Chapter 132 It’s really the Xiao family!

"In other words, they are private soldiers raised by the Xiao family."

Jun Mohan added, Luo Jiuli nodded in agreement and looked at Yin Hun, "Are we talking about it or not?"

Yinhun looked embarrassed and said nothing.

"It seems you still don't want to say it?" Luo Jiuli held a spiritual talisman between his two fingers and waved it deliberately in front of several ghosts. "You said you were banned, no problem. You can't tell me your name, so I will. All you have to do is answer yes or no."

"I have considered you so much, and since you don't know how to cherish it, then no wonder I am rude to you."

"You don't need to get a restrained attack, I can wipe you out in ashes right now!"

As Luo Jiuli spoke, he was about to recite a spell. Someone in the ghost finally spoke up, "No! Princess, no! I say! I say!"

"Shut up!" The leading man in black rolled his eyes and squinted at the ghost who was talking next to him, "Are you crazy?! They won't let us go if you tell us!"

The men in black are not talking about Luo Jiuli, but the people behind the men in black!

"Brother, if we don't tell, the princess will not let us go now!" Yinhun looked at Luo Jiuli and prayed: "Princess, I hope I told you that you can send a few of us to reincarnate safely."

"No problem." Luo Jiuli agreed.

After receiving the promise, Yinhun said with confidence: "Yes! It's the family the princess just mentioned."

It’s really the Xiao family!

Luo Jiuli was not surprised by this and continued to ask, "Who do the Xiao family want to save by taking me back?"

"Xiao Ruoyan?" Luo Jiuli guessed.

Yinhun said, "No."

"Xiao Hui?" Luo Jiuli guessed again.

Yinhun said, "No."

Luo Jiuli, "Xiao Xingguo?"

Yinhun said, "No."

"Xiao Pengguang?"

Xiao Pengguang, the eldest son of the Xiao family, took advantage of everything in food, drink, prostitution and gambling. He might have contracted some disease outside.

Luo Jiuli told everyone in the Xiao family one by one, but Yin Hun still said the same two words, "No."

"That's not it, that's not it, are you lying to me?" Luo Jiuli crossed his arms, took two steps back and forth, turned around and asked, "Are the people they want to save the Xiao family?"

Yinhun finally answered, "Yes!"

Luo Jiuli frowned slightly, filtering in her mind which Xiao family name she missed just now.

"Has that person ever appeared before the eyes of the world?"

Jun Mohan's words instantly enlightened Luo Jiuli, "Yes, has that person never appeared in front of the world?"

Otherwise, why would it be wrong for her to guess everything she knew about the Xiao family?

"Never appeared." Yinhun replied.

The Xiao family has never appeared! ?

"Where is this person?" Luo Jiuli asked again.

Yinhun said, "We can't say this."

"Is this also a restriction!?" Luo Jiuli was shocked.

Yinhun said, "That's right."

Luo Jiuli: "."

This is too damn careful!
Everything is prohibited!
If you accidentally mention it, it will turn into ashes!

"Is this person in the capital?" Luo Jiuli asked.

"Yes." Yin Hun affirmed.

Luo Jiuli, "In the Xiao Mansion?"


"Then" Luo Jiuli thought for a while, "Imperial Palace?"


Next, Luo Jiuli guessed the names of all the places in the capital that he knew, including cellars, brothels, etc., but he did not guess where the person was hidden by the Xiao family.Luo Jiuli was decadent, "Forget it, I won't guess anymore, it won't be right anyway."

"You know what else you can say, please say it truthfully and proactively."

"As long as the clues are useful, I can send you to be reincarnated, and at the same time, I can give you a free salvation, so that you can be reborn in a good family in your next life, with no worries about food and clothing!"

Luo Jiuli's words were extremely tempting.

However, the ghosts thought for a while and said one after another: "No."



"Alas!" Luo Jiuli sighed and looked at Jun Mohan, "Do you have anything to ask?"

Jun Mohan shook his head and said he had nothing to ask.

He reached out and rubbed Luo Jiuli's head, "Thank you for your hard work, ma'am."

Seeing the black fog that still hadn't dissipated in Jun Mo Hanyin Hall, Luo Jiuli expressed some sadness.

"Alas!" She sighed heavily again, turned her head to avoid Jun Mohan's hand, and faced the ghost, "I will send you to reincarnation now."

"Thank you, Princess!" The ghosts thanked them in unison.

Luo Jiuli closed his eyes and muttered something. After a while, the ghosts disappeared from the place.

Pei Yong and the people he brought were either well-trained or had seen similar scenes.

Anyway, they were not surprised at all knowing that Luo Jiuli could see and talk to Yin Hun.

Of course, this is only on the surface. In fact, only they know best whether they are surprised or not.

After sending away the ghosts, the forest returned to calm, with only the occasional swishing sound of the wind.

"Your Majesty, since the people have been dealt with, I will return to my humble duty!" Pei Yong bowed to Jun Mohan.

Jun Mohan said 'hmm' and said nothing. He thought for a while and added: "The information he got is inaccurate. You go back and tell him that if it happens again next time, we will cancel the cooperation."

Jun Mohan didn't say that the news was inaccurate, but Pei Yong knew that it was about Ruanjinsan!
Because this news came to Jun Mohan personally from Pei Yong.

"Yes!" Pei Yong bowed again, "Your Majesty will return to Qingci Garden with Beizhi."


Jun Mohan wanted to refuse, but Luo Jiuli suddenly interrupted him, "Yes! We want to go back with Mr. Pei."

The dark fog in Junmo Hanyintang has not cleared yet, who knows if we will encounter any dangers next.

Her martial arts skills are good, but she may not be able to protect him completely.

Just in case, it's better to have someone with you.

Pei Yong looked up at Luo Jiuli and then at Jun Mohan, not knowing who to listen to.

"Okay! Listen to my wife!" Jun Mohan took Luo Jiuli's hand and said to Pei Yong, "Then let's go together."


Pei Yong stood up and made a gesture. In an instant, everyone except him disappeared and hid.

The man in black, Lao Wu, had returned to the safety buckle at some point, enduring Wen Yi's various scolding remarks.

"Sister-in-law Wang is right, you are really stupid!"

"You can't even see the road, what else can you do!"

"If it weren't for Mrs. Wang and Brother Wang being lucky enough to escape death, would you believe it if I ate this princess? I'll let you be reincarnated! A fart!"

Wen Yi's words made Luo Jiuli couldn't help but want to laugh.

She felt that Wen Yi might have forgotten when he said this. With the current weak state of her soul, she was not as powerful as Lao Wu, a man in black who had just died.

When it comes to eating it, you can’t tell who will eat whom!

Luo Jiuli and Jun Mohan ran fast to avoid being chased, and unknowingly they had reached the top of the mountain.

If you want to go down the mountain, you have to walk for a long time.

Going down the mountain is not about going back the way we came, because the way we came was full of random people running around in places and was not a road.

(End of this chapter)

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