Chapter 103 The Queen Mother's Birthday
Luo Jiuli wasn't hungry, but watching Jun Mohan eat, she couldn't help but eat some too.


It was early August in the ninth year of Yuansheng 310.

On the 60th birthday of Queen Mother Yide, before dawn, three consecutive imperial edicts were issued from the palace, each one shocking.

The first one is amnesty for the whole world!

Secondly, from now on, officers and soldiers will be stationed at the four city gates in the southeast and northwest for twelve hours to provide porridge non-stop for three months, and each city will follow suit.

Thirdly, this year, the taxes paid to the imperial court by each city will be reduced by 30.00%.

For a time, Yuan Sheng was in full swing, and the whole country was celebrating.

"The Emperor is worthy of ruling the world with filial piety! Now that taxes are reduced and exempted, we people will be much more relaxed!"

"Harmful! A woman succeeds and a woman fails! Let me tell you, these are only temporary. If he listens to that woman like this, sooner or later the imperial power will fall away!"

"Oh! Don't say this nonsense! If someone with a heart hears it, he will be beheaded!"

"That is, at least for now, the result is good. Amnesty will be granted to the world. I don't know how many family members can be reunited again!"

"Yes, yes! I also give out porridge for twelve hours non-stop. In these three months, even beggars have no worries about food and clothing!"

The wheels of the car pressed across the ground, leaving traces that were neither deep nor shallow.

Luo Jiuli sat in the carriage and looked at Jun Mohan who suddenly opened the curtain and came in, "Why did you come in?!"

"I'm afraid that my wife will be bored by herself, so I'm here to accompany you." Jun Mohan sat next to Luo Jiuli, pulled her into his arms, and rested his chin on the top of his head.

"Bah!" Luo Jiuli pushed him away hard and stuffed a grape into his mouth. "We're halfway through the journey. I'm just thinking about it now. I'm afraid I'm bored. Isn't it too late?"

Jun Mohan, "For my husband..."

Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him, "Tell the truth, or I'll throw you down!"

"..." Jun Mohan said, "Girls, please be gentle."

"I'm just throwing you down. It's already very gentle. If I'm not gentle, I'll beat you up first and then throw you down." Luo Jiuli ate the grapes carelessly, "Speak quickly, you have been riding a horse for so long. , why did you come in suddenly!"

She was not a three-year-old child, so she didn't believe that he was afraid that she would be boring and come to accompany him.

Jun Mohan, "..."

How could his wife be so different from other women!
"Don't tell me yet?!" Luo Jiuli urged.

"It's better to be seriously injured for your husband. It's not advisable to work too much."

Jun Mohan's words made Luo Jiuli nod his head, "It's rare for you to have such awareness and know how to act like one."

Jun Mohan looked at Luo Jiuli's frighteningly white cheeks, which had been covered with no less than ten layers of powder, and smiled, "That's because the lady taught her well."

Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, not realizing it was a compliment and didn't want to speak!
The carriage suddenly stopped moving.

"What's going on?" Jun Mohan asked.

"Your Majesty, someone came to say that Concubine Shu is tired and wants to rest here for a while." It was Kang Xiang's voice.

Jun Mohan said 'hmm'.

Luo Jiuli couldn't stay any longer after sitting for so long. She opened the curtain and slowly got out of the carriage with Zisu's support.

This time we went to Qingci Garden with hundreds of officials and their families.

The person walking in the front was not the emperor, not the queen, nor the queen mother, but Concubine Xiao Shu who was pregnant with the dragon heir.

Concubine Xiao Shu suffered from severe morning sickness and could not ride in the carriage. She took a soft sedan specially prepared by the Queen Mother.

The soft sedan was round and made of bright yellow material that could only be used by emperors and empresses. It took 20 people to carry it. It was stable and luxurious.

Luo Jiuli's carriage numbered five, following closely behind the queen's carriage.

As soon as she got off the carriage, the queen in front of her also got off the carriage with the help of her personal grandmother, Grandma Sun.The two met each other.

Luo Jiuli smiled slightly and saluted, "I would like to pay my respects to the Queen!"

"Princess Yi is exempt from the ceremony." Mu Shishi gave Luo Jiuli a hand.

Luo Jiuli stood up and said, "Ahem, thank you, the Queen."

"Princess Yi is weak. After traveling a long distance, I saw that Princess Yi's face looked worse than usual, Grandma Sun."

"Old slave is here." Grandma Sun responded.

"Go and get some of the thousand-year-old ginseng slices that I brought out this time for Princess Yi."

Mu Shishi's facial features are not as weak as those of ordinary women. On the contrary, she is somewhat firm.

Such a woman is tough-minded, strong, sensible, and aboveboard in her actions, and doesn't like petty tricks.

However, her opponent Xiao Ruoyan is completely the opposite.

This is also the reason why she and Xiao Ruoyan have been fighting for so many years, but they can't win.

"The Queen cannot do it. I am just a little tired, so I will be fine if I rest for a while. Thousand-year-old ginseng slices are precious, and it would be in vain to use them on me. It is better to keep them for those who need them."

Luo Jiuli was just pretending to be sick, but the queen couldn't stop her face from turning pale even if she put on makeup. She thought it was because Xiao Ruoyan was pregnant and she was worried about getting sick.

These thousand-year-old ginseng slices are for personal use and she cannot have them.

"No matter how precious things are, they cannot be compared with people. I heard that Princess Wenyi and Princess Wenyi are going to Qingci Garden this time, so I brought more with me. You can use it without worry."

It was difficult for Mu Shishi to have such a loud voice. After the experience of scaring Luo Jiuli out with her loud voice last time, she spoke softly to her this time.

"Nanny Sun, go quickly." Mu Shishi ordered again.

"Yes." Grandma Sun left and took the things over after a while.

The ginseng slices are placed in a delicate box.

Mu Shishi took Luo Jiuli's hand and placed the box in her hand, "Don't worry, there are plenty."

Mu Shishi looked at Zi Su next to her, "Serve Princess Yi well, she is too shy to talk. If I don't have you, remember to come to me again to ask for her."

"Yes, I will obey the Queen's teachings." Zisu Fushen put the box away for Luo Jiuli.

After everything was collected, Luo Jiuli could only say thank you, "Thank you, Queen."

"We are all sisters-in-law, how can we be so polite!" Mu Shishi looked at Mo Yu, who was following Luo Jiuli on the other side, "This girl is very close-minded, why didn't the Xinyi girl come with you this time?"

"Xin Yi is stable and stays in the mansion to handle the affairs of the mansion for me."

As soon as Luo Jiuli finished speaking, a palace maid walked over from the front and turned slightly towards the two of them, "The Queen, Princess Yi."

Looking at the visitor, Mu Shishi's expression remained unchanged, but her words became calm and cold, "What's the matter?"

The palace maid replied, "The Queen Mother invites you."

"I understand, you go down first, I will arrive soon."

"Yes." The palace lady left in response.

"I will go ahead first. Princess Yi has a rest in the wilderness. Please remember to get back to the carriage. Don't get lost."

Mu Shishi gave some instructions and took Nanny Sun away.

"I would like to send you to the Queen." Luo Jiu left Fu Shen and didn't get up until Mu Shishi was far away.

"Master, how come the Queen is so kind to you?" Zi Su asked in a low voice, "I have never seen her like this before. This time..."

Luo Jiuli glanced at the surrounding carriages and the guards patrolling back and forth, "How the Queen behaves is not allowed to be discussed by us. People have a lot of talk, so don't mention it again."

(End of this chapter)

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