The Almighty Princess: She makes waves in the capital with her metaphysics

Chapter 252 Ating, come and open the door for grandpa

Chapter 252 Ating, come and open the door for grandpa

Second Sister-in-law Chen glanced at the children playing in the courtyard, pulled her second daughter-in-law to stand aside, and said with her heart in her heart, "Don't just run to your parents' house if something happens. My second daughter is right." How good you are, but you don’t have any idea?”

"Second sister-in-law, what do you mean by this?" The second daughter-in-law was a little unhappy, "Brother Erwa is good to me, could I not be good to him?"

"Ouch! That's not what I meant!! Why don't you understand!!!" Sister-in-law Chen patted the second daughter-in-law's hand, "What I mean is that the second daughter-in-law is so good to you. There is something going on at home, and you are like His mother is caught up in that thing, right? If you are not in good health, you should help take care of it or take care of it!"

"What do you think it would be like if you took the child back to your parents' home at this time? There will be gossip in the village!"

"What kind of gossip can you spread!" the second daughter-in-law said nonchalantly, "With that thing at home, who wouldn't be afraid? I took the child back to my parents' house for the sake of the child, right?"

"That's true, but the people in the village don't think so." Sister-in-law Chen thought she knew the people in the village very well. She said, "When the news comes out, people won't say that you are doing it for the good of the children." Or something like that, I will only say that you are scared, hypocritical, and can even leave your own mother-in-law behind if something happens!"

Second Sister-in-law Chen clicked her tongue, "Tell me, if these words are spread out, it will be very unpleasant, right?"

"Yeah." The second daughter-in-law nodded, but then said, "But I don't care what those talkative women say. Anyway, I have a clear conscience in my heart."

"Alas! You are a typical person who doesn't know how to worry until his butt is burned!!"

Second Sister-in-law Chen sighed and took the second daughter-in-law's hand.

"You also know what kind of person my second sister-in-law is. If I can tell you these heartfelt words today, she definitely treats you as my own sister, don't you know?"

"If it were anyone else today, I would never say these words!"

"I don't want her to be talked about by the people in the village. I have nothing to do with my second sister-in-law. I am only responsible for watching and having fun. Do you think that's right? Is that true? Just say that's not true." Is this reasonable???”

"Hey, yes, yes!!!" The second daughter-in-law nodded in agreement, "I know the second sister-in-law is good to me, thank you second sister-in-law!"

"Hey! What's so polite about this!! Anyway, that's all the second sister-in-law said. From now on, you should be smarter, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I know." The second daughter-in-law nodded her head like garlic, with a look of gratitude on her face after being enlightened.

"It's good to know! We are all fellow villagers, so we have to take care of each other like this, otherwise..." Second Sister-in-law Chen paused slightly as she spoke, "Hey! I won't tell you, you can grow up on your own Let’s have some snacks!! Jiu Li is far away from them!! I have to catch up quickly!!!”

"The second baby was having lunch when he came home to look for his third uncle. Jiuli and the others followed him, but they probably didn't even get a few bites. I had to catch up quickly so that they could go back with me to eat more!!! "

Before Sister-in-law Chen could finish her words, she quickly chased after Luo Jiuli.

The second daughter-in-law stood by the door and shouted loudly, "Second sister-in-law! Why don't you stay and talk to me for a while!!"

"No, no! Let's chat some other time when we have time!!!"

As soon as Sister-in-law Chen left, Erwa Chen walked out of the main room carrying an empty bowl.

"Xiaofen, what are you doing standing at the door?"

"It's nothing." The second daughter-in-law turned around. There was no trace of the gratitude on her face when she faced Second Sister-in-law Chen. Some of her just sneered, "It's just that I feel dizzy after hearing people brag too much."

What heartbreaking words?
Why don't you say it if you change someone else? ?
What kind of words would not be heard well in the village? ? ?
Ah! !Do you really think she is a three-year-old child who is easy to deceive? ?

Didn’t you know that Sister-in-law Chen, the second sister-in-law, has the longest tongue in the village? ? ?
whispering sound!You don't have the guts to brag to her? ?
Do you think she will believe it? ? ?
"What! Are you dizzy?" Chen Erwa took a few steps over and placed her palm on the second daughter-in-law's forehead, with a worried look on her face, "You were fine just now, why are you dizzy now???"

"Daughter-in-law, just wait. Xiao Zuo just left not long ago. I'm going to find him right now and let him take a good pulse on you!"

Chen Erwa didn't even have time to put down the bowl and was about to chase it. "Hey!" The second daughter-in-law grabbed him, "No, no, no!!!! I'm fine, I'm fine!!! I'm kidding you!"

"What?" Chen Erwa stopped, her worry not diminishing, "Is it really okay???"

"It's okay!" Chen Erwa's concern for her made the second wife's heart warm. She said again, "It's really okay!!"

"Okay then!" Chen Erwa then came back and said no matter what, he would help his second daughter-in-law to sit down on the chair, "Daughter-in-law, if you really feel any discomfort, just tell me so that I can help you." Doctor, show it to you!"

The second daughter-in-law said, "I know, I'm fine, go and do your work!"

"Okay." Chen Erwa took the bowl and walked into the kitchen. After walking a few steps, she turned back and said, "Xiao Zuo went to get pills for the old team leader. He will come back later. I'd better ask him to take a good pulse on you, it's okay..."

"Okay, okay!!!" The second daughter-in-law waved her hand, "Go and do your work! I'm really fine!! I was really, really kidding you just now!!!"


The mist covers the moon, the cool breeze is gentle, let go of the ugly time.




The old voice was hollow and distant, as if coming from hell.

'Ating, grandpa is here. Good boy, come and open the door for grandpa.'

'Come and open the door for grandpa~'

'Come and open the door for grandpa~'

The sound of a door opening sounded particularly loud in the silent night.

The person standing guard outside the door was not Wei Yan, but a secret guard whom Luo Jiuli didn't know.

The secret guard looked at Chen Tingting who came out of the main room, "Miss Chen, why are you up again?"

Chen Tingting didn't seem to hear the secret guard's words. Her eyes were empty and lifeless, and a voice kept hovering in her head.

'Ating~ Grandpa is right outside the door~ Grandpa is so cold~ Come and open the door for Grandpa~'

'Ating~Grandpa is back to see you~'

'Good boy~ That's right~ Just keep going forward like this~ Come and open the door for grandpa~'

"Wang Wang!! Wang Wang Wang!!!"

Xiao Huang, who was sleeping soundly under the eaves just now, woke up at some point, spread out his legs, ran to the courtyard, raised his tail, and barked at the door.

"Woof woof woof woof!!! Woof woof woof woof!!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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