Chapter 791 Seal the Cave Entrance

"Seal the cave entrance!"

The night wind roared again, and he shouted while running: "Immortal, seal the entrance of the cave!"

The voice is loud and the journey is long.

In the past, even a day's walk would have felt like we were very close to the tribe, but now a few hundred meters felt very far away.

It's obviously only a hundred meters away, why should we seal the cave entrance to prevent them from entering!

A person's speed of 20 meters is about [-] to [-] seconds. The average speed of floods is [-] meters per second and [-] meters in [-] seconds. Human beings cannot run through floods.

Even if Ye Feng and Xiao Se's speed was [-] meters and ten seconds, they would not be able to run through the flood.

Ah Cha panicked, grabbed Chang Sheng, and cried and begged: "Chang Sheng, no, the patriarch and Arthur will run over soon."

Changsheng stood at the entrance of Cup Mountain Cave, looking at the two people running with the flood, as well as the beasts that were swept into the flood. His face was like black water, his eyes were firm, and his voice was trembling: "Seal the cave entrance!"

This is the decision made by the clan leader, and it is also his decision. If the cave entrance is not sealed, everyone will die!
He took the lead and pushed the boulder on the side towards the entrance of the cave: "Quick!"

Aru and others stepped forward with red eyes, and all helped push the boulder to the entrance of the cave.

Looking at the hole that was about to be blocked, Ocha, who was pulled by the harvest, struggled and cried: "They can run over..."

The entrance to the cave was slowly blocked, and the last sight was of the patriarch, Arthur, and other beasts being swallowed by the flood.

This scene was not only seen by Ocha and Fengsheng, but also by other tribesmen standing at the entrance of the cave.

Chang Sheng, who was pushing the stone with his face as sinking as water, did not see that scene.

But from Acha's frightened and stunned face, he could guess the scene of the patriarch and Arthur being swallowed up by the flood.


There was a loud bang, followed by a continuous crash, which was the sound of flood water hitting Cup Mountain.

The boulders blocking the entrance of the cave also trembled, and the rumbling sound of water filled my ears one after another.

The surging sound of the waves hit Cup Mountain, making all the tribesmen so scared that they did not dare to make a sound.

If the clan leader had not asked them to hide in Cup Mountain in advance, how could they survive the flood when it came?
This flood came so fast that people couldn't react.

"Ouch!" Ah Feng rushed over, grabbing the boulder and whimpering, as if to say, why did you seal the cave entrance before Ye Feng and Arthur came in?

Adi also rushed over, pushed the stone with all his strength, and shouted: "Why do you need to seal the entrance of the cave? Open it quickly, Ye Feng and Arthur will not die. If you push the stone away, they will definitely be alive."

Because of the disappearance of the little dragon bird and the beating of A Di, the three of them would never leave me and I would never leave you.

Just now, the three of them were huddled in the innermost pavilion. They were well-behaved and partly to recuperate from A Di's injuries.

Secondly, they were afraid of the way Ye Feng looked at them, as if he was going to beat them again at any time.

Therefore, they ran to the innermost pavilion to hide from the night wind in order not to be beaten.

Who would have thought that after hiding like this, when he returned to God, the entrance to the cave was actually sealed.

A Di did not accept this fact. He slapped the boulder and roared: "Open it, open it quickly!"

No matter how strong he was, he could not push the boulder away alone. The boulder weighed at least three thousand kilograms.

A'feng also whimpered and grabbed the stone with his claws.

Wow, Ye Feng beat them all for their own good. They would rather be beaten than never see Ye Feng and Arthur again.Changsheng remained motionless. No one paid attention to them, and no one pushed the stone away for them. They all bowed their heads and remained silent.

A Di and A Xin hugged each other and cried, and kept calling these people bad guys.

Ah Cha, with tears streaming down his face, stared blankly at the boulder blocking the cave entrance, and then slapped it frantically: "The patriarch and Arthur haven't come in yet, how can you seal the cave entrance!"

She rushed to Changsheng and slapped him again, roaring: "How can you seal the entrance of the cave?"

Changsheng didn't speak or dodge, and let Acha hit him. His hands hanging by his side were clenched into fists, and his eyes were lowered.

He was the one who made the decision, and no one could blame himself or feel more distressed than him.

But he had to make a choice, otherwise, all the people the clan leader wanted to protect would be gone.

Ah Ri felt sorry for Ah Sheng being beaten, but looking at Ah Cha crying bitterly, he understood her pain very well.

When you watch your best relative die in front of you, but you have no way to help, the pain is really heartbreaking.

Fengshou, who was red-eyed, wanted to hold Ah Cha, but Ah Cha threw her away, rushed to Ananda, slapped her twice, and howled in pain: "You see, because of you, the patriarch and Arthur are dead. ,all because of you!"

Ananda had witnessed what happened just now, and she was also shocked. Now that she had received two slaps, she still couldn't believe it: "I didn't want them to die! I didn't, it wasn't me, it was them who wanted to go back." The one who takes the medicine is none of my business!”

It's really none of her business. She didn't say she wanted them to go back to get the medicine, so don't bring it up on her.

Seeing her shirking responsibility, Ah Cha slapped her again, with red eyes and gnashing teeth: "If it weren't for you wanting to go back to the slave yard, if it wasn't for you saying that you felt sick to your stomach, if it wasn't for the fact that you were not willing to do this. If you don't do that, will Amang fall into the water? Will Azang faint?"

"They are all because of you, and the patriarch and Arthur are also because of you!"

"It's all your fault, you are the one who deserves to die! Why don't you die!"

Ah Cha's words were rude, but he took everything into consideration and let his tribe know the truth.

When Ah Qiao and Ah Ye looked at Ananda, there was resentment in their eyes.

"Just because you are pregnant with a baby, we all have to tolerate you?" Ah Cha's angry eyes were scarlet, "Look at other females who are pregnant with babies, who has so many problems like you? Who has this? Are you so disgusting that it makes you want to vomit?"

Ananda kept shaking his head in horror: "No, no, I didn't, and I didn't want them to die. It was Changsheng who told them to seal the entrance of the cave. If you want to blame me for beating them, you should go to Changsheng, not me!"

These words made all the clan members furious. This is not what Acha is talking about with you now, but you are talking about her.

It was the clan leader who ordered the sealing of the cave entrance, and Chang Sheng was the one who finally sealed the cave entrance. But why did the cave entrance be sealed? Which clan member present did not know?

It’s for all the tribesmen in Cup Mountain.

Ah Cha was so angry that he wanted to use the knife, but Ananda held his stomach and shouted: "My stomach hurts, I don't want to die, ah, my stomach hurts, am I going to give birth?"

"I'm giving birth!"

"I'm really going to give birth, it hurts so much!"

Ananda screamed in agony. In order not to scare the other females, Ah Ye and Ah Shao could only step forward to check.

After checking, the two nodded to each other: "It's time to give birth."

Aye frowned: "But, I heard from Arthur that Ananda hasn't arrived yet."

In the past, when it came to having babies, they just gave birth when they wanted to. They didn't know that it would take ten months to carry a baby.

She was only found out after Arthur came to be pregnant for ten months.

(End of this chapter)

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