Since it was Zhao Nanlin's own request, the old man naturally had nothing to say. Killing was impossible. After all, he was controlled by others. If Zhao Nanlin died, he would have no use value and it would be really not worth losing his life in vain.

Therefore, there is no need for the old man to poison Zhao Nanlin. Because of this, Zhao Nanlin temporarily believes in the old man...

The medicine was prescribed, and after the first dose was taken, the pain was like being cut into pieces with a thousand cuts.

Even though Zhao Nanlin was mentally prepared, he was still rolling on the ground in pain.

"You can't blame me for this." The old man shook his head and spread his hands, showing that he was helpless. "I told you a long time ago that it will be very painful. You said you must persevere. In this case, you can get through this. Just once."

It was no use having any kung fu skills. Zhao Nanlin was in pain, as if his whole body had been soaked in cold water, his whole body was wet with cold sweat, and his lips were bitten and bled.

In the end, he had no choice but to take the wet handkerchief and let Zhao Nanlin bite it, thus preventing him from biting his lip or tongue...

"Is it like this every time?" An Xiu was afraid.

If this happens every time and the pain is excruciating, then what's the point?

"Remember, don't be too emotional in the future. Take the medicine on time and the pain will gradually subside. It won't be like this every time. Now there is a partition, so the Gu insect is struggling hard and the pain is so unbearable." The old man Explain, "Next time, and next time, it will be better and better."

After all, if you suppress the Gu insect's struggle, the following days will be much easier.

"I can bear it!" Zhao Nanlin gasped, his whole body almost convulsing.

It hurts, it really hurts...

"The attack of the Gu insect is so powerful?" An Xiu really didn't expect it.

But now, he can't do anything, can't be of any help.

"Look outside, don't let anyone see you." The old man glanced at An Xiu, "Otherwise, if the news reaches the ears of some people, big trouble will occur. If you look back, you can break your restriction at any time."

Hearing this, he secretly cultivated his figure.

Zhao Nanlin looked up at him, "Go!"

"Yes!" An Xiu nodded.

Although he is surrounded by close friends and confidants, after all, they are all separated from each other. There cannot be any mistakes in this matter. Naturally, one must be extremely cautious.

An Xiu stood guard outside the door, feeling anxious. The pain was so severe. Then when he took the medicine next time, wouldn't he have to find a place where no one was around? Otherwise, would you all come here?

Fortunately, no one noticed this time. After waiting for an hour of pain, Zhao Nanlin finally recovered. He seemed to have lost half his life and was dying. It was really unbearable.

Fortunately, this time is over...

"The effect of this medicine is the strongest the first time, and it will get weaker every time." The old man explained, "As long as you get through it, it won't be a serious problem and it will get better and better."

Zhao Nanlin didn't even have the energy to speak at this moment. He huddled in the corner without raising his eyelids, as if he only had one breath left...

"Young Master?" An Xiu rushed over with worry on his face, "Young Master?"

With that said, he quickly gave Zhao Nanlin some water.

The cold water entering his throat relieved him a little, and also made his mind clear up a lot. Only then did he have the strength to say, "It's okay."

Also, only these two words.

Hearing his young master speak, An Xiu completely let go of his thoughts. Just be okay, be okay!

Zhao Nanlin didn't say anything for half an hour, and then he was finally able to stand up unsteadily.

"You recover very quickly. People who practice martial arts are indeed different." The old man sneered, "I thought you had to be carried out!"

An Xiu shouted coldly, "Old man, what are you talking nonsense about? Believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

"Kill me, and he will die too." The old man is not worried about this kind of thing happening. If he really has no ability at all, how can he be as stable as a mountain? "There is no need to say such things in the future. It makes you look too stupid."

An Xiu gritted his teeth, "You..."

"You don't have to. My, I'm telling the truth. Didn't you see that he only had half a life left? Do you want your young master to be unable to control himself even for his last breath?" The old man rolled his eyes at him. One glance, "I'll go see the guy inside."

Behind him, Zhao Nanlin's low voice came, "How is she?"

"Hey, do you think about it, there is another person here?" The old man sneered, "Her situation is not much better than yours, but relatively speaking, there is one thing that I still have to praise you for, and that is you endurance."

Zhao Nanlin frowned, his pale face without a trace of blood.

"She really couldn't bear the slightest pain. I asked her to have her bones repaired. She was numb and swollen and screamed in pain. It was harder than a pig during the New Year." When mentioning Yan Lian'er, the old man's face was filled with tears. He was speechless and angry, "You can't stand even a little pain, why do you think you're a master? It's really ridiculous!"

Of course, Zhao Nanlin knew about Yan Lian'er's virtue and did not react at all. He only left one sentence, "If you can't stand it, tie him up."

"Of course I want to, but this man is yelling, if something happens, my life will be taken, so I can't act cautiously?" The old man sighed, "You young people really don't care about my life at all. Here, if I can’t offend you, why can’t I hide you?”

Zhao Nanlin stopped talking and said, "Stop talking nonsense and just do as you are told from now on. Her life has long been out of her control. Life or death is in our hands. If she dares to act arbitrarily next time, just tie her up. If she doesn't want to Live or kill!"

The old man looked back and looked at him in disbelief, "Are you willing to do it?"

"There is nothing to be reluctant to part with. The meaning of her existence itself is the blood of her body. In fact, whether she is the descendant of the late emperor has not yet been recognized by the former dynasty. Whether the Yan royal family recognizes her or not is still a question." Zhao Nanlin This man is cold-blooded. What does Yan Lian'er's life and death have to do with him?

The old man stood there, frowning.

"She is just a substitute. Why does she want to show off? A princess? Oh, what kind of princess is she? She has been a concubine in Bo Yangui's regent's palace for several years, but she doesn't even remember who she is?"

The old man took a deep breath and said, "According to you, as long as you don't die?"

"Her value is this, do you need me to repeat it again?" Zhao Nanlin walked slowly towards the door curtain of the inner room.

Inside, it was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Perhaps because of the dissipation of the numbness, Yan Lian'er is still unconscious and lying motionless on the bed.

So, for the best.

If she heard or saw something, it would be a bit...

"Don't worry, she can't hear it." The old man walked slowly to the edge of the bed. "The double anesthetic dispersion made her sleep like a dead pig, and she was unable to notice the changes around her."

The murderous look in Zhao Nanlin's eyes gradually subsided.

"If she uses Ma Fei Powder too much, her brain will become more and more difficult to use, and her memory will become worse and worse." The old man opened his lips quietly and spoke meaningfully.

Zhao Nanlin frowned slightly, these words seemed to remind him... (End of Chapter)

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