Chapter 207 From now on, I will pamper you!
When the imperial edict of marriage arrived at Prince Yi's Mansion, the culprit who poisoned Xia Qingci happened to have information. He chased him all the way, but was not in the manor at the time. By the time he returned to the manor, it was already a foregone conclusion.

He took the imperial edict that the butler had received for him and was about to go to the palace to ask the late emperor to take back his life. However, the late emperor seemed to have known his intention and had closed the palace door early and avoided seeing him.

He only asked Eunuch Cui to pass on a message to him, saying that this girl and he were connected in the past life and will continue to live in this life. If she misses it, she will regret it for the rest of her life!

He also said that this girl was in the hands of the Empress. The Empress was very satisfied, and it was up to him whether to marry or not.

At that time, Xiao Hui had been the queen of the palace for many years, but the queen Cui Eunuch mentioned was not her, but the long-dead Queen Yichun, Xia Qingci.

When he heard those words, Jun Mohan felt ridiculous.

When his mother passed away, he was only six years old, and the woman in the marriage certificate was only three years old. How did his mother control his eyes?
Moreover, don’t think he doesn’t know, it was clearly his father who was rescued when he was in trouble, and in order to repay his kindness, he gave his daughter the title of Princess Yi!
The late emperor said that he could marry him or not, but he had no intention of taking back the imperial edict.

At that time, the late emperor was already weak in body and mentally weak. Whenever he asked the late emperor to withdraw the imperial edict, Eunuch Cui would use this to tell him not to mention it again, so that His Majesty would have peace of mind.

So, just like that, in order to make the late emperor less worried, Jun Mohan married Luo Jiuli.

It is no problem to say that the emperor's order cannot be violated.

"Oh! That's it!" Luo Jiuli sat up suddenly, stood up, and looked at him condescendingly, "Although the emperor's order cannot be violated, I think that based on the father's love for you, he must want you to live well. Happiness and ease, as long as you and I are willing to make peace, my father will definitely not have any objections."

The word "harmony" successfully made Jun Mohan's face darken, "Don't even think about it!"

"Didn't you say that marrying me was the emperor's order?" Luo Jiuli crossed his arms, "Since you have to marry me so reluctantly, then forget it!"

"If you don't force me, it's not an imperial order that cannot be violated!" Jun Mohan hurriedly explained, "The person I want to marry has always been a woman, and it has never changed."

Before meeting Luo Jiuli, for Jun Mohan, it was indeed the emperor's order that could not be violated.

The princess and the mistress are just noble ornaments that he brought home according to the emperor's order.

When he came back this time, he wanted to expose the true identities of the Xiao Hui brothers and the Nanyang King.

The second is to thoroughly investigate the queen mother's poisoning again.

The third is to be together with the noble decoration that was invited back!
However, when he saw the face of the noble decoration, not only did he not want to divorce, but he was still secretly rejoicing.

Fortunately, he didn't resist the decree in the first place!
Glad he married her!

Fortunately, he married her, the one who has been at the forefront of his heart since ten years ago and who he secretly misses from time to time!
"Hey!" Luo Jiuli raised his chin, "Why do you mean the person you want to marry is always me? You said it as if we have met before."

"Perhaps the lady has forgotten..."

"Impossible!" Luo Jiuli sat back down, looked at Jun Mohan and said, "Although I'm not as good as you, I can't forget anything, but I have a very good memory. Things that I will never forget for a long time.”

"You are so good-looking. If we had met, we would definitely not forget you."

Luo Jiuli couldn't guarantee anything else, but she could guarantee that if she grew up to be the best in the world like Jun Mohan, she would definitely, really, really guarantee that as long as she had seen him, she would definitely have a photographic memory!

Just kidding, although such a man is unflattering, but if you think about it from time to time, you can always make two bowls of rice!
"Good-looking?" Jun Mohan raised the corners of his mouth, feeling a little proud, "Thank you for your wife's compliments!"

"You're welcome, you're welcome." Luo Jiuli waved his hand proudly, "You deserve it!"

"A lady is worthy of having one too." Jun Mohan answered the words quickly.Luo Jiuli was a little embarrassed, "Are you complimenting me on my beauty?"

"Of course, the most beautiful woman and the most talented woman in the capital are nothing compared to my wife."

Jun Mohan said it was natural, and Luo Jiuli responded naturally. She patted her chest, "That's necessary! Not only am I prettier than them, but I'm also richer than them all!"

She poked Jun Mohan's elbow lightly, "Hey, Jun Mohan, we must have met before, right?"

"Although I don't have you in my memory, there were several times when I felt that you looked at me as if you were an old acquaintance. Did you admit that you were wrong? Or, you didn't admit that you were wrong. Is it really that I remembered wrongly?"

Before Jun Mohan opened his mouth, Wei Yan's rough voice came from outside the door.

"Miss Chen, stay here. The master and his wife are discussing important matters in the house."

"Please sir, please tell Miss Luo that it's time for lunch."

Hearing Chen Tingting's voice, Luo Jiuli suddenly remembered, "Oh, by the way! I forgot to tell you that Chen Tingting wants to leave the palace. I think she has never acted like a monster in the palace over the years. It's thanks to them that we fell off the cliff this time. I want to help you, so I agreed, you..."

"It's okay." Jun Mohan held Luo Jiuli's hand and rubbed the back of her hand with his thumb, "My lady has the final say on everything in the house."

"Master, Madam, it's noon, it's time to eat." Wei Yan faced into the room.

"Here we come." Luo Jiuli stood up and walked out. Halfway through, he looked back at the person lying on the bed and called his name, "Jun Mohan, the past has flown by. From now on, I will pamper you." !”

The soft voice was not less domineering, causing Jun Mohan's calm heart to ripple, making him unable to calm down for a long time.

"it is good."

Looking at the direction Luo Jiuli was leaving, he was stunned and responded softly.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Wen Yi went crazy, excitedly rushed out of the safety buckle, and kept circling around Luo Jiuli, "Sister-in-law Wang! You, you, you, you are so domineering!!! I like it so much! !!!Really like!!!!!"

Luo Jiuli just sat down on the stool in the main room and took the rice served for her by Chen Tingting. She rolled her eyes and was almost crazy. Wen Yi was making a lot of noise like a maniac!

After all, she is the majestic Princess Yuansheng, why can't she be more reserved like her?

Seeing the two of them communicating with each other, Wen Yi's aunt's heart was already so excited that it was about to beat. Even though she knew that Luo Jiuli disliked him, she continued to circle around Luo Jiuli without any restraint.

There were many people at the table, and Luo Jiuli didn't bother to care about her.

She used her chopsticks to pick up some green vegetables and pile them into the bowl. When she saw that there was vegetarian soup, she took another bowl, filled it with the soup and rice, picked up the two bowls and walked out.

"Miss Luo, don't you want to eat first?" Chen Tingting asked.

"No." Luo Jiuli shook his head and said as he walked out, "I'm not hungry yet. It's too late to eat after I feed him. You eat first without waiting for me."

After a whole morning of digestion, Aunt Chen had come out of her depressed mood. She looked at Luo Jiuli's figure and sighed heavily, "Oh! This child..."

(End of this chapter)

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