Chapter 258 I’ll punish you with a kiss from me!
Aunt Chen just came out of the kitchen door. She looked at Chen Tingting and asked, "Rinse it clean????"

Chen Tingting passed by Aunt Chen carrying a bucket, "Yeah."

"Then go to bed early." Aunt Chen said, "Look at you, you look a lot haggard these days. Don't get up again at night. Have a good sleep until dawn, and wait for grandma to call you early tomorrow morning. You get up."

"Okay!" Chen Tingting put the bucket next to the water tank, came over to support Aunt Chen, and walked slowly towards the main room, "I understand, grandma, I won't get up again in a while."


After sleeping late at night, Luo Jiuli opened his eyes in a daze, and the room was already bright.

"Miss Luo, get up quickly and have lunch!"

Chen Tingting's voice came from outside the door.


It's an embarrassing sound.

"Woke up???"

The deep voice penetrated the chest, and even through the thin layer of clothing, Luo Jiuli felt the dense vibrations in his chest.

She raised her head from her arms and met a pair of deep eyes, "Well, wake up, Gulu~Gulu~"

My stomach is still growling.

"Haha." Jun Mohan chuckled, hugging Luo Jiuli tightly, his eyes full of doting, "My husband's little lazy boy is hungry!"

"Who is your little slacker!" Luo Jiuli's cheeks turned red, she nestled into his arms again, sniffing the light sandalwood, and said in a low voice, "It's already noon, why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

There was a hint of smile in Jun Mohan's eyes, and his chin rested on Luo Jiuli's head, "Madam, I sleep late at night, so I really want you to sleep a little longer."

Jun Mohan knew about Luo Jiuli getting up at night.

Luo Jiuli's heart warmed slightly, and she looked up at his handsome face, "Then have you had breakfast?"


This time it wasn't Luo Jiuli's stomach that was growling.

Her eyes moved, "Your belly..."

The little lips that were not blooming were like cherries, and Jun Mohan couldn't help but lower his head and kiss Fangze, with a smile in his eyes, "What do you think?"

The soft touch made Luo Jiuli slightly distracted, "I, I said? What did I say??"



Both of their stomachs growled at the same time.

Jun Mohan's fingertips were slightly bent, and he tapped Luo Jiuli's forehead. The smile in his eyes became even bigger, "Do you think my husband ate or didn't eat this morning?"

"Ouch!" Luo Jiuli covered his head and cried out in pain. He pouted and said dissatisfiedly: "If you haven't eaten, you haven't eaten. Why did you hit me!"

"Haha." Jun Mohan smiled, knowing clearly that with his strength just now, Luo Jiuli would not be in pain, but he still gently softened her forehead, "You haven't even eaten, how can you be a husband?" If you eat alone, no one will feed you, right?"

"No!" Luo Jiuli rolled his eyes, "You have so many secret guards, who can't feed you?"

"I am afraid that they will poison me." Jun Mohan lowered his head and kissed the corner of Luo Jiuli's forehead gently, "Except for my wife, I don't trust anyone."

Those affectionate eyes and those firm and gentle words are like pebbles falling into the lake of your heart, causing ripples and making you unable to calm down for a long time.

"Miss Luo, Miss Luo, it's time for lunch!"

Chen Tingting's voice suddenly brought Luo Jiuli back to her senses. She put her hand in the middle, put a little distance between herself and Jun Mohan, and shouted back: "Here we come!" Luo Jiuli's actions made Jun Mohan very unhappy. , the hand on her waist tightened, and the distance between the two became closer again.

"Oh! What are you doing!!" Luo Jiuli was afraid of touching Jun Mohan's injury and did not dare to move too much. He just tilted his head back and said, "Let me go quickly. I have to get up. I'm starving to death!"

"It's all your fault. If you had called me up earlier, this wouldn't have happened!!"

Jun Mohan liked how Luo Jiuli treated him with such a little temper, and said with a smile, "Yes, yes, it's all my husband's fault. I hope the lady will ignore the villain's fault and spare my husband this time!" "

"Hmph!" Luo Jiuli raised his lips, "I won't forgive you. What if you do it again next time? I'll really starve to death, so I have to punish you this time! You have to be punished heavily! !”

"Yes, yes, I will accept the punishment for my husband." Jun Mohan put away his smile and asked seriously, "I will punish you whatever you say, and I will accept it for my husband!"

"Hmm... Then I have to think about it. I must punish you severely to see if you dare to do it again next time!"

Luo Jiuli pretended to be fierce and looked cute. Jun Mohan couldn't help laughing and touched her head, "Okay, okay, madam, think about it slowly, don't be in a hurry."

Luo Jiuli snorted, thought about it, and said solemnly, "I'm going to...punish be kissed by me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Luo Jiuli kissed Jun Mohan as fast as lightning.

However, just when she was about to retreat as fast as possible, a big hand was faster than her, suppressed the back of her head, and suddenly pushed her back.

For a long time, Chen Tingting watched Luo Jiuli come out.

When her eyes fell on Luo Jiuli's slightly swollen lips, a clear smile flashed across her eyes, "Miss Luo, your mouth?"

Luo Jiuli touched his numb lips and secretly cursed a bitch!
Do you understand what moderation is? !

It’s like I’ve never seen a woman before! ! ! !

"It's okay, I just got up in a hurry and knocked on the bedside." Luo Jiuli said nonsense seriously.

"Uh, hehehe." Chen Tingting smiled awkwardly, "That's it!"

Wei Yan, who was guarding the door again at some point, said, "..."

Is the princess deceiving them as fools? ? ? ?

Chen Tingting obviously called Laojiu at the door. After waiting for Laojiu, she took a long time to come out. She even got up in a hurry. What a liar? ? ? ?

Chen Wang left school early today, and when Luo Jiuli arrived at the main room, he was already eating his second bowl of rice.

"Sister Luo, why is your mouth swollen again?"

"Did Xiao Huang bite you again?"

These two characters 'and' are used very wonderfully.

Luo Jiuli couldn't calmly blurt out the excuse he just told Chen Tingting.

Aunt Chen also saw that Luo Jiuli's lips were slightly swollen. As someone who had experienced this, she had a clear idea of ​​why her mouth was swollen and why it was swollen like this!

"This little yellow is still biting. He is getting more and more disobedient! He must be punished!!" Mrs. Chen smiled and gave Chen Wang some food with chopsticks. "I will punish him by not eating at noon! I will feed him in the evening."

"Yeah." Chen Wang nodded and added angrily, "I won't feed it at night. I'll feed it tomorrow. We'll see if it dares to bite Sister Luo in the future!"

Xiao Huang, who was lying on the ground for no reason, was so frightened by the words of the mother and son that he did not dare to wag his tail.

Luo Jiuli also said "hehe" in embarrassment and said nothing.

Perhaps he was angry at Jun Mohan, but Luo Jiuli had eaten his fill first before carrying the food to the house to feed Jun Mohan.

(End of this chapter)

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