Shoufu Jiaoyi has space

Chapter 808 Ogawa Island

Chapter 808 Ogawa Island

Chapter 809 Ogawa Island

Emperor Qi Wen listened to the report with a gloomy face and looked at everyone in the hall with cold eyes. After a moment, he gritted his molar teeth and spoke: "Everyone, tell me, my noble navy of Li Kingdom was hijacked by some unknown pirates! Who of you can tell me? , Should I have this face or not?"

"Plop", the ministers knelt down one after another, bowed their heads and said nothing.Even Shen Anhe was wondering in his mind whether this matter was true or false.

The battleship with thousands of people only passed through a thick fog and came back with only about [-] people left!And the remaining people didn't know what happened at all. They just learned from a few fishermen that a small boat carrying a few people approached the battleship, and the small boat did not come back after that.

If Ge Ming hadn't written a letter to report this matter personally, Shen Anhe would have thought that this was a supernatural incident made up by some storyteller to deceive the listeners into taking their money.

In the hall, Emperor Qi Wen was so angry that he almost smoked from his orifices.He would definitely not believe that this was some kind of supernatural incident. The place where it happened happened to be the place where he had been confused with several neighboring countries before.It is clearly the territory of Li Kingdom, but those small countries actually want to covet it!
It's a shame that they didn't pay enough attention there in the first place, allowing those people to take advantage of the loophole and make the situation muddy.

"Bang!" Emperor Qiwen slapped his palm on the dragon chair, and the sound resounded throughout the hall, making the ministers shrink their necks in shock.

His gaze swept across the crowd and finally landed on Shen Anhe. He asked with a hint of exhaustion in his anger: "Shen Aiqing, tell me, how should this matter be handled?"

Shen Anhe stood up and came out of the queue, bowed and said: "Back to the Emperor, the top priority is to stabilize the situation on Xiaochuan Island, and not to allow anyone to take advantage of it. In addition, we must find a way to find the missing thousands of soldiers as soon as possible, so as not to disrupt the morale of the military. !”

The place where the accident occurred happened to be near Ogawa Island. The reason why Ogawa Island is called this is because Ogawa Island is a combination of three long islands. From a distance, it looks like a "chuan" spread in the sea, so it is named.

This is a general statement, but Emperor Qiwen also knows that this is really all they can do at the moment.

In fact, in addition to this news, Ge Ming also wrote another letter.It’s not easy to read this letter in the court because Ge Ming said in the letter that this incident may have been caused by God’s punishment for offending Hai Long. Otherwise, it’s really hard to explain, but there was obviously no movement, but there were more than 1000 people. Just disappeared.

He has sent people to check the accident site dozens of times, but no traces have been found.Even if I expand the search scope, there are still no results.From the time the accident happened to when we went to look for clues, only an hour passed. The sea was vast and full of dangers. There were so many people in such a short time. There was always something left behind, but there was nothing!

This thing was unheard of, even Ge Ming had never encountered it in many years in the navy.In the army, no one knew who spread such a statement, and it swept the entire military camp overnight, and it was too late to stop it.

Ge Ming had no choice but to report the news truthfully.

Although Emperor Qiwen didn't believe in ghosts and gods, he was still afraid. After seeing Ge Ming's letter, his thoughts were turned away unconsciously.But in the end, his rationality told him that things couldn't be so simple and could always be explained clearly.

It must be explained clearly, otherwise, as those thieves said, Li Guo offended Hai Long and was punished by God!This is trying to slap Li Guo in the face. What is the prestige of Li Guo!

What a joke!
Thinking of this, Emperor Qiwen's face couldn't help but darken again and again.

Not in the mood to talk about anything else, Emperor Qiwen left the court early, leaving behind Shen Anhe and the Minister of War.After a long discussion, the two of them left the imperial study room.After that, there was another tense arrangement, until when they returned home, the stars in the sky had been lit up, and there were occasional sounds of firecrackers in the streets and alleys, telling them that the New Year was coming.

However, the coming New Year is not as beautiful and peaceful as everyone wishes.There are always those nights where I can't think about things well, don't want others to be kind to me, and pop out to make people annoying when nothing happens!

After Shen Anhe returned, Sheng Xi saw his serious expression. Then he looked down at the news he had just received and guessed why he was worried.She stepped forward and asked directly: "Is the emperor keeping you here because of the incident on Ogawa Island?"

Shen Anhe saw the tissue paper in her hand and knew that she had received the news from Diting, so he did not hide it and nodded: "Yes, the incident on Xiaochuan Island is too strange and involves the prestige of Li Guo. The truth must be You need to be clear. Otherwise, your words will hurt people and be detrimental to our country, Li."

But, having said that, not to mention that they were far away in the capital, even Ge Ming who was at the scene didn't know how to start and couldn't find a clue.

The primary purpose of going to Zhanzhou to listen is to open a way for Yu Tong, and other news will naturally be heard.But what they didn't expect was that the first wave of news would be so explosive.

Ogawa Island is haunted!
Sheng Xi naturally wouldn't believe it was haunted, there must be something to it.But Xiaochuan Island was too far away from the coastline for their people to get through, and she didn't intend to let them take risks. Therefore, she couldn't help Shen Anhe in this matter for the time being.

Shen Anhe said: "This shouldn't be something you have to worry about. Don't worry, there will be a way to solve it."

As he spoke, he raised his hand and placed it on Sheng Xi's lower abdomen. The child in his belly turned over and slid along his palm like two fish.

This feeling made Shen Anhe's eyes widen in a very rare way, which showed his surprise.

Sheng Xi smiled and said: "These two little guys have been tossing around during the day, and this is the first time they have turned over at night."

Shen Anhe had always heard from Sheng Xi that the child was moving, but unfortunately he had never encountered it once. Now that he experienced it for himself, he suddenly felt like father and son were connected.

Shen Anhe, who became a father for the first time, couldn't help but feel flustered, but couldn't control his excitement.

Two little lives, they really came together like this.

Because of the incident on Xiaochuan Island, Shen Anhe was unable to collect seals to celebrate the New Year like other officials. From the first to the fifth day of the lunar month, he was busy every night until dark.

But even though he was so busy, there was still no good news from Xiaochuan Island, and the rumors that Li Guo had offended Hai Long and was punished became more and more widespread, and had already reached the capital.

It was impossible to shut up the people. The more pressure they put on them, the stronger the backlash became. Emperor Qi Wen was so angry that he smashed four or five teacups because of this incident. Until the morning of the eighth day of the lunar month, a letter came from Zhanzhou with great speed. A different news.

However, Emperor Qiwen's expression changed significantly when he saw the news.After a long while, he sighed deeply, squeezed the letter tightly, and when he released it, he said to Cai Rang, "Go and call An He. I have something to say to him."

Cai Rang didn't know what was in the letter, but the person who sent it didn't look as anxious as before, which was probably not a bad thing.But after the emperor read it, his expression changed drastically. For a moment, he was not sure whether the news brought by the letter was good or bad.

But now was not the time to speculate on the quality of the content. He personally rode to the Shouxing Mansion to invite Shen Anhe over.

After Shen Anhe saw the content of the letter, he blurted out without thinking: "Your Majesty, I don't agree!"

(End of this chapter)

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