Chapter 108 The fetal phase is unstable
——'Eunuch Fu, please remember to talk less and do more these days. When you see everything, you should be blind and blind. '

"My servant will take your words to heart and serve you carefully. Your Majesty the Dragon is in good health, and your Majesty and Princess are at ease."

Eunuch Fu leaned over, this time using the word "bear in mind", his rigorous attitude was completely different from the casual way Luo Jiuli talked about it before.

Judging from the black circles under his eyes, he had indeed encountered something these days, and it was of great importance, causing him to toss and turn and find it difficult to sleep.

Luo Jiuli smiled gently, this Eunuch Fu was quite smart.

She asked this in public, even if it was nothing, she might not be able to stop people from thinking wildly, and they might guess that she had asked Eunuch Fu to do something shameful.

But after Eunuch Fu finished replying to her words, he cleverly added the words "Dragon Body Health" after keeping it in mind.

This was to tell everyone that there was no unpleasant news between them, and all Luo Jiuli asked him was to serve the Holy Emperor well.

He is indeed a smart person who can take over Eunuch Chen’s place at the emperor’s side.

Save her the trouble of finding an excuse to plug the loophole.

Luo Jiuli felt very good after hearing this.

But Jun Mohan wasn't doing so well.

He knew that what Luo Jiuli told Eunuch Fu was definitely not about Jun Mozhe's dragon body.

However, when he heard Eunuch Fu mentioning Jun Mozhe, he still squeezed Luo Jiuli's hand unhappily.

Luo Jiuli glanced at him and ignored him, and continued to tell Eunuch Fu, "Just remember, the prince and the emperor have a deep brotherly relationship. If you don't take good care of him, be careful with your head."

Luo Jiuli's words were telling Eunuch Fu to be careful in everything. The knife hanging above his head had not been removed, and his life would be in danger at any time.

"Yes! The slave obeys!"

Eunuch Fu leaned down further.

After Luo Jiuli finished explaining, he and Jun Mohan walked inside.

There were many people around, so it was difficult for Jun Mohan to ask, but his subordinate kept squeezing Luo Jiuli's hand, sometimes tightening it and then loosening it, as if squeezing it for fun.

Luo Jiuli wanted to take the opportunity to pull out his hand when he relaxed, but he just thought about it.

Because before she could take action, Jun Mohan held her hand hard again.

Luo Jiuli rolled her eyes at him and whispered, "Childish!"

Jun Mohan's ears twitched, pretending not to hear clearly, "What did my beloved concubine say?"

"Childish!" Luo Jiuli's voice became louder and he said it again.

"Ah? What?" Jun Mohan still didn't hear clearly.

Luo Jiuli gritted his teeth, "."

On purpose, right?

Deaf, right?
At this time, the two of them had already reached the human wall, where the emperor, queen, queen mother, imperial physician, and Xiao Ruoling, whom they had not seen for a long time, were all surrounding the bright yellow sedan chair.

Luo Jiuli couldn't say anything else, but he didn't want to just let it go.

She squeezed Jun Mohan back hard in the same way to show her anger, waiting for me!

Xiao Hui watched the two people approaching, "Why are you two here?"

"Mother." Luo Jiuli said slightly, "Concubine Shu is not feeling well. I and the prince were worried so they came over to have a look, ahem, to see if there is anything we can do to help."

"Princess, Prince." Xiao Ruoling, standing next to Xiao Hui, saluted.

He looks quite nimble. Last time he got fifty hits, and he was carried by Eunuch Fu every time he went to the palace.

Now he doesn't seem to have any serious problems. I think he used a lot of good medicine.

Luo Jiuli nodded towards Xiao Ruoling and said softly: "How is my sister, the concubine, doing in the palace these days?"

"Thank you for your concern, Princess. My sister is fine." Maybe it was because there were so many people, or maybe it was because he had been trained by Xiao Hui and Xiao Ruoyan, two veterans of palace fighting in the palace.

