Hello, my devil!

Chapter 740 Escape from the Leng family!

Chapter 740 Escape from the Leng family!

Ye Xiaowei thought to herself, of course I am afraid of you.He often has an iceberg face and loses his temper at every turn. He is fine one second and then goes berserk the next.

Like a walking time bomb, no one is afraid.

But she didn't say it.

She felt that if she spoke out, he might lose his temper again.

If she had met such a boyfriend before her amnesia, how did she survive it?


Seeing her sudden sigh, Leng Yuyang frowned slightly and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ye Xiaowei quickly shook his head.

"Say." He patted her butt suddenly.Very ambiguous.

But this was Ye Xiaowei who had lost her memory. How could she know that Leng Yuyang was in a good mood?
Of course Leng Yuyang didn't take it to heart at all.
But now Ye Xiaowei is really afraid of him!

Her eyes widened in surprise, and she quickly covered her butt as if it was on fire.

"You, you, you—! Why can't you control your hands?" she shouted.

Leng Yuyang frowned and pinched her chin, "I touch my woman,

"Didn't I lose my memory?! I'm not your girlfriend!" She felt that he would be angry for saying that he was not her girlfriend, but in order to show her firm position, she still had to say it.

But the tone didn't dare to be so strong, and instead became very soft and cute.It's like being coquettish.

"Say it again?" His tone was slightly cold.

"Just say what you tell me! Then wouldn't I be very embarrassed?!" Ye Xiaowei said arrogantly, but she couldn't help but collapsed.The momentum is also much weaker.

"Your face is rotten, what else do you have to face?" he said venomously.I originally wanted to pinch her face, but hesitated and gave up.Ye Xiaowei didn't think about her face at first, but when he mentioned it, she suddenly felt extremely inferior.

Yes, she is an ugly girl, a girl with a rotten face, what else does she need to save face?

This man was only interested in her because she turned out to be his girlfriend. If the old relationship was removed, he would probably be so disgusted that even looking at her would make him feel sick.

Thinking of this, she fell silent.

The ambiguous atmosphere between the two ended because of the topic of faces.

In the following time, the two of them did their own thing. He wanted to talk to her, but she deliberately avoided him.

Leng Yuyang felt that he might have said the joke just now, but he thought it would be better to leave her alone for a while.

So that you don’t feel annoyed when you see yourself all the time.

Besides, I still have a lot of work to do, and I can't just be with her all the time.

Xiang Yunjing's matter needs to be investigated, Xiao Yu'er's words are also fishy, ​​so they need to be investigated, and Ye Dawei continues to stabilize him now, and they will not be able to meet each other until the injury on Xiao Wei's face is almost healed.

And the trump card in his hand must be sorted out and then find a suitable opportunity to expose it.

Of course Ye Xiaowei didn't think that much. Seeing that he didn't bother her any more, she wandered around the empty room and then touched the tablet again.

As if something had occurred to her, she opened the tablet.

Then open the chat software——

It actually automatically logged in to Leng Yuyang's account.

She quickly flipped through the contacts, and among hundreds of contact lists full of business people and celebrities, she saw Xiang Yunjing's name! !
Bang bang bang——!Bang bang bang——!The heart is beating so fast!

She can finally contact him and escape from here!
(End of this chapter)

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