Chapter 264 She doesn’t understand anything!
"That's right, you lied to us guys!"

"Why did I lie to you?" Aunt Chen put one hand on her waist and patted the man next to her, "A Tian, ​​tell me, are you really going to get a wife?"

Being watched by so many people at the same time, Ah Tian was a little nervous. He put his hands in front of him and rolled up the corners of his clothes to play with them.


"You all heard it! I didn't lie to you, did I!!" The third cousin raised her chin and said to Ah Tian in a very proud manner, "Tell me again, when is the wedding day? "

"Oh! Even the date is set!!"

"So fast! It seems like it can't be faked!!"

"Yeah yeah!!!"

"The day after tomorrow." Ah Tian raised his head and said with a grin, "The day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow Ah Tian can marry a wife! The day after tomorrow Ah Tian can have a baby with me, hehehe!!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!"

The crowd burst into laughter.

"Have a baby! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!"

Someone joked, "A Tian, ​​do you know how to give birth to a baby? Do you want my uncle to help you!"

"Huh????" Ah Tian frowned, bit his finger, and thought for a moment. His eldest uncle only told him that he could have a baby with his wife after he married her. It seemed that he really didn't tell him what to do to have a baby. Bring out the doll.

So, A-Tian nodded vigorously, "Yes, yes, A-Tian wants uncle to help!"


Everyone burst into laughter again.

"Ah Tian is still filial, hahahaha, even the baby can be helped by my uncle to sow seeds!"

"Hahahahahahahaha, Ah Tian, ​​you can't give in to your wife! Baby, you can only wait for your wife to give birth!!"

"Chen Laoba! You son of a bitch!!"

The third cousin treated A Tian better than her own son. Now when she heard someone dared to miss his wife, she didn’t care who the person was. She rolled up her sleeves and started scolding her, even though the third cousin tried to stop her. Can't live.

"You said it's not good for you to miss someone's wife, but you have to miss my boss's wife!!!"

"Your mother-in-law is dead! I still have land and I won't let you, an old cow, plow it! You have to worry about my boss's wife! Don't look at what your own land has become!"

"Ha! I can't cultivate my own land, so I still have time to worry about other people's land! Hahahaha!!! What a big joke!!!"

The third cousin's aunt pulled away the third cousin's hand that was blocking her, put her hands on her hips, and faced Chen Laoba in the crowd, "Bah! Shameless thing!!"

"You run out every day when you have free time. If I were you, I would stay at home every day and take precautions. Maybe some bastard will secretly plow my land!"

"Oh!" The third cousin sighed, and then continued in a strange tone, "Plow it as long as you want, because you are afraid of leaving seeds behind. What if you accidentally raise a son for someone else's family, that would be really big. That’s not good!”

Luo Jiuli: "…………"

She is still an innocent girl and she doesn’t understand anything!
Well, they're just talking about fields and land!

Oh no!Also add a hard-working little black cow, a small scalper will do!
"Lao San's mother-in-law! What nonsense are you farting in your mouth!!"

Chen Laoba in the crowd looked angry and threw down the pole in his hand.

'Crack! ! ! 'The sound of the pole touching the ground. "I was just joking, what's wrong with you!"

"Hey! Lao Ba, don't get angry, don't get angry!!!" Someone on the side stopped Chen Lao Ba and persuaded him, "She never speaks out of her mind, why are you arguing with her about this!"

"That's right, we are all from the same village, we are all relatives, don't hurt the harmony, don't hurt the harmony!!"

The third cousin also stopped the third cousin again, "That's enough, you! I'm joking, you've repaid me ten times, what else do you want!"

"Get out of here!" The third cousin pulled him away and pushed him aside, "If you don't seek justice for A Tian, ​​I, as an aunt, still have to make the decision for him. !”

When it comes to Atian, the third cousin has always disowned her, so this time Chen Laoba was in trouble.

"Why does Chen Laoba say that it's okay if he wants to help Atian give birth to a baby? I said that his family's land is being plowed, but it's not okay?"

"Oh, he was joking, but I can't be joking??"

"Fucking bullshit! I won't listen!!"

Luo Jiuli silently gave her a thumbs up for her third cousin's aunt's strong fighting prowess.

She turned around and entered the room, sat down next to Aunt Chen, took the unfinished sugar water and took a sip.

Warmth flowed into my throat, which made me feel quite relieved. The shadow of being hugged tightly by my third cousin just now was completely eliminated.

Outside the door, the third cousin and Chen Laoba started arguing.

At this time, they were no longer obsessed with the matter just now, but were turning over various old almanacs and arguing. Even a small chicken was not spared from their mouths.

Third cousin, "The year before last, your chicken came to our house to poop. Did I say anything to you?"

"You didn't say anything, you just stewed the chicken for me!" Chen Laoba's face turned red, "You still have the nerve to bring me a bowl of chicken soup! You haven't eaten chicken before, you shameless bitch !!!”

"I'm shameless!?? You said I'm shameless??!!!" The third cousin laughed angrily, "I'm so fucking shameless! Otherwise, if I stew your chicken, your family won't even There are no chicken bones to be seen!”

"If you have a bowl of chicken soup, you should be Amitabha!"

Chen Laoba, "You said that, so I have to thank you!"

"Hey! That's right!! You really need to thank me!!"

The third cousin's aunt straightened her back.

"Your chicken comes to my house to poop again and again. When I just sweep the yard, it poops everywhere when I turn around. How many times have I told you, but you won't listen. If you don’t care, you have to let it run over every day, pull, pull, pull, I’ll let it pull!”

"Since your family doesn't have enough space for it to poop, I'll do some hard work and help you stew it. After it's stewed, I'll even thoughtfully deliver the chicken soup to your door. If you don't thank me, who will I be thanking?"

"You stewed my chicken and you still have reason!"

Chen Laoba was so angry that he gritted his teeth. If it weren't for a group of people surrounding him and pulling him, the two of them would have been fighting each other.

"Hey! I really make sense!"

The third cousin had her hands on her hips, and she was quite capable of dealing with a clumsy-tongued man like Chen Laoba.

"Your chicken pooped first, and I didn't stew it first. If it hadn't pooped, I wouldn't have stewed it for no reason!"

(End of this chapter)

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