The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 146 Don’t kill innocent people indiscriminately!

Chapter 146 Don’t kill innocent people indiscriminately!

"Yeah." Chen Tingting nodded dullly.

"Why is your child acting weird today? Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere?" Aunt Chen saw some clues.

"No, grandma, I don't. I don't feel uncomfortable at all." Chen Tingting denied.

Aunt Chen said, "Why not? I feel that you are listless since you came back just now. Can you tell me what's wrong with you?"

"I really don't feel uncomfortable." Chen Tingting shook her head, "I just want to go back to work, and I feel a little reluctant to leave Aniang and Awang."

"You kid, why are you reluctant to let go? A-Niang and A-Wang are doing well at home, so just go ahead and go." Aunt Chen waved her hand.

"Yes." Chen Tingting gave Aunt Chen a piece of food, "My daughter is not with grandma on weekdays, so grandma must remember to eat more good food, so that my daughter will not worry."

Chen Tingting and Aunt Chen were chatting about their daily routine, and from time to time Chen Wang and Luo Jiuli would also chat with each other.

After Luo Jiuli finished his meal, before he could put down the bowls and chopsticks, a man in black, Lao Wu, floated in from outside the roof.

"Auntie, a group of men in black have entered the village and are searching from house to house. I think they are definitely here to catch you and Wang Yi, auntie. You should try to hide yourself quickly. They should be here soon."

As soon as the man in black, Lao Wu, finished speaking, there was a rough knock on the door, 'Bang!Bang bang! !Bang bang bang! ! ! '

"Open the door, open the door!!"

The man's strange voice made Mrs. Chen mutter, "Who is it!? What are you doing at night? It's like calling a ghost!"

'Bang bang bang! ! ! 'The knocking on the door continues.

"Ah Wang, go and see the door." After Mrs. Chen said to Chen Wang, she shouted towards the door, "Come on, come on, don't knock!"


Chen Wang put down his chopsticks and stood up, but Luo Jiuli held his hand down.

She quickly told the three of them: "Don't let them open the room where I am for a while. If you ask anything, just say you don't know."

Luo Jiuli's serious expression and tone made Chen Tingting and Aunt Chen instantly understand that this person was not a simple person, and the smiles on their faces also fell.

They nodded in agreement, "Okay."

Chen Wang also nodded, "Okay."

'Bang bang bang bang bang! ! ! ! 'The knocking on the door became more and more urgent and heavy, as if the door was being smashed.

"If you don't open the door yet, we will be rude. Open the door quickly!"

There was a fierce urging from outside the door.

Luo Jiuli let go of Chen Wang's hand and returned to the room, followed by Chen Wang.

Seeing that Luo Jiuli was about to move Jun Mohan, Chen Wang hurriedly stepped forward to help lift Jun Mohan's feet, "Sister A told me to open the door and let me help Sister Luo."

Luo Jiuli nodded, "Thank you."

At this time, the door outside the house was opened. Chen Tingting looked at the four men in black standing in front of the door holding swords, with a look of fear on her face, "Brothers, you, you"

Before Chen Tingting could finish speaking, the man in black interrupted her and asked, "Are there any strangers at home?"

"Stranger? No, no." Chen Tingting shook her head fearfully.The man in black waved his hand, and the three men in black immediately squeezed past Chen Tingting into the small courtyard.

"Hey! What are you going to do!" Chen Tingting wanted to stop him.

The man in black who was still at the door pulled out a machete in front of Chen Tingting and warned: "Don't make any noise, or I'll kill you!"

Chen Tingting looked at the big knife in front of her and swallowed carefully, "Brother, there are really no strangers in our family. My brother has to go to school tomorrow. You guys, please be sure to keep your voice down, otherwise you will wake up my stupid brother. , he will be able to find excuses not to go to school tomorrow."

"Ouch! Who are you!? How did you come to my house!?" Mrs. Chen came out of the kitchen with a cane and watched three men in black searching each room.

Just when one of the men in black was about to push open the door to the room opposite the kitchen, Aunt Chen stopped her in time and said: "Oh! Brother, my son has already fallen asleep, so don't disturb him, otherwise this bastard will The boy is going to make trouble for the old lady again soon!"

The man in black who was summoned stopped in mid-air and turned to look at Aunt Chen, "Old woman, what are you doing standing there? Is there someone hiding inside?"

"Oh! You kid, what an old woman, you should, eh!"

Looking at the big knife suddenly lying in front of her, Aunt Chen stopped talking.

"Tell me, is there someone hiding inside?" The man in black moved his sword closer to Aunt Chen's neck.

Aunt Chen raised her neck and hid backwards. Unexpectedly, the crutches tilted and her center of gravity became unstable, so she fell backwards.

It hit with a loud bang.

Seeing this, Chen Tingting dodged the sword, quickly ran over to help Aunt Chen up, and asked anxiously, "Auntie, are you okay?"

"Ouch! Ouch!" Aunt Chen didn't say anything. She just held her waist and kept shouting, "Who are these people! I came to someone else's house late at night and searched here and there. I don't know if I thought you were here." They are from the government, and robbers are all robbers! I want to report it to the government! I want to report it to the government!"

"Hmph! Old woman, have you lived too long and become tired of living? You want to die. Labor and capital will help you!"

The man in black brandished a knife and was about to chop at Aunt Chen. Chen Tingting was so frightened that she hugged Aunt Chen tightly and blocked her body.

"Stop!" The man in black at the door yelled, "Don't kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

The big knife successfully stopped just a few centimeters away from Chen Tingting. The man in black was puzzled and looked at the man in black at the door, "Boss, what did you say!?"

Don't kill innocent people indiscriminately? ?
How many of them have killed innocent people indiscriminately?

"What nonsense!" The boss of the man in black impatiently threw the big knife at the man in black. He thought that the big knife would hurt the man in black, but unexpectedly the big knife was inserted directly at the foot of the man in black. "Hurry up and do something. ! Search for the person, otherwise you and I will have to walk around without food if we can’t find the person!"

The man in black looked at the cold gleaming sword at his feet and had no choice but to give up and not kill Mrs. Chen and her daughter.

He put away the big knife, snorted coldly at Mrs. Chen and her daughter, and walked into the kitchen.

What he didn't see was that the moment he entered the kitchen, the boss of the man in black who had been yelling at him just now made a childish move of opening his palms and turning them over.

Aunt Chen and Chen Tingting, who had narrowly escaped death, were so frightened that they broke into a cold sweat.

"It's okay, it's okay." Chen Tingting patted Aunt Chen's back gently.

She picked up the crutches from the ground and put it in Aunt Chen's hand, "Auntie, I'll help you sit down and have a rest. I'll give you the medicine after they leave for a while."

"Okay!" Aunt Chen nodded. She saw the boss of the man in black was about to push away the room where Luo Jiuli was, and hurriedly stopped her loudly, "Brother, my son has already rested. Can you not let me go?"

(End of this chapter)

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