Hello, my devil!

Chapter 682 Untitled Chapter Chapter

Chapter 682 Untitled Chapters

This is not a dream!

Leng Yuyang! ! !
Ye Xiaowei just thought he was crazy! !

Yin Chen is still sleeping next to him, how dare he act like this!
Ye Xiaowei's face turned red and her heart beat faster! !

What is he going to do!
Sure enough, a lunatic!

"You!" Ye Xiaowei just wanted to speak, but his mouth was covered.

"Don't scream!!" Leng Yuyang's demonic voice threatened her.


"Be good, nod if you agree." He bit her ear and whispered to her.

Ye Xiaowei knew that there was nothing he couldn't do, so after weighing it, she felt it was more important to stabilize him.

She nodded.

Leng Yuyang smiled softly, like a flash in the pan in the dark night.Incredibly beautiful.

"Follow me to the room upstairs to sleep." He continued to announce in her ear domineeringly.

She didn't even know that he was going crazy with jealousy.

He asked the servants upstairs about the situation. He asked several times, but they always said, "Miss Ye and Yin Chen are still in the bedroom."

"Master Yinchen hasn't left Miss Ye's bedroom yet."

"There were voices of conversation from time to time in the two people's rooms. But I didn't know what they were talking about."


Leng Yuyang’s jealousy had just reached Milan,

The stinky girl actually dared to be alone in a room with a man. Did she do it deliberately to piss him off?
No matter how you think, you are unhappy.After taking a shower and calming down, I felt better.I thought it was bearable, but she was just doing it on purpose.He likes himself.

But after reading dozens of pages of documents, the more he thought about it, the more irritated he became, okay, he admitted it!Even if she did it on purpose!You've just fooled yourself into it too!
She succeeded, she succeeded!He just couldn't stand it anymore and couldn't help but feel jealous!
As the night wore on, it was already 2 o'clock.He didn't care, just put on a black bathrobe, asked the servant for the key, opened the door and went in.

She saw the little girl lying next to another man with a peaceful expression on her face, although she still had some self-awareness and didn't get too close to the man.

But he couldn't control the various emotions surging inside him.
He was reluctant to wake her up and prepared to gently pick her up and carry her out, but as soon as the little girl was touched by him, he let out a muffled snort in his little nose.Rubbing his chest lightly.She looks like a cute little daughter-in-law.

How many days has it been since she acted coquettishly?
Even when she was fucked in bed until she couldn't say anything, she didn't show any coquettishness to herself.

Seeing her acting coquettishly with Yinchen these days, God knows how jealous he is.

This inadvertent act of coquettishness made his whole body tighten.

"No! I won't go up!" Ye Xiaowei was already fully awake. She stared at him and kept pushing him with one hand.

Leng Yuyang frowned slightly and simply lifted her quilt, ready to hug her directly.

He hugged her, closed the door, and let her hit him however she wanted, and he admitted it!
But as soon as he lifted the quilt, he saw one of Ye Xiaowei's hands being held by Yin Chen.

The heat in the man's eyes immediately turned cold.He also instantly burst out with a ferocious gaze like a beast.

It seemed as if Yin Chen was going to be killed.

(End of this chapter)

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