Shoufu Jiaoyi has space

Chapter 201 Are You Sick?

Chapter 201 Are You Sick?
Chapter 202 Are You Sick?
Han Shikang was disheartened by Baohe Hall, and he couldn't help but see the person who was looking for trouble becoming more and more disgusting.No matter how old I was, when I saw that the man was still hurling abuses and slanders at me and Ying'antang, I rushed forward to fight with him regardless.

Xiang Yuan stopped the man quickly with his hands, but unexpectedly, before he could speak, the man yelled, "Ying'antang is beating me!" and rushed towards them with his fists waving.

Xiang Yuan: "!" Damn!

Xiang Yuan protected Han Shikang and received a solid punch from the man. Just when the man wanted to continue punching, a child suddenly shouted from the crowd: "Stop fighting! The official is here! The official is here." Got it!"

The man reluctantly stopped his waving hand, turned around and exchanged glances with his companions. When the official came over, he immediately rushed over, knelt down in front of him and started crying: "Master! You have to make the decision for me. Ah! This quack doctor from Ying'antang prescribed the wrong medicine to cure my mother's death. Not only did he not admit it, he even dared to continue to treat people and prescribe medicine. This, doesn't he still want to kill people! My lord, you have to examine it carefully. This quack doctor, look at how many people he and Ying'antang have harmed!"

The evil man complained first, which made the several Yamen servants who came over frowned, and the people watching the excitement turned pale.

Some people even couldn't help but echoed: "That's right, sir, you have to scrutinize this drug store. If it really hurts someone, the sin will be huge!"

The leading yamen servant was called over by the little beggar, and he was an acquaintance of Xiang Yuan.However, he did not take sides, but carefully asked the whole story. When he understood what was going on, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and asked the man: "Fourth son, since Dr. Han has been expelled from the Peace Hall, Well, if you want compensation, shouldn’t you go to Baohe Tang first?”

The man named Lao Si'er was stunned when he heard this, his eyes flashed and he hurriedly explained: "Guan Ye, I don't just want compensation. When I saw this quack doctor harming people again, I couldn't help but think... I want to expose him, I don’t want him to continue to harm others!”

The yamen officer nodded: "Oh, so, you are doing justice for heaven?"

The fourth child choked, laughed sarcastically, and then showed great indignation: "The younger one doesn't have that much ability, I just feel that if I don't expose that quack doctor, I don't know how many people will be deceived by him again!"

"Yes, yes, sir, you don't know how cheap the medicines sold by Ying'antang are! The medicines for the same treatment are less than half the price of Baohe Tang! Think about it, this Baohe Tang is opened in Wentong County How many years have you been here? How many days has Ying'antang been here? He doesn't treat illnesses and prescribe medicine honestly, but he thinks about evil ways. Isn't this harming people's lives?" Several people who followed Lao Si'er also made various complaints. Time has made Ying'antang full of crimes and a den of crime.

Doctor Han was so angry that he never thought that one day he would be sued for selling this medicine cheaply!This is a good thing that benefits the people. Are these people sick?
He pushed away Xiang Yuan's hand that was applying the medicine on him, and shouted at the crowd: "Have you all been kicked in the head by a donkey? The medicine is cheap and you can afford it. Isn't this a good thing? You guys Is it possible that you still want to buy medicines at high prices? Or, if you force Yingantang to raise the price of medicines, you will buy them? "

Some people hesitated for a moment after hearing this, thinking that this is really what happened.

But there are always a few people who are easily seduced by others. When they heard Han Shikang's words, they choked with each other: "Even if the price of Ying'an Hall has increased, we will not buy from here! Is your bargain a bargain? You are trying to make money." Killing!"

"That's it! That's it! Seeking wealth and killing!"

Han Shikang had sharp eyes and recognized at a glance that the person who was following the heckles had worked for the boss of Baohe Hall.His eyes were red with anger, and he was about to point that person out, but as soon as the person stopped talking, he turned around and ran away into the crowd.

Han Shikang didn't catch his breath, and he was about to faint as soon as the whites of his eyes rolled back.

When the old man saw it, he immediately shouted loudly: "Master, look at that quack doctor, he wants to faint and lie!"

Han Shikang: "!" He was so angry at this sentence that he suddenly became energetic again.

This matter was quite a big deal, involving the wrong medicine being prescribed and harming someone, and Ying'an Hall was also smashed. Therefore, the government officials did not stop and took the two groups of people to the county government office directly for the county magistrate to make a judgment.

After Li Zhen heard about this incident, he came out from the backyard and worked overtime to go to court for trial.Sheng Xi rushed back from Yuzhou. She just wanted to check how much inventory Ying'antang still had.This time Yu Hongxin gave her good news, saying that the sales volume of the patent medicine she brought there last time was good, but unfortunately not much.Therefore, he wanted her to send another batch to Yuzhou.

Sheng Xi wanted to count the inventory and make a balance between the two sides, but the result was unexpected. The messy scene inside the Ying'an Hall shocked her when she opened the door.

When she was confused, a little beggar ran out from the corner and asked her: "Are you from Sheng Dong's family?"

Sheng Xi turned to look at the child and nodded.

The little beggar was sure that he had found the right person, and immediately said anxiously: "Dong Sheng's family, go to the county office as soon as possible! Butler Xiang and Doctor Han were taken away and they were beaten!"

"What's going on?" Sheng Xi frowned, turned around and left, while calling the little beggar to get in the car.

The little beggar was very smart. He quickly climbed onto the carriage, and then explained the cause and effect of the incident from beginning to end. At the end, he asked Sheng Xi: "Dong Sheng's family, will Butler Xiang be okay?"

After hearing what the little beggar said, Sheng Xi already had a guess in her heart and was no longer anxious.When I heard him ask this again, I couldn't help but ask curiously: "Are you familiar with Xiang Yuan?"

The little beggar smiled naively, scratched the back of his head and said, "I stole a bun because I was too hungry. I was caught and almost beaten to death. It was Butler Xiang who saved me. He paid me back the money and gave me another I bought food, so, I'm very grateful to the butler."

"I see." Sheng Xi smiled, looked at the little beggar, and asked him, "What's your name?"

"Steamed bun!"

"What..." Sheng Xi thought she heard wrong, but saw the little beggar chuckle and explain to himself: "Actually, I don't know what my name is. I got the steamed buns myself, so every time someone calls me by this name, Son, everyone seems to be able to eat steamed buns!"

Sheng Xi opened her mouth, as if she thought of something, and the smile at the corner of her mouth gradually subsided.

She raised her eyes and saw the little beggar looking at her seriously, as if seeking praise. After a moment, Sheng Xi smiled again and said to him: "Well, that's good. That's a good name."

In the county government office, although Li Zhen was grateful for Sheng Xi's care for Li Changyu and wanted to show favoritism and protect Yingantang's reputation, the incident caused quite a stir and many people came to join in the fun.So, after some questioning and thinking, he sent someone to call the shopkeeper of Baohe Hall.

And Sheng Xi came over when the shopkeeper of Baohe Hall was being questioned.

As soon as she stepped into the county government office, she heard the shopkeeper say: "Sir, the little medicine boy in the shop accidentally knocked down the candle wax a few days ago. The pulse diagnosis record happened to be nearby, and it was burned by a fire. There are only a few pages left at the moment, the common people, the common people really can’t find the second volume!”

Sheng Xi paused as she fell, and thought to herself: "So, Baohetang wants to make someone dead without any evidence so that he can be framed? Oh, can't you find the second volume? Okay, then she will change it for him. alright!"

(End of this chapter)

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