In short, at this time, Xiao Ruoling lost the arrogance he had when he was in the palace, and spoke and saluted Luo Jiuli respectfully.

"If you're not feeling well, you should stay in the carriage. Why don't you come over and join in the fun!"

Xiao Hui covered her nose with her sleeves in disgust, fearing that Luo Jiu would cure her illness.

Jun Mohan's eyes turned cold, and when he was about to speak, Luo Jiuli pretended to bump him inadvertently.

She bowed her head, as if she had done something wrong and accepted punishment, "The queen is right, my daughter-in-law will go back after just one look."

"Mother and Queen, we are all a family. Concubine Shu is not feeling well, and Princess Yi is worried about coming over to take a look. It is human nature and she has good intentions. Just let her get up!"

Mu Shishi held Xiao Hui's arm affectionately, and she didn't know how good their relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law was.

Xiao Hui glanced at Mu Shishi and then turned away from Luo Jiuli, "Get up!"

"Thank you, Queen Mother, thank you, Queen Mother."

Luo Jiuli stood up and, in order to stabilize his character, pretended to be dizzy and staggered back.

"Be careful!" Jun Mohan trapped the person in his arms in time.

Even though he knew she was faking it, his face was still full of worry, "Are you okay!?"

Luo Jiuli shook his head and came out of Jun Mohan's arms, "I'm fine."

"Cuddling and hugging, how decent it is!"

Xiao Hui wanted to scold Luo Jiuli with a straight face.

At this time, all the imperial doctors had lined up to take Xiao Ruoyan's pulse.

They discussed the outcome, and Wan Zhibin, the head of the Taiyuan Hospital, said, "The Queen Mother!"

Xiao Hui no longer looked at Luo Jiuli, she looked away, "Excuse me, how is Concubine Shu?"

"Is my concubine okay?" Jun Mozhe asked anxiously.

No one noticed her, so Luo Jiuli stood aside obediently, looking weak and lethargic, but in fact she was in great spirits!

Still taking the opportunity to look at everyone around him.

The soft sedan lowered the curtain. The curtain was made of multiple layers of gauze, and Xiao Ruoyan's face could not be seen clearly.

I could just barely see the figure of a person lying there, his chest rising and falling with his breathing.

"Returning to the Emperor and the Queen Mother, Concubine Shu is feeling unwell due to the long journey. In addition, she already suffered from severe morning sickness, which made her body even more unwell."

Wan Zhibin's words made Xiao Hui frown, "The Ai family specially ordered people to build this soft sedan, just to make Concubine Shu feel better on the road. Doctor Wan, what should we do now?"

Wan Zhibin, "I will inject a few needles into Concubine Shu, and then rest for a while, just..."

"Just what?" Jun Mozhe asked.

"It's just that Concubine Shu's fetus is not stable. Wei Chen suggested that it would be best to rest for a while and then return to the city." Wan Zhibin said, "If we still want to go to Qingci Garden, Wei Chen also suggested that we should walk slower. , but if we go any slower, I might not be able to reach Qingci Garden until the end of Shen Shi."

Less than a third of the distance has been traveled, so returning to the city is naturally the best choice.

Jun Mozhe said without hesitation, "Then go back to the city."

"Your Majesty~" Xiao Ruoyan's weak voice came from the soft sedan, "Yan'er doesn't want to go back to the city. It's her mother's birthday. Yan'er doesn't want to spoil the fun. Yan'er wants to go to Qingci Garden to celebrate her mother's birthday."

"But." Jun Mozhe hesitated.

Xiao Ruoyan said, "Your Majesty, please grant me your permission!"

"Oh! Okay!" Jun Mozhe agreed with a puff of sleeves. He went over to lift a corner of the curtain, took Xiao Ruoyan's hand and said heartily: "It's just that the journey is long, and Yan'er will have to work hard."

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(End of this chapter)

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