Chapter 611 Indomitable
When the wind blew, the wet clothes on my body were so cold that I woke up. I quickly took off my animal skin clothes and exposed my little underwear.

My boots were also soaked, so I took them off and wrung them out, turning them upside down to dry.

Then pull off the hairpin, let the hair dry, and let the wind dry.

Because there were no trees blocking the sky, Xiao Se looked up and saw that the sun in the sky had turned westward and its remaining warmth was dissipating.

"It's getting dark!" Xiao Se looked at the sun and murmured to himself, "We have to light a fire quickly, even if there are no wild animals, they will freeze to death!"

Xiao Se stepped on the ground with bare feet. He just took a step and gritted his teeth in pain. The soles of his feet were pricked by dead branches: "I'm used to boots, so going barefoot is not my strong point."

Curling up her toes, she picked up fallen branches within a radius of two meters and moved them to the entrance of the cave: "There are no wild beasts inside, and it is sheltered from the wind. If I raise a fire here, the night wind will surely find me." .”

Xiao Se looked towards the entrance of the cave and said in a low voice: "I fell from the stream, he will definitely not be able to find me!"

"It won't work even if I'm afraid. The water has washed away my smell. I can't smell it, and it can't find me."

After thinking everything through, Xiao Se's fear is gone, because it's useless to be afraid anymore. No one will feel sorry for you, and no one will help you. You can only rely on yourself now.

After being depressed for two seconds, Xiao Se regained his composure and said, "Now dig into the wood to make fire!"

I prepared the ingredients with a big black knife and just rubbed the branches twice. My palms were already swollen and red, and I frowned in pain.

Xiao Se, who wanted to persevere, finally couldn't bear it anymore. He threw away the branch, looked at the red and swollen palms, and said in a deep voice: "I used too much force and the skin is broken. I need to find herbs."

"It's getting dark, and herbs are not as important as fire."

Xiao Se wanted to leave everything alone, but in the end his reason prevailed. He tied the animal leather belt around his waist to a stick and pulled it back and forth like a plow to light the fire.

Even so, the hand was still very painful, and the pain was so desolate that she burst into tears.


His hands were bleeding and he hadn't started a fire yet. Xiao Se, who was cold, hungry and scared, collapsed. He threw the branches far away and kicked off all the piled branches.

The branches were kicked off and my toes hurt.

Xiao Se, who collapsed, shouted towards the cave: "Ah!"

A bleak echo came from the cave: "Ah!"

Xiao Se shouted towards the cave again: "Night Breeze!"

The cave responded to her: "Night Breeze!"

Xiao Se listened to the echo, biting her lip with red eyes, looking at the dark cave. She definitely didn't have the courage to walk back now.

Even if she walked back, she couldn't climb into the stream from the stalactite hole four or five meters away from the pool.

But the sound spread from the hole to the top: "Night Breeze!"

Ye Feng turned around sharply, his eyes were filled with surprise: "Ah Feng, did you hear it? Arthur is calling me, did you hear it?"

He actually heard it, it was Arthur calling him.

A'zhen jumped on the spot happily, and it also heard it. It looked up to the sky and roared: "Ouch!"

This sound caused countless birds to flap their wings and fly away. Most of the beasts in the forest fled in panic.

Even the saber-toothed tiger and the terror bird chose to leave leisurely.

Night Breeze, who was sitting on the dire wolf, shouted toward the dark woods: "Arthur!"

No one responded to him, but the sound of wild beasts responded to him.

Ye Feng couldn't understand the beast language, but Ah Zhan roared in the direction of the beast, and the beast's sound disappeared.

"Good job!" Ye Feng stroked Ah Qing's hair and said anxiously, "You have good ears. Do you know where Arthur's voice came from just now?"

A'feng ran forward quickly, ran back, and then stopped by the stream, pawing at the ground with his head down, whimpering.I have no idea I have no idea.

Night Breeze stroked Ah Feng's hair and said softly: "It's okay, it's okay, she's so smart, she will be fine. She said that if you follow the water, you will definitely find your way home. She will definitely follow the stream. Let’s go. Let’s look for her along the stream.”

After they left, several large beasts that had been lurking in the forest rushed out, tore and gnawed at Chang Hun's body, and ate it up, even chewing the bones.

Even Chang Hun's head, which was stuck on a stone in the stream, was bitten by wild beasts and made a cracking sound.

The body of the boa constrictor was also eaten by wild beasts, leaving the snake's head pressed down by a stone.

It seems that beasts are also very smart and cannot stop eating.

Night Breeze sat on the dire wolf and walked forward along the stream, past the hornet's nest, the shallow stream, and then came to the deep stream. He looked at the cliff and said in shock: "Ah Terror, smell this, Arthur has Not here?"

Ah Xin smelled the cliff, swung his tail and walked back, lying at Ye Feng's feet and sobbing.

Ye Feng's heart suddenly dropped, and a smile appeared on his face: "Arthur has never been here before, so that's fine."

The absence of Arthur's smell at the cliff proved that Arthur had not fallen.

"She should have taken another way." Ye Feng stood on the cliff, looked at the bottom of the cliff, and murmured to himself, "She must have taken another way. She even killed Chang Hun, and was not even afraid of the big python. She is a goddess, she will be fine."

The dire wolf whimpered twice and lay still.

Night Breeze retreated, away from the cliff, and stopped next to a big rock: "The night is dark, let's stop here. I will raise the fire. If Arthur sees it, she will definitely call me again."

For Ye Feng, drilling wood to make a fire was a matter of minutes, and the fire was soon burning, and the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the surrounding area was brightly red.

If there is someone in the forest, you can see it at a glance.

The beast hiding in the distance looked at the fire and hesitated whether to come forward.

Ye Feng sat on the ground with his back against the big stone and said to Ah Xing, "It would be great if she had you by her side!"

The dire wolf lying next to Ye Feng whimpered softly.

That way I can take Arthur home.

As the fire burned, the night wind patted the dire wolf: "Go find food. I have to maintain my strength and never fall down. It's dark now. Arthur will definitely hide and take care of himself. I believe in her!"

This was said to Ah Fang, as well as to himself.

When Arthur was captured, he quickly rushed into the virgin forest to find Arthur.

Everything in the primeval forest has its own orientation. Whether it is a beast or a human, it will leave traces as long as it walks through it.

After watching Bai Wu calm down, he began to look for Chang Hun's footprints, and he found them.

He rushed towards the primeval forest desperately, and the traces left by Changhun inside became more and more obvious. Ye Feng was very happy, and he would soon be able to bring Arthur back to the tribe.

But that bastard Chang Hun is really infuriating. In addition to running all the way, he actually attracted wild beasts.

When he was dealing with the wild beast, Ah Fang arrived.

So, he and Ah Fang were looking for Arthur's scent while dealing with the beast.

When we got here, Arthur's scent disappeared.

He had to maintain his strength in the night wind that had not penetrated for two days in order to bring Arthur home in this difficult forest.

The dire wolf ran vigorously, leaving only the night wind to stay here.

A saber-toothed tiger appeared silently on the big rock behind Ye Feng.

(End of this chapter)

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