Chapter 114
It was not just a purse, it was embroidered by the prince himself.

"The prince was admiring flowers at Qianqiu Pavilion when he was knocked down by a passing eunuch and his wallet disappeared."

"My humble position requires me to order a search, so I brought these father-in-laws over so that the prince could have a look at them."

"It's just a purse, what's there to care about!" Fang Xinman came out of the crowd, walked to the Queen Mother, and held the Queen Mother's other hand, "Be careful, Queen Mother, Man'er is supporting you."

"Good boy!" Xiao Hui did not refuse.

Fang Xinman raised her mouth and looked at Wei Yan, "If the prince really likes purses, I can give the prince a few to save you from spending so much money."

"Today is the Queen Mother's birthday banquet. It's not nice to make such a fuss. You'd better let everyone go as soon as possible!"

Wei Yan glanced at Fang Xinman.

What did she think she was?
It's okay to be arrogant in Fenglan Kingdom. Thinking that you have gained some favor from the Queen Mother, you dare to be arrogant in their place of prosperity?

"Princess Lao Jingxian is worried. Your Majesty likes the lost purse because it was a gift from the Princess. Your Majesty will not accept or like the purses sent by anyone!"

Wei Yan's words were so rude that Fang Xinman's face suddenly changed in anger.

She pointed, "You..."

"The Crown Prince of Fenglan Kingdom, Feng Qingze, meets the Queen Mother Yuansheng, the Emperor, and the Queen."

Feng Qingze's voice suddenly appeared, interrupting Fang Xinman's words.

Fang Xinman shut up when she saw Feng Qingze coming and did not dare to speak anymore.

Situ Qiao and Situ Yu came with Feng Qingze. Like Feng Qingze, they also performed the most respectful etiquette in southern Xinjiang.

The Queen Mother smiled from ear to ear, "Hahaha, the Crown Prince is polite, the Third Prince, and the Thirteenth Prince are polite, please get up quickly!"

"Thank you, Queen Mother!" Feng Qingze and the others stood up.

As if by accident, Feng Qingze looked at Wei Yan, "Commander Wei, have you found that daring little eunuch?"

The news that Jun Mohan lost his wallet had already spread in Qingci Garden, and Feng Qingze naturally heard the news.

"I was about to take someone over to let the prince see me through." Wei Yan said matter-of-factly.

"I see King Yi waiting in the courtyard. Mr. Wei, you'd better go quickly. The Queen Mother has arrived, so don't delay the palace banquet."

Feng Qingze's words were a way of relieving Wei Yan from being blocked here and being delayed.

"Yes!" Wei Yan bowed and led the people away.

Feng Qingze was the prince of Fenglan Kingdom. When he spoke, Xiao Hui didn't speak again, which was a bit of a show of mercy to him.

Xiao Hui and others arrived, and the palace banquet officially began.

Among the people Wei Yan brought, there was no one Luo Jiuli was looking for.

She shook her head secretly, and Jun Mohan ordered, "Let them all go!"

"Yes!" Wei Yan waved his hand, and the guard let go of the eunuch he was holding.

After all the eunuchs had dispersed, Wei Yan got a signal from Jun Mohan, looked at the guards and said, "Thank you for your hard work, brothers, you all can get off!"

"As long as Wei Datong is in command, it won't be hard to work for the prince!" The leader of the guards said, "In this case, the humble few will retire!"

The leading guard led the people away, and Wei Yan spoke again, "Your Majesty, Princess, and Queen Mother have arrived. The palace banquet should start soon, and we have to go there."

Jun Mohan did not speak, but looked at Luo Jiuli.

Luo Jiuli nodded, "Let's go!"

People can't find it for a while and have no choice but to take one step at a time.The palace banquet was held in Wanhe Hall, the largest palace in Qingci Garden.

As soon as Jun Mohan and Luo Jiuli arrived at Wanhe Palace, the little eunuch guarding the entrance of the palace sang loudly, "His Royal Highness King Yi is here! Princess Yi is here!"

When Jun Mohan and Luo Jiuli approached Wanhe Hall hand in hand, all eyes were focused on them.

There is surprise, there is envy, there is jealousy...

In the Hall of Wanhe, the two people sitting at the top of the throne are not the emperor and the queen, but the emperor and the queen mother.

The queen, the majestic mother of a nation, actually sat one seat away from the queen mother.

After greeting each other, the Queen Mother looked at the two people below and asked with a smile, "Prince Yi, have you found your wallet?"

"No." Jun Mohan put his hands behind his back, "That little thief must think that my wallet is exquisite, so he couldn't bear to return it after taking it."

"It's just a purse, King Yi is making too much of a fuss!"

There are not many people in the court today who dare to speak out about Jun Mohan's fuss.

The left prime minister Xiao Xingguo who spoke was one of them.

"The purse was embroidered by my own hands. Even if it is made out of a fuss, I don't think it's a big deal." Jun Mohan turned his head and looked at Xiao Xingguo, raising his eyebrows slightly, "I have forgotten that there is no one in Mr. Xiao's house. Mistress, it is impossible for Mr. Xiao to personally experience the feeling of losing something given by a loved one!"

Luo Jiuli almost couldn't help but laugh when he heard this.

Pretty cruel!
Xiao Xingguo said that Jun Mohan was making a fuss out of a molehill.

Jun Mohan said that the Xiao family has no mistress!

Stab a knife in this matter!
If it were other mansions, the matter of not having the mistress would just be said, and it wouldn't be considered a stab.

But Zuo Xiangfu is different.

Xiao Xingguo had two daughters and one son. The son was born from a concubine and was born as a concubine.

Although his two daughters are legitimate children, their biological mothers are unknown!
That’s right, the biological mother is unknown!
Xiao Ruoyan and Xiao Ruoling were only known to others after they were born. At that time, the Xiao family was not the Prime Minister Zuo's Mansion, and their status was far lower than it is now.

However, because the Xiao family has a daughter who is a queen in the palace, especially since that daughter has been in the palace for many years and has never been favored, she has attracted much attention and ridicule.

That daughter is Xiao Hui!

Xiao Xingguo had a concubine but no wife, but a legitimate daughter?
This made everyone who was paying attention to the Xiao family suddenly find it interesting, so they sent people to investigate overtly and covertly. Everyone wanted to see who was the woman who gave birth to Xiao Xingguo's two legitimate daughters, but who had never been seen.

However, no matter how they checked, no one found out the reason.

As time passed, Xiao Xingguo did not marry a wife, and the position of mistress remained vacant, so rumors began to spread.

Some people say, 'Xiao Xingguo's wife must be ugly and faceless, otherwise why would she let the outside world speculate and never announce it to the public? '

Some people also say, 'Xiao Xingguo had a beloved woman, but his beloved woman was married. These two legitimate daughters were stolen from Xiao Xingguo's affair with his beloved woman. Xiao Xingguo's position as mistress has always been vacant. , just to keep it for his beloved woman. '

What most people are more willing to believe is the following speculation.

So there were a lot of overwhelming rumors.

As long as Xiao Xingguo gets closer to a woman, that woman will inevitably become the person who had an affair with Xiao Xingguo and gave birth to two legitimate daughters for him the next day.

In short, after many years, whenever the mistress of the Xiao family is mentioned, everyone will think of the woman who had an affair with Xiao Xingguo.

Regardless of whether the woman existed or not, and whether they were having an affair or not, everyone would feel this way.

Over time, the mistress of the Xiao family became synonymous with Yuan Sheng's affair.

Not a good word!
(End of this chapter)

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