leng Yuyang's ears.

Leng Yuyang's pupils narrowed, and the hand holding the wine glass made an angry "Bang——!" and the wine glass was crushed to pieces!
"Stay away from her, Gu Huai." Leng Yuyang's eyes were as sharp as an eagle's.His voice was as cold as cold iron, without any warmth.To be honest, he could still accept Yinchen a little bit, but Gu Huai, the man Ye Xiaowei once liked, the man he always had a sense of crisis, to be honest, he was Leng Yuyang's number one lover. enemy.

She can make him crazy with jealousy even once she meets him!

He really felt that with Gu Huai's methods, it would be easy for Ye Xiaowei to fall in love with him again.

Didn't someone say that?First love is always different.

Even if a woman gets married and has children later, there will always be a place in her heart for her first love.

When he had sex with her in the bed, Ye Xiaowei had said that before her, there was no man!

Doesn't that mean that Gu Huai is her first love? !
Now he says he wants to go abroad to find her! ! !What a joke! ! !
"What? Are you angry?" Gu Huai smiled calmly, "You have a new fiancée and you don't want her anymore, which made her hurt. Can't I go and comfort her hurt heart?"

"Gu Huai," Leng Yuyang squeezed his shoulders and forced out every word through his teeth: "I never said I didn't want her! You understand, as long as I, Leng Yuyang, are here for a day! You can't even think about Ye Xiao Wei takes it away!"

"Then we'll see." Gu Huai's amber eyes were full of confrontation and provocation.

He missed her once before and regretted it, but now he doesn't want her anymore.

Then he would protect her.

Ye Xiaowei, from now on, I will never let you get hurt again.

Gu Huai glanced out of the corner of his eye and noticed that there was another person next to him. He couldn't help but sarcastically said: "The time for exchanging rings is coming soon. Master Leng should share his feelings with your fiancée as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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