Chapter 106 No one likes to be favored
She stretched out her hand to push Luo Jiuli, but was pushed away by Jun Mohan beside her.

After the push, he wiped his hands with a silk handkerchief in disgust.

The owner of the silk handkerchief, Luo Jiuli: "..."

Did she agree?
If he dislikes it, she won't dislike it?
Fang Xinman was pushed and staggered back several steps before she managed to stand firm.

She looked at Jun Mohan with tears in her eyes, "Brother Han, do you believe that Man'er is okay? Man'er did not slander her! Man'er really did not slander her! She is talking nonsense!"

She pointed at Luo Jiuli, "She was obviously slandering Man'er. She drugged the fruit wine Man'er drank that day, causing Man'er to have diarrhea! She is a bad woman! Brother Han, you have to believe Man'er! Don’t be blinded by this bad woman, Brother Han!”

The shouting of "Brother Han" was so heartbreaking that even Luo Jiuli couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

However, Jun Mohan kept a straight face, "Princess, please be careful. If you dare to slander me again, don't blame me for ignoring the friendship between the two countries!"

Tsk, tsk, scumbag!

He pushed her away without saying a word, but she said such heartless words!

Luo Jiuli thought so, and he was still happy in his heart.

After all, no one likes to be favored!
"Why does the princess always slander this concubine?" Luo Jiuli wiped the corners of his eyes with his sleeve. Unexpectedly, he thought she had been wronged so much that she cried because of the grievances she had suffered. "This concubine has been weak since she was a child and cannot drink. She also likes fruit wine a little bit, so when the princess came that day, I wanted to treat her with my favorite fruit wine, but I never thought that she would make the princess so unhappy."

"The fruit wine served to the princess was just dug out of the ground. When Zi Su took it to the hall, it was opened in front of the princess. How could there be an opportunity to drug the princess!"

"If the princess really wants the position of Princess Yi, I will let you take it. There is no need to go to such trouble and ruin my reputation in vain!"

Luo Jiuli's voice was soft and weak, but what he said was quite confident.

She can give in to anything, except when it comes to reputation!
"Princess likes fruit wine the most. Even if you can't drink it, it's good to smell it." Zi Su helped.

"My servant said that day that the princess should not be entertained with fruit wine, but the princess liked the princess's liveliness, so she wanted to share her favorite things with the princess to have a taste. Now it's good, and she is being thrown dirty for nothing. , I can’t even explain it with my mouth.”

Many noble ladies poked their heads out of the carriage when they heard the noise.

"Mother, isn't this Princess Jingxian from Fenglan Kingdom?" A noblewoman in a carriage looked at Fang Xinman.

"That's right." The woman sitting next to the noble lady responded.

"My daughter knows about her!" The noble girl added, "She was also here when the emperor ascended the throne that year, and even beat the most favored concubine Li at the time in the palace!"

"Keep your voice down, don't let her hear you!" the woman reminded.

"My daughter knows about the mother. My daughter just thinks that she dares to beat up Empress Li, and she has an arrogant and domineering temperament. Princess Yi is soft and weak, so I'm afraid she will suffer a loss against her."

People in more than one carriage were talking about it, and even the emperor and empress sent Eunuch Fu and Nanny Sun over to ask what was going on.

"Nothing." Jun Mohan said simply.

It's just that his wife wants to deal with a little guy, so she just looks at it.

"It's okay." Luo Jiuli waved his hand and glanced at Fang Xinman pretending to be casual, "It's just a small matter, harmless. You can leave at any time."

"The old slave then retreated."

"The slaves also retreated."

Grandma Fu Gongsun came and went quickly, but the obvious buzz around her did not diminish at all.

Fang Xinman was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. She pointed at Luo Jiuli with trembling fingers, "You, you, you wait for me, this princess will not give up, hum!"

After saying that, he stamped his feet and left.

Luo Jiuli looked at Fang Xinman's leaving figure and curled his lips.

Here goes!

She hasn't even made a big move yet!

No fun!

Very boring! "Hahahahahaha!!!"

Watching Luo Jiu leave the performance, Wen Yi, who was floating beside him, burst into laughter.

Jun Mohan got on the carriage, lifted the curtain and took Luo Jiuli into his arms.

After a while, the carriage moved forward slowly.

Without outsiders, Luo Jiuli couldn't pretend to be weak.

She pushed Jun Mohan away, hugged the fruit plate, and leaned to the corner, "You scumbag, you push someone with your hands, you don't know how to show mercy at all."

Jun Mohan was pushed and tilted, he sat up again and moved closer to Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli stretched out his hand holding a grape and put it in front of him, "Men and women don't kiss each other, stay away from me!"

The coldness towards others disappeared from Jun Mohan's face.

He chuckled lightly, lowered his head and bit the grape on Luo Jiuli's fingertip, and then licked it, leaving a wet patch on his fingertip.

"Eh!" Luo Jiuli was disgusted, waved his hand, and rubbed hard on his chest, "Are you disgusting?"

"A lady is as soft as jade, and she will not despise her husband." Jun Mohan held Luo Jiuli's hand and ate the grapes happily.

"You don't dislike it, I dislike it!" Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him and pulled her hand away forcefully, "I didn't wash my hands after going to the toilet."


Jun Mohan was stunned for a moment, then smiled nonchalantly and said, "I don't mind being my husband."


This time it was Luo Jiuli's turn to be speechless.

None of this is objectionable!
The taste is a bit strong, brother!
"Hahahahaha." Jun Mohan was amused by Luo Jiuli's appearance and laughed heartily.

He held Luo Jiuli's hand again and put it to his heart, "My husband will not despise anything about my wife."

"Hey!" Wen Yi floated on the other side, covering her eyes with her hands, the seams of her hands wide open, "I can't see anything, this princess can't see anything."

Luo Jiuli: "."

Please cover it up when you say this, sew your hands together, and close your eyes. Thank you!

Luo Jiuli's cheeks felt slightly hot. She pretended to be calm and withdrew her hand, picked up a grape and fed it to her mouth, "The dog is quite good at talking."

"A husband only treats his wife with tenderness and kindness, and he only treats her with flattering words."

Jun Mohan came closer and looked at the grapes in Luo Jiuli's hand, with his mouth open, waiting to be fed.

"You don't have any hands?" Luo Jiuli glanced sideways at him and continued to eat grapes.

Jun Mohan said, "I want my wife to feed my husband, ah!"

"..." Luo Jiuli was speechless, "I said you are a majestic God of War after all, so why not act outside when there is no one here?"

"I'm not acting as a husband, it's just that the grapes that have passed through my wife's hands are more fragrant, ah!"

Luo Jiuli felt rows of crows flying across his forehead.

God fucking smells better!
Luo Jiuli was speechless, but he still picked up a grape and fed it to his mouth.

Jun Mohan ate the grapes with satisfaction, took Luo Jiuli into his arms again, and kissed him hard on the forehead, "My wife is so kind to her husband!"

Luo Jiuli was hugged so hard that his whole body tilted. If he hadn't controlled it in time, the grapes would have almost fallen out of the fruit plate.

Wen Yi watched the scene in front of her with great interest, "With Brother Wang's temperament, this princess thought he would be alone for the rest of his life."

(End of this chapter)

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